Sunday, August 06, 2006

Why is it that when you just think everything is going peachy something turns up and throws a spanner in the works? I think God must have a very sick sense of humour or a very bad sense of timing. Perhaps I just have too many skeletons in my closet?Anyway enough babbling on about rubbish. Lets get onto business....

It's been another busy weekend for me. I have travelled up and down the country and probably done over 400 miles in the last two days alone. I had a busy week at work. Was on a late shift which was awful, there were too many people off on hols so I could'nt even take a day off!

Something really strange happened to me on Thursday night. It was one of those chance things I think when two peoples paths cross and your meant to meet. I was travelling home from work on the train reading my book as usual when the train had technical problems. It was funny but me and this lady got chatting as we were the only ones in the carriage. She was 83 years old and a totally amazing woman. She telling me all about her life and how so much has happened in the 83 years she has lived. Planes, trains, space, t.v. ,technology and how she has taken advantage of it all the best she could. It got me thinking about stuff. All the usual sorts of things about life being short and that you should certainly make the most of it but more importantly how these older people are just forgotten about when they reach a certain age. Why is it that we continue to make the same mistakes they made? Simply because we don't listen to those older people. I reckon a good idea would be kinda like a public service for these older people once they reach retirment age. so for example they get to 60 or 65 and then go work in a company for a year or two where they can give there experience and life skills to everyone. Everyone would be a winner, the older folk would feel valued and the work force and companies would benefit too.

Saturday I was in Liverpool helping a friend move apartments. The place is really beautiful and as you can see from the pics below really old. (I'm sure Todd will love this bit) It used to be an old boy's school first built in 1843 by a chap called Harvey Lonsdale Elmes. It is called the Collegiate and it was stood empty and unused for many years. Until 2001 when it was converted into flats. I have been amazed just how many old buildings that are as breath taking as this one are just sat around Liverpool crumbling. It is a real shame.

The building has remained very much the same but amazingly they have built these beautiful apartments inside the building. Keeping the external looks of the building, the main stairways, fireplaces etc....but have created 100 apartments. It is really nice inside the apartments. They are predominantly one and two bedroom places, all open plan with massive ceilings which means they can have the bed high up on a mezzaline floor. Really amazing place to live as it is only one minute from the city centre.

On Sunday after only having a few hours to recover from my travels I met up with Tom and Guy. We decided to go to Lakeside Shopping centre which is always a laugh. Tom will drag us to all these shops to juts like smell things and touch clothes and not actually buy anything. LOL (You know I love you Tom) I had to buy a few Birthday pressies. I managed to get what i needed to get anyway. I could'nt ask for better friends than Tom and Guy, they always cheer me up.

I could'nt believe that they managed to turn up more than on time today but actually 15 minutes Early! I really was'nt expecting to see them until lunchtime. It's a bit of a long running joke that they never make it on time and that I always add an extra hour onto their expected ETA. I think I'm expected to pay them a compliment but I'm not gonna (he he) they should never be late it's rude!

The shopping centre was quiet I expected it to be busier but I think because of the sun shining outside everyone went to the sea side instead.

Dvd of the week this week was Exorcist, the beggining. I was expecting it to be really crap but I was really suprised that I enjoyed it. It was'nt as good as the first exorcist movie but I would deffinately recommend it. If you like the whole horror thing then watch it. It had some good effects and a decent storyline. I'm gonna give it 3 stuey stars

Well thats about all for this week I think. Not been upto a great deal but then i've spent most of it in the car. Which was a great drive, I took a bit of risk driving all that way in a car that I only owned for a couple of weeks. My little baby goes into the garage tomorrow to be serviced and tuned so hopefully he will be ready for our little adventure to the Lake District in Septmeber.. Hope your all well and happy.

I know Raks is not very well right now so I wish him better.....xxxxx

Lots of love Stu.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stu-Pot!

Well i got 2 admit my Monday mornings just got more interesting! On top of me reading the FT, surfing the net, having loads of 10 min breaks and social emails @ work i have ur blog 2 read now :)

The Collegiate looks well cool from both the inside n much r those apartments? wud b worthwhile in buying 1 or 2 as an investment..."Raks rings his dad for a proposition" lol

Hope ur treating the new car kindly. Travelling all the way 2 l'pool n bak must had been exhausting (n i am not thinking of u Stu but the car!!) awww the poor thing...

Rite i best b off - my managers looking @ me wondering wot i am doing as i am not monitoring any of my advisors....they r such a bunch of boring old ppl!!! I tried to explain wot blogs r 2 one of my advisors in my team n i showed urs as an example - he just looked @ me in a funny way - oh well lol But keep updating all of us with ur blog mr.

PS: who is the guy that u took a pic of his back [the btm pic]? He has a cute bum mmmmmmm lol

Raks xxx

4:31 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

I agree -- nice bum on that one! LOL

Thank you for the pics of the inside of that have me all figured out -- I think snaps of buildings are better than naked pictures :-) Your friend is lucky to live there. And in answer to why there are so many crumbling buildings in Liverpool, it is likely because they have a crap, crumbling football team!!!! HAHAHA

We have a group of older people here in America that do exactly what you were talking about. It's Called SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) and they help new business owners navigate all the challenges they face in starting and then running a business. It is important for you to learn from the elderly so pay attention to everything I say! :-)

I love your blog :-) But why are you always in shopping malls??? (Stu slaps Todd)


9:52 AM  

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