Sunday, August 27, 2006

Evening Everyone.

I hope those of you that are in the UK are enjoying the Bank Holiday weekend? Firstly I wanna say Happy Birthday to Todd whose Birthday it is Wednesday next week. Happy Birthday from all of us here in the UK.

I've had a busy week really. I was on early shift so had lots of time to chill out in the afternoons. Although my boss is off work sick right now which has left me with so much work and crap to deal with I could do without it right now! I met up with Aaron on Tuesday night and we went for coffee in Soho which was cool then we went onto the village for a few more drinks.

I was hoping I might be in Paris right now typing this Blog as Aaron was going with his work for a few days expenses paid trip but instead he decided to take someone else with him which gave me the 'ump' but never mind. Ever since I read the Da'vinci code book I have wanted to go visit Paris again. I went there years ago with Ralf and di'nt like it much but this book has got me intrigued to go all over again. I might drag myself there on the Eurostar soon. Talking about the Da'Vinci code I wanna recommend ALL the Dan Brown books I am seriously addicted and have never read a book so fast as I have been reading them. He really keeps you hooked and I can't stop until I have finished the book. So if your at a loose end go by them or get them out the library they are worth it!

Angels and Demons,
Digital Fortress,
Da'Vinci Code,
Deception Point.

The bathroom is starting to look really good. He has put half a dozen tiles on the wall and I can see it starting to look like a proper bathroom again. It has been a real chore since the shower got ripped out I am having to get up (4am as I was on earlies) get changed, go to work then shower at work. Do the whole day at work then come home and have a horrible bath! I hate baths! Hopefully it will be finished sometime next week? Fingers crossed I cant wait to have a nice long shower again!

I went and got my hair cut on Friday afternoon, my hairdress Kelly is going to get married next week and is then off on a luxury safari somewhere for 4 weeks so she won't be about and I don't like anyone else cutting my hair! So I had to get in to see her early. It looks ok maybe a bit too short for me but it'll grow back.

I can't believe that I have put on a whole stone in weight in just one week! I really can't stop eating which I think is good because I should be about 12 stone and am NOW only just 9 stone. So maybe I'll keep going until I get to 12 he he or maybe I'll keep going and try to be like Rick Waller.

On Thursday I met up wit Simon and Tasha. We went out to Chelmsford which is the nearest big town to me where I live. We decided upon Pizza Hut in town but it was bloody awful. LOL It's a bit of a running joke between us that wherever we go the service always seems to be bad! And it did'nt get much worse than the Pizza Hut. They got the orders wrong, were rude and to top it all tried to overcharge us! Never mind we always have a good laugh when we get together. Simon had a massive stuffed crust pizza with so many toppings on it. It was huge! I had a normal hawaiin medium deep pan pizza, which was nice. Thanks to Tasha who read my blog and put a comment in it is much appreciated. I am only allowed to attach a piccy of the food because apparently she is too fat due to the pregnancy for me to take pictures of her. So the picture will have to wait until after the birth! He He.. Although when the baby is due in October I think we might have to have a baby blog with piccy's of the birth? What you reckon? Might be quite gross but i'm sure you lot would love to see the pics?

I went out with one of my friends on Saturday. Nas wanted to go buy an alo vera plant so he could smear it all over his skin, which seemed odd to me at the time but hey I'm always up for an adventure. So we went to loads of different places until we found them at Homebase BUT when we broke off a leave and tried it the smell was awful, and it did'nt seem right so if any of you have green fingers and know about these things then let me know and I can tell him so he can get the right plant.

We had a nice evening anyway, we decided not to get take away and went to Sainsbury's instead where I had white mans curry (Chicken Tikka) and he had some steamed vegetable things! Very vegetarian!

On Sunday I met up with Tom and Guy. Tom's cat Bruno past away in the week and he really needed to be cheered up so Guy thought it would be a nice idea if we all went out for dinner and treated Tom. I think we managed to cheer him up. We ate at TGI Fridays in Bluewater. I had a nice prime fillet steak with cheesy mash and green fried beans for starters. (All I ever seem to talk about is food?) We had a real laugh and we go to do some shopping too. I think Tom seemed ok but he tends to keep his cards close to his chest so you never quite know what he's really thinking.

I managed to buy a few more clothes for my hiking hols in the Lake District which is'nt far away now (9th September). As it's Bank Holiday some of the sales have started. I got myself a very nice anorak and a new ruck sack. I also got a few new jumpers from River Island and a new pair of combat type trousers from Timberland. I did'nt really fancy hiking long distances in jeans, they aint very comfortable or flexible. So I think I'm pretty much prepared for the bad weather! I can't wait to go. I really need this week off away from everything, it'll be a good chance for me to relax and have some 'me' time.

Well I think thats about it from me this week. I've got to be up early to take my Nan and Grandad off on their hols tomorrow morning, they are going to Wales to a place called Tenby. Bobby looks like he is ready for bed too so goodnight from the both of us and have a great week, whatever you do.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

luv reading your blog, even if i talk to you everyday. luv mum. x x

10:00 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Thank you SO MUCH for the birthday wishes on your blog! You could discuss so many things here (David Beckham, Becks, DB, Real Madrid midfielders, England's most recent former captain, Victoria Beckham's husband, just to name a few LOL) but you chose to give me valuable real estate in your online pleasuredome.

Thank you and though I am a wretched old troll of 43, your friendship (and that of your mum and sis) keep me feeling young at heart.



8:44 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Thank you SO MUCH for the birthday wishes on your blog! You could discuss so many things here (David Beckham, Becks, DB, Real Madrid midfielders, England's most recent former captain, Victoria Beckham's husband, just to name a few LOL) but you chose to give me valuable real estate in your online pleasuredome.

Thank you and though I am a wretched old troll of 43, your friendship (and that of your mum and sis) keep me feeling young at heart.



8:44 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Thank you SO MUCH for the birthday wishes on your blog! You could discuss so many things here (David Beckham, Becks, DB, Real Madrid midfielders, England's most recent former captain, Victoria Beckham's husband, just to name a few LOL) but you chose to give me valuable real estate in your online pleasuredome.

Thank you and though I am a wretched old troll of 43, your friendship (and that of your mum and sis) keep me feeling young at heart.



8:45 AM  

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