Sunday, September 03, 2006

Ello everyone. I hope your week has been good and that your all refreshed after a nice weekend of wind, rain and miserable big black clouds? I've had quite a busy week.

The bathroom is really starting to take shape now and I am very pleased although we've gone and had a leak from one of the water pipes but never mind these things happen it is looking really really good and I can't wait to be able to start showering again. I HATE baths!

I went a bit in the week but I was working a late shift all week so didn't do much. I went over to Nas's place in the middle of the week for our weekly watch of Bad Girls...LOL I love that show it's so funny and I don't know if it's supposed to be viewed that way but I can't help but laugh.

Check out the picture below...Do you like my new image? LOL Chav or what? It's looks kinda natural though don't you think. I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time? I look very demonic don't you think? Like I'm gonna go out and rob some old granny of her pension or go kick in a bus stop.

What with all the decorating going on it has been so hard to keep the upstairs of the house tidy. It is driving me a bit mad with all the dogs hair and then all the foot prints and bits of rubble everywhere but as you can see Bobby has been helping me out. He is being a bit shy but I caught him hoovering the stairs the other day. So thanks Bobby x

Thanks to Todd for all his messages he has posted on the blog. I spoke with him earlier tonight and it sounds like he had a wicked birthday. He and Preston went out for a swanky meal and hired a roller. I'm very jealous!

Sunday I had to work. It was the Cycle Britain Bike Race which was quite cool. It was a really long day but thankfully it stayed dry although apparently the heavy wind didn't help the cyclists as it slows them down. My team and I were posted to Hampstead High Street on traffic duty. I was slap bang in the middle of the action it was quite exciting although it gave me a bad headache, no one seemed to know what they were doing so I ended up arranging everything and everyone! As per usual!

It was so busy when the cyclists came past they were traveling at about 60 mph so was pretty damned quick. It all ran to plan which was great and no one embarrassed themselves. It was a bit weird the race always has volunteer marshals and the guy I was posted with was a man called Jim Carter and I got chatting to him and I was sure I recognised him. I asked him and it turned out he was a famous actor. He had been in lots of Hollywood movies and Shakespeare stuff. He was a really interesting guy and his wife was too. She acted too and I recognised her off the telly aswell. They were both really down to earth, go check out his name through Google and see a bit about him.

Well I haven't got much more to tell you for this week. It's been fairly busy one for me. I wasn't too keen on working on my Sunday but to be honest it made a real change to my normal routine which was good. I am on early shift next week so I best get off to go to bed. I have Dentist in the afternoon so come back next week and read all about it he he......

Oh and btw make sure you check out the new series of Deal or No Deal it's back on the box and worth an hour of your time each day! Laterz




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

According to my sources, Mr. Carter appeared in three of my most fundamentally formative examples of cinaema Anglophila: Shakespeare in Love; Richard III; and, The Madness of King George. His good wife, Imelda Staunton, is even more of an example that Britain is Great again -- for she received Best Actress nominations for the BAFTA and 2005 Golden Globes and Academy Awards.

She had a guest role, playing Mrs. Mead, in Little Britain in 2005. For this, she has the enduring thanks of a grateful nation.

Staunton will portray power-hungry Dolores Umbridge in 2007's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Stuart King, you are a starf***er! LOL

Anyway, let me comment that your tile installation is something on the order of art. I mean Turner Prize stuff. WELL DONE! No worries about the leak from the will all be fine :-)

It is good that your Bobby hoovers. All I can get Kitty to do (besides worship Satan and play games of chance) is create giant tumbleweeds of hair not seen of such size since the opening of the wild American West.

Preston and I have a favor to ask: Will you please do us a favor and print our picture more often? We see you as our sort of Hello! Magazine and we need all the publicity we can get.

Since your website is so camp, we will send you a snap of us camping on a stretch of crumbly pebble known as Third Beach (sent to your Hotmail account). Please post it. You might be interested to know that it is firmly ensconced betwixt Second and Fourth Beaches.

Also, please be sure our photo gets larger when you click on it. The last one with the Roller is small forever and we really feel that people in Britain need to see our faces. LOL

OK, so enough of this Yank silliness. Did you know Man U will win the Premiership this season? You'd best comfort your mum and sistaer cuz Hammers will only come in second.

Kitty, Prezza and I all send out love. We've just dipped our chocolate McVitie's HobNobs into milk and are settling in to watch Pauline Fowler and Dot Cotton...

Buckets of love (currently at a $1.89 to GBP 1 exchange),


8:51 PM  

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