Sunday, October 08, 2006

Good Evening to you all. I hope your all fine. I have had an OK week really. I was on an early shift and have been getting up out of my bed by 4am and it's been really quite cold! I was walking down the train station every morning cursing the weather and the dark and the smelly train. YUK! It was quite an uneventful week. My rest day for the week was on Friday and I decided to get my hair cut. It really rained that day and I managed to get soaked through before I got to the hairdressers. Kelly, my usual hairdresser is on her honeymoon in Kenya on some safari so I had to make do with Olly. OMG all he did for the whole time was talk about himself. I don't think I have ever met anyone as self centered as he is. I was glad to leave. I mean I don't mind people talking about themselves but with him it's not a two way conversation. I think he's discovered a way of speaking without breathing so he just keeps going on and on without ever stopping. He did do a good job with cutting my hair though. A few people have commented on how nice it looks so it was maybe worth the torture.

Well, that's my moan out of the way. The rest of the week has been pretty average. It was Simons birthday on Tuesday. So Happy Birthday to you Simon!

On Friday 6th Simon and Tasha had a beautiful baby girl called Brooke. She weighed 7 pound 7 ounces. I haven't been to see them yet but as you can see from the picture, she is adorable. I'm sure you all remember me saying that they asked me to be the godfather which I am very proud to be. So congratulations to Simon and Tasha. I know they will make great parents. I'm hoping to go and see them next Friday so make sure you check the blog next week as I will have some better pictures by then.
Also on Friday I managed to find time to go and visit my Nan and grandad. They were in good form. They are called May and Wally and for those of you that don't know are my Mum's parents. I managed to catch a sneaky picture of my Gran in the kitchen.

On Saturday I had to work and to be honest I don't think there was much point in me going in really. There wasn't much to do apart from sleep in the back of the van and drive about. I went to Tesco's in the afternoon and then spent the evening in front of the t.v. watching X Factor.

Sunday (today) has been quite a different day for me. I spent the day with Yatin, his brother Jenus, cousin Leena and friend Nav. We had all decided to go to the Ideal Home show in Earls Court. Before we went I got invited to attend prayers or Bhajan which in Hindu means devotional songs at there place of worship. I was a bit apprehensive about going but I'm glad now that I went along. It was quite an amazing experience. People of all ages were there singing and praying. It was something I have never experienced before.

From what I could make of what was going on was that each person takes it in turns to sing. The congregation split into two halves. One side Male the other Female. The stage has pictures of all the religions and a picture of the Guru or Spiritual Teacher. Everyone made me feel really at home. I was the only white person there but after a while I was getting into things. The songs were really pretty and uplifting with people playing the drums and other instruments which I guess are traditional Indian.

Hinduism' is a Western term which refers to the diverse religious and cultural traditions that come from the Vedas, which is the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. It has no clearly definable beginning, though scholars date it back more than five thousand years. At the end this little boy came around with some powder stuff and you put it on your forehead and wipe it around your neck and it apparently protects you from bad things in this world. They believe we all have a third eye in our foreheads for spiritual reasons.

Yatin and his family are heavily into the community and helping people that are less well off than them and it seemed that ALL those people in that room were exactly the same. It made me think about just how much I give back to society? Thinking long and hard about it probably not very much.

After we all got into the car and drove off to Earls Court to the Ideal Home exhibition. It was a bit disappointing really. The stands didn't have much in the way of displays and most of it was silly gadgets and the market place.

Some of the showers they had on display were pretty cool. There was one that was like a space capsule that had a t.v., music, massage jets and seats for two people. LOL really funny, the Sofa's were wicked. There was one that was electric and extended outwards so you could lay down without even moving. Bobby would love it !

On the left is Jenus and on the right is Yatin after we locked him in the shower but unfortunately he got out!

So it's back to work tomorrow unfortunately. I am on late shift but have got a few nights out planned. On Thursday I am going to see Jamie performing in his new play which I am quite excited about. It's my Grandads Birthday on Friday although it's the 13th so I think if your superstitious then stay indoors that day. He He.... Whilst I'm on the subject of Birthdays. Today was the birthday of my Dad. He has got company over right now from America so I didn't get to see him but I hope when he's free of all that he will make some time for us to celebrate.

I hope you all have a great week whatever it is you do. Make sure you come back next week and please please please leave me some comments. I think poor Todd is getting lonely being the only one leaving them.....




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Prezza, Kitty and I went down the Ideal Friend show this weekend and the only display! :-) It sounds like you had a great week...although you still work too hard.

As to what you give back to society, caring for and about your grandparents is very kind and worthwhile. A lot of yoof your age don't bother. A lot of geezers my age don't bother, if we're even lucky enough to have our grandparents alive still.

So carry on with that. And if you really want to do something, you might think of hanging around G.A.Y. and helping lonely hotties LOL HAHA Seriously, though, think of a charity you respect and give them an hour or two of your time or rub a few pence together and drop it in their kettle.

Preston and I had a nice weekend. Last weekend was great -- played in an international tournament with canada and won 3 of 3 games and got a new nickname from my mates on the pitch: The Wall. It's cuz I am sweeper and never let anything get by me! WOOT!!! I think it's keen to have a nickname. And it isn't Stinky so I am well pleased :-)

By the way, what is it that smells on the train so bad? Is it a Liverpool fan? You must look for better transport. LOL

So anyway, this weekend I cooked dinner for friends Friday, watched england be stupid against Macedonia on Saturday, and last evening played a game of footy and then went to dinner with Prezza. Afterward, we went dancing and the DJ was crap. Deep house that was deeply boring. I ended up getting drunk and having to drive home with one eye closed. Terrible.

Anyway, it's Bank Holiday Monday here so I am writing you and Prezza is still in bed. Kitty is cross because she wants the house to herself on Mondays and here we still are LOL Poor moggy.

Well your friends look cool and I am pleased you went to the Hindu ceremony. I am not keen on any organized religions but I do think spirituality is important and you should investigate it. And if I catch you winking at me with that third eye I shall slap you! LOL

Be well and don;t sleep too much in tha back of the van. I swear, Stu King, what are you like???? :-) (HUG)


PS - Give my best to Bobby and your Mum and the family.

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are such a busy little bee.When I took you to church you only fell did not mention that mum did the ironing and vacuumed and took Bobby
out and did the washing whilst you were out galavanting.
Mum x x x

12:06 AM  
Blogger Essex Boy Stu said...

Thanks for your comments Todd and Mum. I used to fall asleep in church cos the vicar was boring and it was cold in there! He He. As for the ironing you don't want me to do it or i will look like a tramp!

Todd you sound busy, I hope you had a nice Bank Holiday in USA. If your such a good sweeper can you come clean out my shed? It's got very messy?


12:09 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Can I come sleep out your shed?


What are you like...



10:20 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Of course I meant "sweep" in my post above, but considering how much you sleep on the job, i will leave it as is !!! LOL (HUG)


12:14 PM  

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