Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hi everybody. It's been a busy week for me really. Since I got back from my hols I've been working all hours and because I worked the whole of last weekend haven'tnt had much of a rest which was starting to get me down. The thought of having to work 11 whole days on the trot were not that appealing for me! Thankfully Guy got some free tickets to Thorpe Park so Tom,Guy and myself took ourselves off for a fun day. It was fairly quiet as you would expect but we had some real fun. To be honest I don't really like the roller coasters and it takes me courage just to go on the smallest of rides but Guy can sometimes persuade me to go on them. Tom and Guy are much braver than me and they go on all of the rides.

The ride you see in the picture above is the new one called 'Stealth' it was only being tried out and no one actually went on it (NOT that I would have gone on it) but it's a really beautiful looking piece of metal. The whole ride only lasts about 5 seconds but it gets to 0-60 in about 2 seconds! When it's flying around the track it sounds like an airplane. Not a ride for the faint hearted! We went on about all of the rides in the morning as it was so quiet and then went for a bite to eat. The food was lovely it was like a BBQ grill place where they were cooking chicken and stuff like that. Yum Yum but wasn'tnt going on any rides with a full stomach! In the afternoon the weather turned a bit breezy and overcast but Guy just had to go on a few more rides. As you can see from the picture below they both got a bit wet!

We stayed at the park until about 4pm and then went ouseparatete ways. I had to get back for little Bobby. Later that night I ended up going back into town to the West End and meeting up with my friend Jamie. We went to the G.A.Y bar in Soho which was good fun. They tend to play a lot of pop music so I like it there and the mood is very laid back and most of the people there don't have chips on there shoulders. It was funny actually I finished seeing Jamie and got a txt from Aaron to say he was there too but on a different floor of the pub so I managed to catch up with him before he flew off to the USA.

I think Aaron and I have sorted out all our differences. It was getting me really down, I hate falling out with any of my friends. It made me realise just how much he means to me. I always thought that he relied on me for things but actually without him around I started to realise that maybe he does more for me than I thought.

So, Lesson no.1 don't take people for granted or on face value!

Jamie is an actor and has landed himself a part in a new play being held at the Pleasance Theatre in Islington N7 so I am planning to go and give him some morale support. It will be funny to watch him acting on stage I'm not sure what it's going to be like but I'm sure he will give it his best.

On Friday it was 9 years to the day that my Gran past away so that was a sad day for me. I can't believe how long it has been since she left us. She was such a lovely lady who always had time for her family and put them first and never expected anything in return for her kindness. I'm sure one day I will see her again. It is strange, I don'knowow if any of you readers have lost anybody? I have been very lucky in my family we are all very healthy. As I was working lates this week didn'tnt get a chance to go visit my Gran at the church so I had to wait until Saturday. The church is local and my Grandad wanted half her ashes scattered there and he kept the other half so they can be together once again when it's his time. I found some lovely bright and colourful orange and yellow chrysanthemum's as you can see below.

After I visited the church I went to see my Grandad to check he was ok and he was fine. It is always a difficult time for all of us but it is especially hard for him. He has my Dad to keep him occupied and as I've said before my Dad is very good to him finding him little jobs to do and keeping him busy.

I have a few Birthdays to shout out about this week. It was Tasha's birthday on the 23rd and it's Simon's birthday on the 3rd. Their baby is due in a couple of weeks and we are all very excited about it. Simon, Tasha and myself all went out Saturday night to an all you can eat Chinese restaurant.

As you can see from the picture above Simon likes to mix his food up. I think he has curry, noodles, rice, chips, duck, ketchup and god knows what else. We had a nice evening and after the meal we went over the road for a drink and a chat in the pub. I can't wait for their baby to be born. I wanna try changing nappies.....he he

Today (Sunday) Tom and I met up and went to Bluewater shopping centre to do some shopping. It's my Mum's birthday this month and she would like a new Digital Camera and we wanted to go see what we could get. It was so busy there. We had a nice lunch together and ended up spending far too much as per usual. Guy was flying today so hcouldn'tnt come but I will be seeing him real soon when we go to see Russell Brand in Brighton for his stand up show.

Well thats about all for this week. I'm sure i've gone and forgotten something that I wanted to write about but never mind I can always put it in mid-week if I remember. It's been another strange week. Plenty of downs and very few up's but hey never mind tomorrow is the start of another week. I am sure you'll be back next week. I appreciate you listening to me.




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

You are so thoughtful -- that was a wonderful thing to do for your Grandfather, and right kind of you to remember your Gran with flowers. They were lovely.

As for your long workdays, I honestly don't think you are happy unless you are working to the bone!!! But at least you stay properly gay by shopping and going down the G.A.Y. :-) LOL (HUG)

The amusement park looks proper cool! I love those rides, all of them, so please ensure Tom and Guy are with us if you ever take me to that place! For a policeman, you seem a bit timid HA HA Just kidding, old boy.

Well, Kitty and Prezza are going very well over here 'cross the pond. We all hope you will come visit us in 2007. Maybe I will just have to buy you tikkies on British Airways and make you come over??? Really, you are just like a stubborn thing...come to America! Your colonists are calling for you!!! :-)

Stay well and please wish your dear mum a very happy 29th birthday from me.




3:59 PM  

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