Sunday, November 19, 2006

Evening everyone, I have had a bit of a funny week. I seem to put that in all the time now? I think my life is a bit bizarre......... Anyway. I hope your all ok? I guess you've all got into your cosy offices by now sitting down with a cup of coffee?

I've had a really bad week. It all started on Tuesday. I'm sure you all remember that i was due to see the nutritionist this week on Wednesday. I got home on Tuesday afternoon from work as I was on early shift. Settled down, got myself some food and then sat to watch Deal or No Deal when the phone rang. It was my nutritionist, I had only gone and got my days muddled up. Which is very out of character for me. I was really embarrassed. So that was the start of a bad week really. It cost me £35 in a missed appointment fee ( that'll teach me!) andIi was looking forward to going really. I even swapped my weekly rest day to Wednesday from the Tuesday so I could go to the appointment! Doh! So the moral of this story is "please can someone e-mail me and remind me when my next appointment is!"

I had a day off on Wednesday because I having to work over the weekend. My Dad was kind enough to come over and help with the bathroom decorating. We had a bit of a drama (as usual) with getting the bathroom sink off the wall. Some idiot had cemented it all so theydidn'tt have to fix it to the floor the proper way! Typical. So it took much longer than we originally thought. Once we got it off the wall we could tile the wall behind and it looked really good once we had finished. We only have about 12 or so more tiles to put on the wall. Then allthat'ss needed is to put floor tiles down. It will really look nice once it's done. I can't wait to get it finished. I went out the other day and got my mirror and the other bits and pieces. It's all starting to take shape.

On Wednesday night me and Nas went out. We ended up going to TGI Friday's in Enfield. We had a lovely evening. The place was dead due to the England footie match going on. So we had the restaurant to ourselves. LOL.....

Vegetarians please turn away NOW!
I had a lovely fillet steak with cheesie mash and vegetables....mmmmmm....Itt was lovely. Nas had some vegetarian Nacho's which looks ok butIi like a nice bit of red meat once in a while. Afterwards we decided to get desert from Krispy Kremes Donut place across the road..Ass you can see they were very nice.

Don't let my Dentist see this picture or he will go mad at me...

Do you think me and Nas could get jobs or even advertise for the company? We look really enthusiastic about our donuts don't we?

On Thursday night I popped into London's West End to see my mate Jamie. I'm not sure if you remember him? He is the actor who was performing in the play in East London. Anyway, we met in one of the bars in Soho. He was very drunk by the time I got there. I think he is having a few relationship problems but we had a nice evening chatting. I haven't seen him in quite a while but we had a laugh. It wasn't very busy in Soho. I was surprised for a Thursday night.

I past Oxford Street on my way home that evening and thought you might like to see the Christmas lights of London. He he, enjoy.... The weekend has really flown by. I have been working for both days which has been a bit harsh but I had no choice in the matter really. I was working today until 7ish but by the time I got home and did my dinner and came on line to chat with you guys it's time for bed. Bobby is there already keeping the bed all warm and snug for me so I'm gonna say good night and speak to you all next week....




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