Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ello everyone. Thanks for coming to visit. It's been a busy week. I was on early shift at work and think I've only probably got about 10 hours sleep in the last three - four days. I feel shattered right now but it's been a cool week, I just think I overdid the going out.

On Monday I had to go on a training course at work. Every six months we have to go on officer safety courses. These are compulsory and basically we run through a refresher of all the defence and of course attack methods we have and how to handle certain situations. I tend to switch my brain off I've done this for so long now I just go with the flow and try not to get too into it. For the first time though we had to go and use a private gym that the met rented out. I'm not too sure why they would pay out all this money when most police stations have gymnasiums. They couldn't have chosen a more gay gym. It was quite entertaining as I don't think anybody was working out really they were all just stood around staring at each other LOL.... I had to get there for 8am which was well early. Also the fact that it was in Covent Garden meant that I had to get my ass out of bed really early to get the first train.
It was a nice little gynasium actually that I reckon must got well over £100 quid a month to be a member.

Itwasn'tt such a bad day though thinking about it now. We were finished by 12 so I had a chance to get back home early and cut the grass.

On Tuesday I had my weekly rest day as I had to work on Saturday. I'm sure you all remember I had my appointment with the Nutrionist. It was quite a strange experience. If Gillian Mackiefmodeledd herself on anybody then it was this lady! She didn't stop telling me off for a whole hour n half. I didn't mind too much as it was for my own good. Basically she took out everything from my current eating habit and replaced it with good stuff. Ididn'tt realise just how much junk and bad food I actually eat. So from now on I am on a new healthier, high in Carbs food regime. As you can see from the picture below my trolley looks suprisingly green and healthy although it was a bit traumatic going round Tesco's trying to find things I have never bought before.

I will keep going to see her until I think it's no longer useful. For now it is doing me some good so I will stick to the diet and the appointments, although at £65 quid an hour the cost is quite high, never mind, yoshouldn'tnt put a price on health.

On Wednesday evening I went to meet up with Aaron. He was running a bit late so I was hovering around the West End killing some time. I was walking through Soho and saw a huge crowd of people and camera's so I went to take a look. It was the premier of the new Monty Python stage play called 'Spamalot' it's kinda based on the original comedy movie 'The Holy Grail'. It was weird I was waiting around watching all the cameras and that when I turned round and there was Cliff Richard, Cilla Black , Eddie Izzard, Stephen Fry, Cristopher Biggins all getting out of their cars. LOL I was quite star struck. It's strange to see people off the telly in real life, quite surreal.

On Thursday Guy and I went to seRussellel Brand at Brighton Dome. It was a kinda stand up show. For those of you who don't know Russell (Why?) he is a very funny comedian who presents the Big Brother spin off show called Big Brother's Big Mouth. He is kinda a cross between Rod Stewart and something out of the Rocky Horror show. LOL but very very funny. The venue was really nice. Apparently it was the same place that Abba won the eurovision song contest back before they became really famous! Anyway Guy and I had a wicked time and I can't wait to do something like this again. Tom came along and we all had a meal before hand in an Indian Buffet (as we all know I like a good Indian)

On Sunday Guy, Tom and me went to Bluewater to do some Christmas shopping. It was well busy as you can see I had a blind date that day too, he was very fit but a bit furry and too forward for my liking LOL....

I wanna wish all the Hindus's who read my Blog a very happy Diwali or Saal Mubarak. Especially to Raks in Leicester who is my Indian advisor on these topics LOL.......

Well I'm gonna leave you with this pic. I got my eyes tested he he and this is what I went for! What you reckon? Sexy or what? LOL Very NHS?

Enjoy our week everyone and I hope you can join me next week to sewhat'sts been going on.





Blogger Becks4Me said...

You saw CILLA BLACK?!?!?!?!?

Oh, what are you like, Stu King? That's AMAZING! I suppose the only star I would want to see more would be Barbara Windsor.

Or Becks. Goes wiffout sayin', really...

And don't try to fool me into believing that Covent Garden gymnasium was a bother...I bet you had a right good time looking at fit lads! Oh how VERY dare I say that! LOL

Prezza and I had our first fight last night. He was here studying and announced that he was "going out with Brian" who is a friend of ours. He didn't even invite me! So I had a right bit of a strop, and he said he was sorry and asked if I wanted to go and by that time I was sick of it and told him just to go alone. Bugger. Anyway, he's coming over tonight and I hope we are able to get past that!

It's all Kitty's fault.

Anyway, what's wrong with West Ham? It's all going pear. And Man U looked a pub team in the Carling Cup tie against Crewe. And with Joe Cole back scoring on the pitch we need to be on our toes and win the league!

You should work less, but I am just speaking to a wall when I tell you that. You should, but you won't listen. You should get a cheap easyJet flight to Madrid and go comfort poor Beckham...he's sad he doesn't get pitch time right now. Awwww...

I bought Victoria's new beauty book LOL I got a copy for me and a copy for Daniel. He will actually take tips from it...I will leave it on my coffee table because it is camp as Christmas.

Well that's enough blogging (blah-blah-blahging) for now, lurve. I hope all is well with you, Bobby, your Mum and Keef, your Sis and Chris back in London yet?

Miss you!


5:46 PM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...


HAT TRICK!!!! WOOT!!!! -)


9:03 AM  

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