Sunday, October 15, 2006

Evening everyone,

I will keep this short n brief because I'm well tired. I was at work all day today and haven't been home long after a long long 12 hour shift I feel that all I want right now is my bed! He he....I hope your all ok and that you've had a good weekend most of you I hope away from work.

My week has been good. To start with I went to see Jamie in his play in Islington at the Pleasence theatre. It is not what I expected from a theatre. It was quite small and we all sat in the roof with the wooden rafters just above our heads. Quite bizarre! It was so hot in there too and cramped which didn't help. Nas came with me and we had a real laugh actually. The play was called Ashes to Ashes. It was all about this old lady that dies and the main story is set around the wake, the family don't get on and it focus' on that throughout the play. One side of the family are very straight laced and proper whilst the other side, the mother has a toy boy and the kids are quite unruly. I seemed strange to see Jaime acting away on stage, to me it was hard to not see him as just being himself. We all met up after to celebrate and congratulate him in the bar which was good, he deserved some well done drinks...

After the performance me and Nas went off to get something to eat and we chatted for hours about stuff. I had a really different evening. It wasn't something I would normally do so it made a real change. Nas enjoyed himself too.

On Friday I went to see my new God Daughter who is just the sweetest little thing I've ever seen. Simon and Tasha look really happy and proud of her and it's as if they were all meant to be one happy little family. As I told you all last week she was a week old on Friday and God only knows how Tasha managed to get her out, she must have been pushing 'ard'!

I had never held a baby before and to be honest I didn't know what I was supposed to do or how to do it. But after a little while I think I got the hang of it and I even helped Mummy Tasha change a nappy too, which I've always wanted to do. Brooke really is a very sweet little baby and I can't wait to see her grow up.

Yesterday I was invited to Guy's place to a dinner party. It was his Dad's 66'th birthday and we had a little get together. Alan who was born on the same day as Sir Cliff Richard got loads of cards. Guys parents are called Alan and Margaret. They are a very sweet couple who always make me feel really welcome whenever I am in their house.

Guy was cooking for us all. He made a lovely lasagne whilst his Mum made a beautiful cake for dessert. I was totally stuffed afterwards and we all needed a walk to try and aid our digestion. I had a a fun day and it was great to see Tom and Guy again.

As you can see from the perfect picture above Guy is the perfect hostess with the mostess...he he.

Finally today I was working. I will be glad of a rest over the next few days. I am working but back onto Early shift. I have another busy week planned so make sure you come back next Monday to find out whats been going on.

Hope your all ok.

Lots of love,




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Oh, are going to kill yourself working so hard! Stop it! Seriously, you will waste your should be out clubbing, and nicking things from M&S, and DJing, and being photographed outside trendy restaurants...

But on the good side, you do have wonderful friends! I could practically smell the mushy peas in the snap from Guy's dinner, and it's cool that you have an actor friend. Be kind to him so that one day he invites you to Hollywood to hang out by his Beverly Hills swimming pool LOL

All's well here...footy over the weekend of course, in which i played my usual role of impenetrable defender. And the Man U game was well good with Rooney back to life and us winning.

But poor West Ham. Whatever is the matter over there? Tell your sweet mum she needs to boot Pardew and take over as gaffer.

Kitty and Prezza are well. I need to go home and make them both dinner as they each become demanding little brats when they are not fed! It's home-baked shepard's pie for the humans and the usual kibble for moggy tonight.

Cheers mate!



6:04 PM  

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