Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hey there. I hope you all had a great week and managed to keep yourselves out of trouble and worked hard. If I hear that any of you are ALREADY in the Christmas mood I will be coming to wherever you are and chasing you round your workplace!

It's been a busy week for me. There has been plenty of drama, excitement and worry but lots of enjoyment going on too. So overall I can't complain really.

Firstly I should get on with telling you all about my Mum's birthday. It was on Monday and if I say she was 5x10+8 I hope she won't e offended? The family got together and we went to a nice carvery pub called the Artichoke in Brentwood. The food was really really nice. I had a lovely roast dinner. Everyone came, my sister,brother, brother in law, Keith, me and my Mum all went. It was a fun evening. We don't often get to mix up like that as a family very often. I am really the only one who still lives in Hutton. We all chipped in and brought my Mum a digital camera so I am expecting to show some of her handy work in the coming months for you all to see. Which will be very interesting I'm sure if you like pictures of cookers and kitchen cabinets...

I have been on an early shift this week at work which always kills me! By the end of the week I am so tired all I want to do is sleep. I wish I could hibernate like a bear for the winter. It must be lovely for them all wrapped up warm in there big furry coats. I had Monday off as my weekly leave day but I didn't do a great deal. I was still recovering from my dental op. Thankfully I am back to normal now.

On Tuesday I went back to the dentist to have my remaining stitch taken out. I managed to eat the other one which I must say wasn't very tasty! Andrew (the dentist) is really pleased with how my mouth has healed. He reckons I have had 2 weeks worth of healing in just 6 days. So I am a good healer apparently. They took some X-Rays and everything looks good in my mouth. I have to go back for another check up in a month's time. Then after two months I go again, if all is well after that I should be ready to have the final part of the procedure, which is putting the porcelain tooth on the titanium post. So fingers crossed for me that it continues to heal up and grow into my mouth.

Thursday was a bit of a bad day for me. I got home from work as normal but was feeling pretty tired from lack of sleep so decided to get some rest. I made my dinner and then went and laid on my bed. The next thing I know is that I get a phonecall saying that my Gran has managed (don't ask me how) to cut her foot badly. So I went round there to find the scene of a mass murder! There was blood everywhere. I won't go into too much detail but she had managed to cut a vein in her foot and it was spurting blood everywhere! It is a bit in dispute as to whether it was her main arterial vein or just a varicous vein. I personally (as I am an expert when it comes to fatal injuries!) think it was the artery due to the way it was pumping out blood. We called for an ambulance and just managed to stem all the bleeding. As you can see from the picture below! Yes, oh Yes I wouldn't leave you out with the graphic details. So if your a bit faint hearted look away now!
This was just in the hallway. As you can imagine it was everywhere and it spurted like mad! Up the walls all over the bathroom.

The ambulance came and we all went off to Basildon A&E department. My Gran looked very ill for a while and jokes aside I was really worried about her. I held her hand while we waited for the Doctor to come and see her. After about 2 hours we eventually saw a doctor and by that time when he looked under all the dressings the blood had stopped. It had sealed itself up which was good. By this time my Gran had a bit of colour back in her cheeks and I was feeling a little bit more relaxed about her condition. My Mum came and sat with us and helped out too. I am very glad she was there. The doctors and nurses kept asking me all these questions about my Grans medical history and I didn't know anything. So it was nice she was on hand to answer questions and help get my Gran back home. The nurse dressed her foot and at about 1am we got home. Got her into bed and relaxed. I was glad it was over.....Anyway I had to be up at 4am the next morning so needless to say I was like a Zombie on Thursday.

On Thursday I went off to work as normal. When I got home I went round my granparents again to try and clean up all the mess. My Grandad had tried his hardest but it didn't really look any different from the day before. I managed to use a carpet cleaner and scrubbed the carpets. after about 2 hours they are kind of back to normal. It made me realise though just how murderers get caught. It is impossible to clean up every speck of blood. I went round that house so many times and still I missed bits.

Yatin invited me out clubbing on Friday night but I my bed was far more persuading than him.

Saturday I had a lovely evening and Tom's place. It was Firework night and he had a few friends and family over for a BBQ/Firework display. Tom's Mum & Dad put in an awful amount of effort to make sure that everyone had a great time. As you can see from the pics some of the fireworks were really loud and exciting. I do like this time of year. It is crisp in the mornings and really clear in the night time. I can go out into the garden and stare up at the sky and watch all the beautiful stars. It's amazing if you just take a few moments one evening to go outside and look up. You'll be amazed after a few minutes just what you can see.

Tom made his traditional Tiffin and also he made a delicious Banoffee pie which was just so nice I can't describe it. The picture on the right is of Tom and his Mum.

Sunday has been such a nice day. I got into London early as I wanted to do some Christmas shopping and I also had to meet Aaron in the afternoon but it was such a nice day I put Oxford street on hold for a few hours and took a walk. I thought I would show you all the sights of London. If any of you are ever London way then please e-mail me and I would love to show you round. As you can see from the pictures below no expense has been spared to show you the delights of Buckingham Palace, the National Gallery.....

.....Even the changing of the guard!

I did lots of shopping eventually though. I managed to get to all the big department stores down Oxford Street before it got too busy. I went in John Lewis, Selfridges, Marks, House of Fraser. It's really nice at the moment. Most of the shops have got their Christmas displays out. I know you'll probably all groan when I say this but I am only a few pressie's away from completing ALL of my Christmas gift list. He He I hate to leave it to the last minute.

I met up with Aaron early in the afternoon and we did a bit more shopping before going to Soho for lunch. We decided to eat at Balans down Old Compton Street. It was delicious food. I had a Thai Green Curry and Aaron had Soup of the day which I think was tomato. It was quite busy in there with loads of old queens LOL but they always make me laugh waving their cigarettes around like it's some kind of magic wand.

Soho always makes me laugh. I saw this poster in one of the windows of a shop and thought it was hilarious. How on earth can you have a universal game and then all of a sudden make it appeal to a group of people who probably play it anyway? Do they think that it will make it more attractive with pink skittles or something? Check it out it's really funny!

I got home a little while ago. Cooked myself a nice piece of steak and thought of you guys and had to come upstairs before I got round to eating my desert and type up the weeks Blog. I am feeling very tired now and it's getting late so all that is left for me is to put on my silly picture of the week. He's a bit of a hunk? I do like a bear in uniform.

Oh and before I go I need to apologies to one of you fellow bloggers who I was supposed to meet but due to my Gran almost bleeding to death I never got round to it. So to my friend Ali. I'm sorry about that and I hope to see you next week mister.

Also thanks to Todd for ringing me today but as you just read I was out all day.

A big shout out to Raks and everyone on Team 4.

Take care to you all and hope you'll come back next week. Enjoy your week.




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

My word, sir! Little did I know that when I came to pay a kindly visit to your blog that, instead, I would wander into an episode of "Casualty." I certainly hope your poor gran is better now and what a HERO you are for being there to stop the bleeding and put her mind at ease. Good grief...I would faint from that blood. I damn near fainted from the snap!

Luckily, you transitioned quickly to fit lads in Abercrombie footy kit LOL

Of course, I was quite pleased to see the snaps of your mum's burfdye. I am well pleased you all took her out to the carvery sounds delicious. Yum! Makes me long for my Sunday joint and mash. And it is simply impossible your mum is 5x10+8, Stuart. She's 36, if a day.

Finally, I take great heart in knowing you went down Selfridge's and House of Fraser to Christmas shop. Thats sorts my pressies -- now where will you be going to get everyone else's? HAHAHA What do you want for Christmas, anyway? Are you still all Tommy, all the time -- or do you want me to try something different? Please know that I live to make your Christmas mornings happy ones! LOL

Your tourist-in-London snaps were great -- it makes me home-sick, even if that isn't my home. I hope to see snaps of you and Chris posted here soon!

Today is election day and Preston and I have voted, and Kitty is apparently out hacking the electronic voting machines to favour George Bush's candidates. I shall have to swat the moggy when she comes back in. :-) I am going to an election party tonight to watch the returns come's ostensibly a political event, but, in reality, is a reason to drink beer behind the cloak of respectable civil engagement LOL Hooray!

Take care, old man, and let's see you do some more gay about a snap of you "handling the ball" HAHAHAHA

What am I like?


7:54 AM  

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