Sunday, October 29, 2006

Evening everyone. Hope your all happy to be back at work or whatever it is your doing on this Monday morning. It's been a bit of a strange week for me (stranger than ususal). I'm sure I mentioned in previous Blogs about me having to have an operation at the Dentists to fill a gap in the back of my mouth. It's purely cosmetic and I guess some people might think i'm mad but I wanted to get the best treatment and after much thought decided to go for an implant. Dental Implants are commonly, small titanium screws that are fixed into the jawbone, which in effect, acts like the root of a natural tooth. An even smaller titanium extension is then secured to the implant and a new Dental Crown (or tooth cap) is secured over the dental implant. This Dental Crown can be made of robust porcelain or ceramic and will be professionally matched to the colour of your natural teeth. Dental Implants can be used to replace either a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. It is a pretty amazing procedure.

As you can see from these pics the titanium post is inserted into my jaw. Which I must say was the most unpleasant part of the operation. My Dentist had to drill 11mm into my upper left Sinus cavity and through jaw and gum and then insert it. The diagram on the right actually shows the tooth but it takes over 6 months for the whole area to heal up properly before I can go back and have the tooth put on it. As you can see the gap in my mouth was right at the back and not really noticeble but I knew it was there and it was bugging me.

I'm interested to know what you all think about these kind of treatments? Would you have gone as far as me to have it done? Would you have been happy leaving it?

I had to op at my local Dentists in Harold Wood. Andrew is my Dentist and he is really great. Very friendly and very professional. He has been running his private practise for a long time and specialises in cosmetic dentistry and has all these new gadgets.

I'm not scared of the Dentist at all. I used to be but not anymore. I think it's the fear of the unknown that put the fear in me but once I been back a few times I am totally over it now.

I think the worst part of the whole thing was the tablets I had to take which were called Tomazapan. They really made me go out of my head. I was so spaced out it was unbelievable. I don't remember much about whole thing. The few hours leading upto the op and the couple of days after it. Thank goodness my Mum was there to look after me. As you can see from these pictures below it was a real strange experience. I did'nt know where I was or what I was doing. I don't know how people that are on those pills all the time are able to lead a normal life because I found it very difficult. They made me happy, sleepy,upset, high, low and all those feeling you could feel but it was like a changing mood every few minutes.
Would I have the operation again? I've thought a lot about this and i'm not too sure really. I certainly would think about it as it's a very natural thing for your body because the body grows around the Titanium meaning that it is much more than just a false tooth.
My mouth is still very sore and as you can see from this picture it's a bit of a mess inside still but time will heal it. I still have a couple of stitches in there which are due to come out on Tuesday and then we can see if it was really worth it.

All I know right now is that I could'nt have done any of it without my Mum's help. She was great and I appreciated her staying with me. I don't think she knew what to do with me really anyway. I was so happy and out of my head I think she was a bit scared to leave me. It's her Birthday today (Monday) so I want everyone to wish her an extra special day. We are all going out tonight to celebrate which will be nice, I will take plenty of piccies for you all.

I've been quite busy this weekend with trying to get on with finishing off the bathroom tiling. My Dad has been in and out helping me but it's seems to be going on forever. I shall be glad once it's all done.

On Sunday my Dad invited me around his place for Sunday lunch which was lovely. We had roast duck with all the trimmings with home made Rubharb Crumble for dessert yum yum. As you can see my Grandad was there.

Then in the evening I popped into the west end of London to see Aaron. He looked very tired so I took him out for a Starbucks coffee and that seemed to sort him out.

Then it was back home for some dinner and get ready for bed. Thats about all for this week. I know it's been pretty boring and quiet but I've not felt like doing much. I have a few plans for next week. Thankfully I've been paid by then so I have some money to do stuff. Before I go I want to thank Todd for the little pressie he sent me. I wont say too much but it will help me get to sleep at work. although some people might say i don't need any help in that department. Thanks anyway Todd I will put it to good use.

Enjoy your week at work and I hope you'll come back next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing to see such wholesome life halfway around the world. Journey in motion so to speak.

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Grace:

You have more than satisfied my need to know more, more, ever more, about the state of British oral health. Thank you. I shall be recommending this site to Royal Academy of Dental Practitioners. LOL

Good old always create an exciting and educational blog!

Preston is just now waking up and we're going down the George & Dragon to watch the tape delay of Man U v Pompey...we'll be having our full English and pints of Boddies at 9:00am!!! WOOT!!!

Monday is Sir Alex Ferguson's 20th anniversary as manager so please raise a glass of Coca-Cola to his honour and wish him the best.

I'm so pleased you got your pressie...I know it will come in handy LOL

All's well here -- just waiting for the elections to boot some of the scum out. God, what a sick state of affairs we have here. Hypocrites, perverts, liars...why, it's almost like the people I date LOL

Preston is well. Kitty is well. I can safely say that, well, we're all well. :-)

Give yourself a big HUG from your big bro and also give my very best to your lovely family. Your mum's burfdye pressie is in the post and should arrive presently.

Cheers, old boy!


PS -- What's that Bobby up to lately?

2:13 AM  

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