Friday, July 28, 2006

Morning World,

This is my second Blog and I have had some good feedback from a few friends and family which was much appreciated a special thanks to Todd and Suzy for their posts on the blog. This month and in particular this week has felt like it has lasted forever. For those of you that don't know I work shifts and luckily I have been on an early shift all week. So by the time I have been finishing it has only just been getting very hot. There is nothing worse than having to wear a uniform in this weather especially a uniform as traditional as the one we wear. It is so formal and unfriendly. I understand that protective equipment and clothing MUST be worn BUT why on earth does it all have to be a dark colour and why do I have to wear long trousers. I am just grateful for air conditioning without it I would be even grumpier about the whole thing. LOL..

What is it about Dogs? Why do they have to be in front of you whenever you go to get up they always manage to get under your feet. My dog Bobby is no exception.

Don't get me wrong he is very sweet the way he is always by my side. 'Mans best friend' and all that. Seriously I don't know what I would do without his company. I have been living on my own now for quite some time. I thought it might be a problem but instead I enjoy it. I don't think I could ever share my space with someone again unless they are of the furry kind.

Friday night Simon and his girlfriend Tasha invited me around their place for dinner.
I used to go to college with Simon and we have been good friends ever since. He is totally opposite to me really in everyway that's probably why we get on so well. His girlfriend Tasha is a very friendly and warm person too and they make a really good couple. I was really flattered when they asked me to be the Godparent to their child. They both live in a place called Halsted which is in Essex. They have been very busy decorating their new house and it is very homely. The nursery is the latest room they have done and it will be nice once the little baby is born and throwing up all over the place lol..... We had a very nice meal that consisted of Roast Pork, Roast potatoes, vegetables, gravy. It was very tasty as you can see from the pictures. For desert we had home made trifle which was delicious.

I'm so glad I didn't have to go to work today, I was on early shift this week but decided to take my weekly leave day on Saturday because I had so many things that I needed to do this weekend. The most important thing being getting a replacement car. I only wanted to spend about £700 quid but after looking around I decided that Iwouldn'tt really be able to get anything that was nice lol.....I hate those used car dealers, it makes me cringe all that chest hair and jewellery! "It's a lovely straight little motor, not seen one like this in a while mate, a real bargain!" So I had to find a bit more cash but today whilst out with my Mum I saw this nice VW Golf. It is a used car, born 1996 1.8 engine, automatic, 5 door in Metallic purple. It is a really tidy little car. Just what I was looking for really. I ended up paying a bit more than I hoped but I managed to get the dealer to knock a bit off the price. It is a really clean looking car and it'll sort me out for a while.

For those of you that don't know this is me and my Mum, she is very tolerant of me cos I know I can be a real pain most of the time. I don't know what I would do without her and her help
sometimes. I can only thank her for the way she has brought me up because it has made me the way I am today and now more than ever I feel prepared to face whatever life can throw at me.
So all in all I have been very busy again. I am on a late shift next week so working 1100 - 1930 which I can't stand really. There is always so much more going on later in the we are normally really busy and especially when it starts to get dark all of the nut nuts come out!
My Tesco DVD rental of the week was called 'The Woodsman'. Starring Kevin Bacon who plays a Paedophile just released from prison and it's all about him dealing with life on the outside world. Very thought provoking movie well worth watching but the ending is very Hollywood!
Thanks for reading and enjoying my weekend with me. Hope your all well and happy. Leave me some comments and i'll speak to you all again next weekend.... Stu x

Monday, July 24, 2006

Evening World, as this is my first Blog I guess i should lay down a little history for ya all? A bit about me and what I am all about? Where to start? My name is Stuart Michael King.

I live in a little place in Essex called Brentwood. I have lived here all my life. I'm 27 years old, 6'1 . I'm single and looking for that special person who you never know might read this Blog one day? I think thats enough about me for now I will add bits n bobs as the blog grows until eventually you'll be like family to me.

My Blog is gonna be completed on a weekly basis. I just don't get time to be adding stuff each and everyday. I don't have an office type job where i always have access to a PC which is a pain as I would love to sit playing solitaire all day,

So Last weekend. God it seems like a long time ago already! On my first weekend off in about a month I decided some time ago that I was gonna enjoy myself. My weekends tend to be crammed with activity as they only come around very infrequently.

On Saturday me and the X went to the Motor Show down at the Excel Exhibition centre which was cool. All those brand new shiny cars on show. I would deffinately recommend it to anyone. It has been years since I have been along to a motorshow but I am pleased it has returned to London where I hope it will stay from now on. We had a laugh all day and it was nice to spend some time with him as he is'nt often here in UK.

I will tell you all now anything that involves my best mate Tom and his partner Guy always ends up being a really random experience, and this weekend saw no exception to that. Guy lives in Little Hampton (which is near to Brighton) and on Sunday he held a BBQ for all the members of the Brighton and Hove Doctor Who club (I'm not a member) I go along to help out and make up the numbers sometimes. It's always a laugh. They had this actress there this time. She was called Annika Wells she was one of Doctor Who's female helpers in one of the early series, when Cybermen were'nt quite such a polished affair, when the actors wore socks over there heads and various pieces of plumbing equipment sown to their heads. Anyway I digressed, it was a great day as the weather was beautiful and all the people that came were very nice.

After everyone had gone, Tom, Guy and I took Charlie the dog for a nice walk along the local beach catching some rays and chilling out talking about the day. I then made my way home and went straight to bed after such a busy weekend I was knackered.
Tom and Guy

Oh and i've been told to put sex in here cos it sells, but it's been a bit of a draught lately so please take a ticket and que orderly and i will deal with each and everyone of you when I can. He he...

I think thats about it for my first Blog, I hope you enjoy reading it and I hope you'll come back sometime to see what i've been upto.

Thanks for reading,
