Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey. Firstly let me apologise for the late posting of my Blog. I have been feeling really rough over the last couple of days and have had a bit of exhaustion mixed up with a very bad chest infection and cold. So I'm sorry if you came on-line this morning as usual to expect to read the blog and it wasn't there. But after a days rest and a lovely lay in bed this morning I am feelin slightly better. Here I am....about 65% on the way to recovery.
The beginning of the week has been really pleasant outside. The weather has been really beautiful. Very early spring like. A sunny day with a little breeze to cool you down. Me and Bobby have been having some lovely walks in the mornings.

The last few days have been absolutely awful if you've been outside! I have got so so so cold, I think I need to start wearing more clothes.

Raks and some of his Leicester posse came down to London over the weekends and I managed to drag my sick self out to town to meet up with them and show them around. The whole purpose of their trip was to go and see 'Cabaret' the musical which I think they enjoyed very much. On the Friday I finished work late and dashed into town to meet them. They were going clubbing at the Astoria which is known as 'G-A-Y'. for those of you that don't know it's a bit of a dive. They also use it as a rock venue so you can imagine the sort of things that go on in there. It's a bit dark and dingy and old and in need of a lick of paint and new carpet....Actually I don't even think it has any carpet, maybe a carpet made up of old chewing gum? Anyway it was a cheap night in the club and it was busy. I didn't stop for long. Only just for a couple of hours because I was a bit worn out after working and getting a belly full of smoke and fire! But that's just another average day for a superhero.
It made a change to see Raks and his mates in my own yard. It seemed strange to see them in person rather than on the phone. We had a real laugh though. I think it's been about 3 years since I was last in that club. It hasn't changed at all.

Saturday was a good day for me. I was due to see Tom and Guy but it didn't happen in the end. Tom has not been too well and I spoke with Guy and we decided it was better Tom rested. So lets all send our get better love to Tom. I am sure he will be back on his feet again soon.
So what did I do instead? Well I still wanted to go out. It's pointless having a day off (rare) and sit around at home and not do anything with it. I went to Bluewater on my own which seemed a bit weird but as you can see I soon found a couple of foxy little friends to hang out with. I did some shopping and had planned to go to the movies but there wasn't anything on that I really fancied seeing. So I had a lovely Chinese at my favourite restaurant and came home. After shopping for a new lawnmower. Which I must say is fabulous! Wow....It's a lovely new shiny hovermower. I got home and unpacked it and after farting about with it for a few hours trying to assemble it! (I thought most things come ready to go nowadays?) Anyway I cut the grass and it looks great now.
That evening I met up with Raks and his crew in town after they had been to see the musical. The weather started to turn a bit nasty and I was feelin very sick by then but I managed to soldier through. We went to a few bars like the Yard and then the G-A-Y bar (This is branding gone mad!). I thought I might have seen Aaron K but he wasn't about. Which was a shame because as I'm sure you saw from the comments last week, things between him and me got a bit stressed. We are both friends again now so all is well at the Kumars again.

I got into a panic that evening. After trying to find Raks' hotel (which believe it or not) he forgot where it was! "It's in Covent Garden somewhere" hmmmmmm........somewhere...........LOL anyway we managed to find it and I made my way back to where I parked the car. It was gone 1 o'clock in the morning and I took a wrong turning...oooops. I got lost! I kept walking and walking until I started to think "I'm lost" but I can't be....... How can you get lost like that? I just didn't recognise anything. I went from bus stop to bus stop. Everything looks totally different that time in the morning. Perhaps it was because I am normally in bed by that time of night? Maybe it was the fear of all them St.Patricks day lads out smashing London to pieces after drinking too much Guinness? I managed to spot a well known landmark an got home by about 2.30am but had to get up for work by the early hours of Sunday so didn't get much kip...Lol that'll teach me to try and be clever and fit in work and social life! Maybe I was going mad that morning? Check out these two pictures and tell me if you can really tell the difference.
Seriously though if any of you fellow bloggers are ever coming to London let me know and I would love to come out and meet you.

I tell you that naughty Sponge Bob had some travels too last week. He sneaked his way out of the house and tricked me and had a day in the life of Stu...Very naughty..But I have told him off and I don't think he will repeat it!

Thanks to Todd for the comments last week. We seem to be missing each other quite a lot on the phone lately but I am chuffed to bit to think I will be seeing you guys really soon. It will be very exciting! I am always thinking of you and wishing you well, I hope you know that..... xxx

Sunday was Mother days. I hope you all managed to grab your Mum's something nice. I saw my Mummy in the morning just before I headed off to work. She seems very happy with life and stuff. I am happy she is happy. She deserves it. She is 58 and doesn't have many more years at work left so she can enjoy her retirement with Keith and is probably looking forward to it. My Bro, Sister and me got her a nice fragrance, CD, some body lotions and Ipod. So she is going to be 'uber modern' now...Very trendy. So she can wear it when she's down the gym and impress all them 'old gals'.

I think that's about all for me for last week. The new week is here and I'm off today so at least I have a chance to recover and recoup myself. I might go garden nursery and then go back to bed. Hmmmmmm what a day.... thanks for reading the blog. See you next week.



Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Good day to you, Bobby, your family, and the British people.

I am pleased that you and Mr. Kumar have made peace. Going down to #42 must be much more friendly on account of that. Well done.

Not much to report, really. Went to Dallas, Texas, all this past week on business. Dallas is primarily known as the place where President Kennedy was shot in 1963 and where women have very big hair and all dress like Pat on EastEnders LOL

Alan is over here now, asleep. It's only 6 in the morning. I have been rising early as I think it is a good thing for me to do -- makes one more aware at work. I was crawling out of bed about 20 minutes before i was due at my desk and while I was amazingly always able to shower and get in on time, I found I was still bleary-eyed at work for the first hour. So now I am taking after you and rising very early in the morning.

Your snaps of the Rayeigh Road (is it?) are lovely -- all the flowering trees and such. Our tress are all flowering here, as well. I recall Lord Wood came to visit in April a few years ago and the trees and gardens were all just exploding with blooms...I was very chuffed as we need to show the English that we have a bit of Titchmarsh in us, as well LOL

England v Israel was WOEFUL. McClaren is a poor man's Sven -- I bet his Nancy is some cow from Gravesend. Ugh. He must go!!!

Kitty is well, as is Preston. I hope you are, too! Please give my best to everyone and take good care of yourself. You are my burning car rescue Action Man hero and I need you to take care of yourself!


The terrible moggy

6:41 AM  

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