Sunday, February 25, 2007

Good evening everyone...Well what a week....I am so tired this evening. I've been working all weekend which has been a bit rough on me. Right now I have my eye lids pinned open with a couple of match sticks. So excuse me if I don't sound like I'm 'with it' right now but that's because I'm not.

I've had a bloody cold week. I think I got it all wrong. I mean I had most of the week off and then ended up working the whole weekend! First thing to go wrong on me was the heating. I had two whole days without any warmth in the house and I really feel the cold anyway so it made matters worse not being able to get the radiators on. I'll explain what I'm going on about....I was busy cleaning the windows of my house (as you do when you don't have a window cleaner) when I was upstairs cleaning the bathroom ones, hanging outside sitting on the window ledge scrubbing them with soapy water. I looked across the side of the house and to my horror I noticed this poor little ball of fluff and feathers stuck in the boiler flu pipe. For those of you that don't know what that is, it is the piper that comes out of the central heating boiler and goes outside the house, taking all those nasty gases and smell and bad things it produces and chucks them outside into the open air. With it blocked the gases and that can't escape and you can end up with them inside the house and ultimately dying of poisoning! On closer inspection I saw this ball of fluff had a head, wings and a beak. It was a dead little blue tit, don't ask me how or why it got stuck in there. I know they are nesting in my neighbours garden so why on earth did it get stuck up there? I guess it will remain a mystery (unless any of you know why?). So I thought I would be clever and try and get it out myself with a stick or something but that didn't work. So I thought I would be even smarter and try and get it out using my hands. I put on some rubber gloves and went to work....Unfortunately the birds head didn't want to stay attached to it's body so that was the first thing to go....then a wing until I finally got a big puff of feathers come blowing into my face. At this point I gave up with the removal attempt and decided to call in the experts. Unfortunately they couldn't come out straight away to fix it and needed to order parts and the usual kinda story! So I had no choice but to turn off the central heating and freeze to death! They finally came on Friday and fixed and replaced the bird stuffed parts and now I have a lovely warm house again but it certainly makes you realise just how good central heating is. I don't know how people used to cope without it!

On Saturday night I met up with Tom and Guy. They were at the theatre in Charring Cross area of London. They went to see a new play starring Billy Piper called 'Treats'. They both seemed to enjoy it. It made a real change to see them in town and to go out for dinner. We went to this lovely restaurant in Covent Garden called Fire&Stone. They serve Italian style food, kinda pizza and pasta dishes. We stayed in town a couple of hours before they had to go back home. It's a shame they live so far away from me or we would do this sort of thing more often.

On Wednesday due to my poor gran being ill (hope she gets better soon) me and my Mum had to take my Grandad to his hospital appointment. He had to have a camera inserted down his throat and into his intestine and stomach. It must have been very uncomfortable for him. The procedure is called a 'Gastrophopy' they use it to search for things inside you like cancers etc...Thankfully the test came back all clear. He was so brave though. Normally they would knock you out for this kinda thing but they didn't have enough beds so they asked him if he minded having it without that. I can't even stick a toothbrush down my throat without gagging let alone a camera!

As you can see Bobby has started to read...It may only be a copy of the Shenfield monthly magazine but it's a good start. I think (with some practice) he will start to read the classics such a Shakespeare and possibly the Bible. He is such a clever little dog...

On Tuesday evening I went to the Dentist. I was due my last checkup before I have the second part of my operation to get my implanted tooth. I'm very excited to get it done and finally see the end result. Andrew (my dentist) showed me the tooth which has already been made.... and explained to me the rest of the procedure. It seems very straight forward compared to the last op. All he will do is cut open the gum to reveal the titanium post and then screw the tooth on. Then after three weeks I will go back again for the final fitting and that's that! Thank God! It was typical though. whilst I was there he decided to give me a checkup (blow some air round and look with his mirror) and charged me £38! I tell ya I'm in the wrong business! All you careers advisers out there need to get me a new job as a dentist!

On Wednesday night I went to the cinema. It was a fun evening, we went to see 'Music and Lyrics'. I must say that I was really suprised how much I enjoyed the movie. I mean once you've seen a Hugh Grant 'romcom' you've seen them all but this one was different' I found it really quite funny. The story was good and very believable too. I would deffinately recommend going to see it.

Finally I was working today as I said and all weekend! It's been an interesting few days. I hope this coming week is a quiet one. Wednesday is pay day and then I'm off the weekend so hopefully I can go out maybe meet up with Tom.

Remember to leave me some comments and ideas and mail me some pictures if you do anything interesting this week. Thanks for coming and don't forget none of this Blog is worth it without you guys......



Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Chilled to the bone? I guess that's what you get for messing about with tits.


10:51 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

We just beat Liverpool!!!

We just beat Liverpool!!!

We just beat LIVERPOOL!!!

Now whattaya think of that???





PS -- Kitty said she was Scouse so I put her outside today LOL

7:24 AM  

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