Sunday, January 21, 2007

Morning everybody, I hope the week has been good for you all? I've been OK this week. AM still feeling a bit ruff from this horrible stomach bug that seems to be about. I think we've all had it at work now.

Before I start going on and on I think it's probably time all you readers in Leicester gathered in the office and rang Raks and got him out of bed? I can't believe he is still off work.....He's just being lazy now! Steve I think you should just take his annual leave days off him and make him work all year.

OK well I hope everyone is sitting comfortably? It's been a kinda odd week. The weather has really been getting me down! I think if I get rained upon or blown down the road one more time I will shout out. It was like the end of the world. This has meant that I was really busy at work! We had trees falling down all over the place. To demonstrate how bad it got in London Take a look at one of the unlucky cars below!
I was stood by the police car having just come out of lunch and all of a sudden about 10 yards from my head flew this satellite dish that was ripped off the wall by the wind! It was really bad. I'm surprised more people weren't injured! I've never seen it that bad.

Tom and Guy came back from Las Vegas a few days ago. I have spoken to Guy and I heard that they had a great time. They travelled all over, visiting San Francisco and Chicago too. It was funny yesterday I got a letter through the door addressed to me.

I opened it to find a post card from Tom and Guy. On this was a little post it note that read "No idea how this got delivered to Priory Gardens N6 but I hope it gets through this time" I couldn't believe it. Well actually I could, my postman is a bit rubbish! It's crazy that the post card managed to travel all this way from San Francisco and then then get lost in the UK and the ONLY reason it found it's way to me is because of a good Samaritan! LOL......

Oh my god..Bobby has just farted and it stinks! I aint sleeping with him if he's gonna do that all night long! YUK!

I managed to embarrass myself this week whilst at the train station after getting bored waiting for a delayed train I spotted a bin full of newspapers and thought I would be clever as the station was deserted and help myself to a paper. I took a quick glance to check no one was about and delved in and as I grabbed a paper out the stupid train pulled in and I must have looked like a right tramp. Those trains are like gold fish bowls and it was packed with commuters. I then had to get on the train and felt very embarrassed.

The weekend has been a quiet one for me. I was invited to go out to dinner with Tom and Guy and both their families to celebrate Guys 30th Birthday that was back in the beginning of January but I didn't feel too good. Sorry to you both I would have really enjoyed coming. Instead I spent it close to the bathroom although as you can see some of the floor tiles are down now so hopefully it won't be too much longer and I will be able to show you all the completed room.
Now someone tell me what the deal is with this microwave I saw in Tesco's (yeah I know you all think I spend my life there!) what does it mean?

Do you have to manually heat it? Like put fire wood inside it? I don't get it?

I think I should mention a bit about Big Brother. I'm so glad that Jade got booted out. My faith has been restored in the British public! She was such an awful person to poor Shilpa. What a bully! I find it hard though to accept that she is just 'stupid' and that she doesn't know what comes out of her mouth. How on earth can a 'stupid' person earn herself £8 million pound in only four years? Answer me that one! I don't know how you all feel about it? All I hope is that she is punished and that people think twice before buying or watching anything that she is related too.

Before I go for another week I promised Raks I would put on one of his pictures from the Kylie concert. Poor Kylie I hear she wasn't very well at the Manchester gig but at least she tried to carry on and not let her fans down.
I hope you all have a great week and I hope you'll come back next week! Remember to leave me some comments or send me some pictures because without you and your input my blog is just a useless diary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hail 2 the King!

Well what can i say Stu...i was fast asleep on that Monday morning dreaming of a tall, handsome, sexi guy when i get a fone call from work @ 8am! @ 1st i thought something had gone wrong n needed 2 b there - but no! it was Steve, Yogi, Reena, Paresh, Alan, Eileen, Lil n the countless other ppl in my office giggling n reading ur blog 2 me paragraph after paragraph!!!! So thanks 4 spoiling my, wet, no sorry, my nice dream lol. It was funny tho hehe

Well this is ma last week of my holidays - thanks God! n i have not done anything! Even Kylie let me down on that Sat - stop laughing Yogi n Reena! [thanx 4 putting that pic] After singing 4 bout 1 hr, Kylie said she had the flu n so had 2 cancel - it was disappointing but my m8's n i later went 2 Canal Street which was a absolute laugh.....n we watched Kylie on tv, so it was not 2 bad. She has now rescheduled the show on the 24th but i can't b bothered 2 go there lol

Well i think we shud all stand up n give an applause 2 Stuey who has not cut any part of body this week lol. It was beginning 2 feel that it was just "normal" 4 u 2 bleed 2 death mr @ some point in the week...touch wood that u keep it up!

OMG - i agree with u Stu, the weather is awful n a bit weird - i can see sunshine outside my bedroom window yet its freezing - hummmm. My next door neighbours goldern gate entrance was totally broken over the wkd. My dad had a laugh tho - there seems 2 b somekind of competition or zero-sum game between my dad n my next door neighbour [its such a typical Indian thing!]. He kept on walking up n down my neighbours house just starring! God 1 day WWW3 is gonna break out!

Well wat else is happening - nothing really. Just downloading some music rite now. I was gonna go on holiday 2 New York or something in my time off - n i cud have met up with u Todd as well! But most of my m8's were far 2 busi n i hate going by myself. Hey, there is an idea Stu, why don't u organise a night were we all meet wud b nice 2 meet up with every1. Wot do u guys think????? Todd - wud u b able 2 come? Bring ur new b/f as well.....hehe

Rite, i best do something as i can't b on the computer all day! I might just go 2 Tesco n check out that manual microwave - i'm quite anxious on how it is supposed 2 wrk lol

PS: Bobby u need 2 behave urself n stop farting in bed lol. How else is daddy able 2 get guys in his bed when it smells of ur farts lol. I say no more hahahha

Raks xxx

4:22 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

First off, cheers Raks I'd love to meet you lot in NYC. I did that wiff me mates (m8s LOL) from Leeds once -- it were right fun. And which of my stable of fine men do you want me to bring with me? LOL

Raks stole my line -- I was gonna comment on the fact you didn't seem to slice a limb off this week. You have precious little to lose, you know, so be careful HAHAHA (Stu slaps Todd)

So instead of commenting on your bodily injuries, i shall instead comment guessed it...MAN U!!!

Yeah, we just won against bloody Pompey. Last week's shambolic affair against France, erm, I mean ARSE-n-HOLE is all forgotten. El Blanco Pele has now scored thrice in two games which makes me feel a bit better about our ultimate league championship chances. But god, I'd like to be up 9 right now...oh, well, nevermind.

I have to go to Las Vegas on February 5 for four days. I am compereing a meeting for 1000 moment in the spotlight. I have to sing "Let's Get This Started" by The Black Eyed Peas one morning...oh God. Anyway, I know this will SHOCK you but I cannot wait as I really enjoy being on stage and the center of attention LOL

Well it's a beautiful sunny day here, but we've had our share of rain and wind too. A couple weeks ago we had over 1,000,000 people lose their power from a wind storm and some did not get power back for two weeks. TWO WEEKS. Can you imagine?

On March 3 I am flying down to San Francisco to go to the opening night party at the DeYoung Museum for the Vivienne Westwood retrospective. It's the same show I saw at the V&A in 2004. I'm gurna wear all my Vivie clobber...should be a great party. I am having 10 folks to my hotel suite for a pre-party and then we're taking a hired car to the museum. Fun! :-)

I think i am going to also go to a spa in the desert somewhere in March. Maybe the sea in Mexico. I don't know. I just need to disappear for about 4 days and get massages and have a good book and a physical trainer to oversee a workout each day. Kind of half health farm, half relaxation resort. Work has me so near a frazzle -- also still feeling depressed about Daniel and it not working out with Preston. :-(

Alan is still in the picture -- very much so. But I cannot bring on another serious BF right now. I need to be on "me time" for a good year, I think.

And at least Kitty is her usual self. She doesn't give me any Dutch ovens in the bed like Bobbie does though LOL I swear to god, Kitty would be turned into a lady's handbag the next morning if she did any of that :-)

Well, give my best to your mum and sis and brother and Keith. I hope Raks' office mates are all doing well, too! Helloooooooo, Leicester! :-)

Take care old man, and wish me luck in my footy game tomorrow. It starts at 11pm your time Sunday night. You'll probably be on the pull but try to think a kind thought HAHA


A couple other blokes -- don't know their names LOL

11:45 AM  

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