Sunday, December 31, 2006

I think I should start by saying Happy New Year to everyone. I can't believe that 2007 is here already! I'm pleased it's here as 2006 has been a bit of a naff year on the whole. But I don't wanna dwell on all that. It's a new year and I hope it's gonna be a real good one for all of us!

Christmas was great fun. I love it so much and I had a little tear in my eye when I had to put the tree down yesterday, back into it's box. I received so many lovely cards this year. some hand made even! Also everyone was very generous with all the gifts. I didn't get one single gift that I can say was not perfect for me. I think next December I will post a Christmas list so those of you that read the blog and FORGOT to get me something can get some advice...he he..
Christmas day as you all know we were round my brothers place for the day. I got up fairly early and went downstairs and wished my little Bobby a Happy Christmas, had breakfast and went on my way to pick up my Gran and Grandad and from there we went to my Bros. His place is really nice. It's a new build apartment with two bedrooms en suite and a really nice fitted kitchen. As you can see he made a real effort to make sure everyone had a great time and we all did. He even baked cakes!
Bobby came too and he had so many people to play with he just didn't know what to do with himself. My Mum was there and her husband Keith. Suzanna and my brother in law Matt too. We had a great meal together and chilled out for a while afterwards enjoying each others company.

The food was really nice and I must say it's the first meal my brother has EVER cooked for me and it was very good. It's hard work cooking for 8-9 people but he managed really well. Matt (my Brother in law) was on hand to carve and give advice so between them the boys did great!

I received some lovely presents from my family. A nice bread bin, clothes, DVDs etc... oh and a nice shoe rack for my front door. I think I have too many shoes just lying around.
Bobby was really pooped out by the time we got home. He was so exhausted from all the excitement of all them people who played with him. He just collapsed. I've never seen him so tired out before.
What else have I been doing with my time off? Well not much really. I have had a great week off doing absolutely nothing really. Just going to bed late and getting up late. It's been a nice change of routine for me. I have started back at the gym (on the advice of my Nutritionist) and it feels really good.

On Tuesday (Boxing Day) I visited Tom and Guy at both their houses and managed to see Guys parents. Margaret and Alan, oh and of course Charles. We all had dinner together and then afterwards went to Tom's place to exchange presents.

I managed to get round and see Simon and Tasha and my little Brooke. She has a little cold right now so was a bit upset. Me and Tasha went out with the buggy and took her for some fresh air which was rather weird as I've never pushed a push chair before.

New Years Eve has been a very quiet affair for me. I spent the night in at home watching t.v. I recorded over Christmas (awwwww I know how boring!) trouble is I got car problems so am a bit home bound right now. Next year I hope to get an invite to come to Leicester to see what it is that's so special about that place? I've heard it's like the Bermuda Triangle, people go in and never come out again....That true? Bobby and me watched the fireworks in London, which were amazing! and then it's up to bed to finish off the Blog and get off to bed myself. I need to get back into a routine of getting up. It's back to reality on Tuesday! Back to work! Damn!
Before I go I just wanted to post a picture of Raks from Leicester. He always seems to get left out of the piccies (maybe because he's always the one taking them?) anyway I have managed to get hold of this one (from the asian mafia archive) take a look what you think? Dodgy or what?

So all it leaves for me to do is wish that you all had a very good Christmas with lots of fun and laughter and more importantly of all with family or friends. I am sure 2007 is going to be good for all of us. Take care and make sure you come back next week and see if I managed to get up on Tuesday!

Oh and I almost forgot to say a big thank you to Todd for my Christmas gifts from U.S.A. they are all just great and each time I wear them I will be thinking of you mate.



Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

It is with the greatest honour and humble obeisance that I tender to you, Sir, the first post to your blog for the Year of Our Lord 2007.

This will be, I am certain, a year of heretofor unmatched joy and serenity for you, Bobby, your Mum and Keith, Suzy and Matt, and James (also known as the Gordon Ramsay of Essex for those cakes! Those cakes!!! They made me jealous...).

My New Year's was spent in the raucous company of my mates, including dear Preston, for whom I still have much affection. We watched a display of fireworks that were shot off the famous Seattle Space Needle, raised a glass (I drank to you, Daniel and anyone who was lonely on this happy night), and gave up smoking. For the third time. But the last time I quit smoking was whilst watching the Space Needle fireworks and that lasted THREE YEARS.

This time it will be forever. I know how to do this.

My other resolutions include writing more fiction, attending literary events with some regularity, going out to pubs on the pull instead of the internet (LOL), and one or two other things I would rather not commit to the written word. If you know what I mean. Simply not good form, old man.

And so I bid thee and thine a most prosperous New Year. May the winds of good fortune blow down the Rayleigh Road and knock your roof off. Or something.

Putting the GREAT in Great Britain,

TBR (and Kitty, too)

1:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loollzzzzz raks you look like a right gangster haha

Reena x

5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got to agree with you Stuart - Raks looks very dodgy in that picture. A bit like the terminator out in a mission in London!

Steve [a very scared manager]

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raki-Mondo whats with the shades in that picture? lol. And everyone sees you as a mere pup at work Look at you now - you top dog!

Poor Raks he has lost his voice and has a sore throat when he came to work. I wonder what he got up to over the weekend hahaha

8:18 AM  

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