Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hey...Well I think I should start by thanking the Leicester posse for their nice message. I really enjoy it when people post comments and I think you should all follow suit. If you got something to say then spit it out! LOL... If anyone has any pictures or anything interesting they wanna put on my blog then just e-mail them to me and I will post them. I would love to get all of you involved. Make it something for everyone.

Compared to all the drama of last week this week has been fairly quiet for me. I have been on an early shift this week so getting my skinny ass out of bed at 4am which is harsh. On Tuesday night I had a checkup with the Dentist. I had a couple of x-rays and it's all fine although I was a bit annoyed to find out that I've gotta wait another 5 months until this is all going to be sorted out. How long can it take to put a tooth in your head? How come these make over shows do it all in 45 But I guess I have to wait until the gum is fully healed up inside.

During the day on Tuesday I had to go and have my Flu vaccination at work. They seem to think that by jabbing us all they will cut back on the sick and I guess stop the public services from melt down incase we have an epidemic of Flu. I've had it for the past three years and it's NEVER effected me in the way this years has. I feel well ruff. For the past week I've had aches and pains, colds, sore throat and bunged up nose. So I'm not sure if I'll have it again next year? It's always a laugh though. Me and a few collegues went up to Central London where the Headquarters is. It's like a day out for us and of course you get a lollipop afterwards (although I think most of the guys like the fact that the nurses are normally sexy Australian girls. LOL...But I'm happy with the lollipop!

It was a horrible day as you can see from the picture.
I had my day off on Wednesday but it wasn't really a day off for me. I had a phone call on Tuesday night from an old friend/work colleague of mine who I haven't seen in a very long time. She had got herself into some trouble and got herself pregnant. I was a bit shocked at first because I don't see how anyone can accidentally get pregnant. It's simple right? But after chatting with her she had made her mind up that she wanted a termination. I don't know how you guys feel about this kind of thing. I don't totally agree with it unless it early on (which this was) but it was her decision.

The process is quite simple. You need to get two doctors to agree to be able to have a termination. Although the law on this is currently being reviewed. Some circumstances don't really require a doctor to agree at all, especially if it's an older woman who you might say is mature enough to decide on her own state of mind?

I agreed to take her to the clinic. She couldn't go on her own incase she needed sedation and she didn't want to tell anyone else. It was an early start for us both on Wednesday I had to be up to travel to Loughton where the clinic was and collect her on the way for an 8am appointment. The clinic was really nice and seemed very busy. There are several different ways of doing the procedure I won't go into much detail as you might be eating but the easiest option is by taking a pill twice over 48 hours. The others involve mild sedation and scooping. Once she was out of the clinic I took her home and since then she has made a full recovery and although I think she is still a little fragile in her case she made the right decision.

On Friday I was a total Duffus! I managed (don't ask me how) to not hear my alarm clock and didn't get out of bed in time for work! I think it must have been because my day off wasn't really my day off and I didn't get the lay in that I normally get on a day off. So I had to take a duvet day. I didn't get up until 11am. I really needed the rest though. I did manage to do something productive with the day though and popped off to Romford to the market. I haven't been there in about 10 years so I was surprised to see that it's not changed one bit. The market was quite busy with Christmas shoppers and actually I managed to get Bobby his Christmas present, his new bed. I felt like a bit of a prat though because the man didn't have a carrier bag big enough to put it in. So he made me look like a complete homeless person and put it in a black bin bag! I was getting right stares on the train home and in Mc.Donalds. LOL

As you can see the bed is lovely and cozy. Bobby loves it. Although he doesn't sleep in there at night he has to slum it during the day whilst I'm at work so he needed something comfortable.

Moving onto something a bit more cheerful. I got to see my little God daughter on Friday. She really has got so much bigger. Simon, Tasha, Brooke and me went to a pub in Chelmsford for some food. It's the bigt day next weekend. Brooke has her Christening. I am not nervous though. It will be nice to meet some of my new family. I have heard a lot about them all. Brooke is so sweet. I have never had anything to do with babies in the past and I am beginning to realise just how much pleasure they can give you. She is a very good looking baby (of course) and she was on her best behaviour. I got to feed her and cuddle her and hold her for a while which was great.

Uncle Stuart feels very proud!

To be honest I was a bit pessimistic about the place we were gonna be eating at but it turned out to be a nice and clean place with very good food. I had the chicken curry (without the chips!) we chatted for hours about things and life in general. Check out next weeks Blog where all the details will be!
The weekend has been ok. I was working on Saturday. Sunday was a drama. As you all remember my Gran cut her foot a while back and ruined the carpets. Well, they have selected a new one and the men are coming on Wednesday to fit it. So today my brother James, Mum and me went round there and pulled up the old carpet. I think it's been down there for over 30 years so it was a bit dusty.

As you can see we all got into the spirit of things and got the job done in about 3 hours. I just hope it all runs smoothly when the men put down the new carpet. I'm sure it will look great, they are the same guys who laid me! LOL I mean laid mine......

Raks reckons I look like a lamp stand! I'll have you know this is one of my Gran's favourtie hats! What you reckon? I think he might be right!

It just leaves me to tell you that the operation on my Mum's nose went very well and as you can see she is back to normal. I think she had a nose job really and is just pretending it was a lump she had removed. LOL....As you can see though she is as lovely looking as before.

that's it for me for this week...Plenty of things going on next week. So make sure you all come back and find out what's been going on. I hope your all cool and remember to make sure you send in your comments and pictures for me to put on the blog. You've all got mobiles! So I expect something! LOL take care until next week.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stuart - i work alongside with Raks and i have just read the comments made by other team members so feeling a bit left out i thought i put some of my thoughts on your blog.

Its always nice to get to know the different "men" in Raks life as they tend to be varied and interesting - although sometimes i cant keep up as there are so many! I recall one day that Raks introduced some of his mates at work. It turned into something like "its raining men" or the Mardi Gras! But seriously, everyone at the careers service in leicester see Raks as an asset and they really adore him as he is always there for everyone....

Well i better be going as I have clients to see in a few minutes. I can see Raks decorating the Christmas Tree near the reception area at work - the guy never stops! Hopefully, you can come to the the company's Christmas Party on 22 December as Raks does speak highly of you. Everyone at work are excited not only because there will be tonnes of free wine but Raks never disappoints us on his standards in organising such events -they are simply amazing and out of this world! I think this year there should be approx 200 people attending. I do wonder how Raks does it but then he has plenty of experiences. I have been telling him for years to get into Events Management as a profession as you can make a lot of money from it but i think he loves his job to much - the guy has never taken a sick day!

Nice picture of you and baby Brooke. Looking forward to your blog next week!


2:02 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace:

Your blog is AMAZING!!! Terminated pregnancies, Shenfield train interiors, your poor mum's nose and you with a's really almost too much to take! LOL

I mailed you Christmas pressies. I put in three pressies for you and one for your mum. They are not wrapped cuz I figured customs might inspect them and wanted it to be easy. I am gonna have a pressie sent from West Ham to your sis. They assured me it would all arrive before Christmas, but we shall see!!!

Kitty and Prezza are fine. I've been working hard. I leave for California on Sunday and will be down there for 5 days. It is supposed to be sunny and warm (72 degrees) so I am well chuffed for it. I am staying at the Hotel Del Coronado ( and that looks well nice.

We have the tree and train all set up -- it looks so nice. We got a 7 foot noble fir and all the glass ornaments on it look so nice. It's a gay old tree, that's for sure LOL

I am going to send you a funny picture of an Ashley cole "gay pound note" and maybe you can post it on your blog as a nod to the footy. You know I will visit if you always have something about footy. What am I like -- I will visit here anyway, and you know it :-)

You're such a sweet lad -- always looking out for co-workers, friends, family and of course Bobby. Bless. You are such a great chappy.

Well, it's off to the gym for me now so I can get all fit for Raks HAHAHAHA I have to meet this guy -- he sounds like a hoot. I arrive in London on June 28, 2007, so get ready, baby. Prezza is coming, too, but not Kitty :-)

Take care, sir, and give your best to everyone.



3:04 PM  

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