Sunday, November 26, 2006

Evening everyone,

I think I should start with my bit of bad news. My aunty Pat passed away last night. She had been fighting an illness for quite some time. She was ever such a lovely lady. She was in her 80's and used to live next door to my Granparents. They had all lived next door to one another for over 48 years and were very close. Think my Gran will really miss her. I just hope that where she has gone now is a place where she can be with her husband Ron and is happy and no longer in any pain.

On Monday I went out for the evening which was lovely. I had such a great night out. I went to the theatre. I went to see Evita. I finished work early and went into the West End. I didn't really know much about Evita and the whole story but I managed to keep up (I think). It was at one of the theatres in the Strand. It was funny actually because my Dad and Maureen had been to see it a few weeks before and sat only two rows in front of where I was sat. We were right at the front in the stools which was really good. The place was packed and the time flew by very quickly. The music was great and the performance was good. It has been ages since I went for a dinner and a show so it made a nice change. We at at Wagamama's which is a really good restaurant chain. I think you probably have one near where you are? I had the chicken katsui curry. It was delicious but i couldn't manage it all.

Doesn't London look great even after dark? This is the fountain in Trafalger Square. It was really cool walking around there that evening. I then went to visit the Queen after at Buckingham Palace. all the lights were on but she weren't home.

Well it looks like Autumn is finally here and it has been so cold and rainy this week down in London and Essex I just want to hibernate! The woods nearby my house are so pretty this time of year.

On Tuesday night I met up with Chris. It was nice to see him. He is back for good from China now. He has some new job opportunities to look forward too. We went out in Soho and had a few drinks. We went to the Village and chatted for a couple of hours. It's great to have him back in the UK. Chris has always been my cinema buddy and holiday buddy and since he left for his posting abroad I don't have anyone close to go with. So I hope we can get back to going out regularly again.

On Thursday I had a complete disaster. I decided to hook up with Jamie and thought I would be clever and go after work. So I finished work a bit early managed to get the train and get home. I quickly got showered and took the dog out and grabbed a quick bite to eat. Hoping to get into town for about 9. I got onto the motorway at about 7.30 and hit the longest row of red lights I've ever seen. The traffic jam was really long and by the time I got back to Chadwell Heath (where I started from at work) it was too late to meet Jamie so all I managed to do was a complete circle and not even get into town. So I'm sorry Jamie for letting you down that night. Hopefully I will get to see you next week.

So all this has been going on and I'm still trying to recover from the flu. Which incidently work are sending me off to have the flu jab on Tuesday. Little bit too late if you ask me but never mind. If it's free I'll have it....

I laughed on Friday so much. To cut this long bizarre story short I managed (don't ask me how) to break the headphones to my ipod! As some of you know I am always listening to it. When on the train, at work, doing the ironing? No, I take that one back....Sorry Mum.......Doing the washing, walking Bobby. So I am a bit lost without them. Norman who I work with thought it was be nice to bring me in a set he had at home....It was very sweet of him but they weren't exactly what I expected..........I was as nice as I could be about it but he gives me a lift to the train station most nights and I felt a bit obliged to wear them so I didn't upset him. What do you think? I don't think they did my street cred any good??? Sexy or what? Don't all go out and buy me a new pair now! I managed to get to the Apple store yesterday and buy myself a new set. Although they cost me £20, which I know Raks agrees is a little bit pricey! LOL....

On Saturday. I met up with Tom and Guy. We went to Bluewater. Tom's brother James has just had a little baby girl called Brooke. She was 7 pound something. So we had to go shopping for a card and balloon and all that stuff that goes with a new baby. It was so busy at Bluewater. I guess most people are now deep into there Christmas shopping! As you can see from the picture below Jade Goody was there signing copies of her new perfume. She seemed nice enough and even found time to pose for a picture on the Blog. Thanks Jade...x

Tom had thehugestt cup of hot chocolate I've ever seen. What do you reckon?

I had a serious drama on Saturday night. I was all rested andcozyy after watching x-factor and to be honest the weekend off I had so been looking forward too had been pretty awful anyway. Actually I think any guys reading this might want to turn away or skip this paragraph as it's a bit painful for us all... I had some bad pains in the water works department and when I went to the toilet I was bleeding. It was so painful. It was ten times worse pain than having teeth pulled out! When itdidn'tt stop bleeding I was getting a bit worried.Welll more than a bit. So (don't ask me why) I thought I would go to bed and hope it would be alrite in the morning. LOL..Ittwasn'tt much better. My boxer shorts were a bit blobbed with blood by the morning! I went to the toilet and OMG it was like pissing razor blades...Excuse my language. So I thought I should go to the hospital. Not that I mind going. It's just on a Sunday you have to sit there with all the footballers and being sobering up from the night before. LOL....I went to our local A&E which is Basildon Hospital.

I waited for about 4 hours and eventually got to see a doctor and he had a good fiddle about. Which is verydemoralizingg especially when it involves those kind of things. I gave a sample and he thinks I have scratched the insideurethrar which is the canal that takes Urine and that out of you. He tested the urine and still found traces of blood. I am a little bit worried but I have to go back in 7 days to give another one. Hopefully it will be all gone by that time but if not I have to go see aUrologistt. I am OK though. It just hurts right now when I go to the loo. LOL....

Do you think I should audition for the next Superman movie?

So the weekend I was sooooo looking forward too turned out to be a complete disaster. I should have just gone to work. I would have got into less bother I think. I'm on an early shift next week so I hope I will get to have a rest? Maybe???

Well I don't think I have much more to add apart from I hope Eileen gets better soon. I hear on the grapevine that she's been off work? So Me and Bobby send you lots of well wishes. Other than thanks for reading the Blog for this week. Stuart is in bed right feeling sorry for himself so I am filling in for him this week.....Lick Lick...... Bobby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stuey!

I can't believe u brought those headphones -£20! I cud of got it cheapa from my dad's newsagent! Got 2 admit those headphones from Norman do kinda suit u tho lol.....its made us giggle @ wrk hehe.

OMG u soo look like Clarke Kent in that pic, although I prefer Spiderman - mmmm he is so fit! Went 2 watch James Bond y'day n they showed a sneaky preview of the new Spiderman movie n it looks fantastic. Oooo Transformers the Movie is coming out soon 2 but hey no fit men in there - its all machines grrrr

Gawd when u told me y'day about ur little emergency I could not believe it (my eyes got all watery!). Sometimes I do wonder whether u need 24 hrs care....

Bobby - u look cool as eva - I hope ur behaving urself n looking after daddy. Although it looks like ur finding urself a date on the internet lol

Raks xxx

Eileen: Hi Stuart, thanks for your lovely kind words on your blog. Firstly, I would like to say I’m sorry to hear your loss of your aunty Pat. Raks and myself have been trying to write a joint comment on your blog for a while but we never get a chance. However, I think most people are concentrating in doing their Christmas shopping today rather than wanting careers advice and guidance so we have all gathered in Raks's office to type a little something. I believe Raks informed that i have not been feeling well. In the past two weeks I have had the flu but don't worry Raks has kept me informed on an on-going basis in your busy life...all the best and good luck with the blog.

Steve: Hi Stu, i'm Rak's manager. Just wanted to say that your blog is talk of the office and we all look forward to the Monday mornings! PS: can you please please tell Raks to do some work - he always wonders about in the office and never does anything..

Raks: "slaps Steve" - i'm always busy Steve so sush! "slaps Steve" again

Jagdish, Hannah, Lil, and Vikki: Hey Stu, we all girls in the team all wanna say hi and we all fancy you… xxxx

Reena: Hi Stu, finally we have all come together in Raks’s [small] office to write some comments. Raks talks about you all the time and it feels like you are part of our team in Leicester! Will you be coming to our Christmas Party in December? Raks has organised the company’s Christmas Party again which are always amazing. Rumours are that he is bringing a VIP to the Party – is that you? It would be nice to see you in the flesh! Reena x

1:56 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace:

My goodness, I seem to have stepped into an episode of The Office. Is Raks like Ricky Gervais? Oh, I do love Ricky Gervais.

Those last two sentences...say them like Dot Cotton and it sounds funny LOL

Hey, old boy, I am sorry to hear about your Aunty Pat. She sounds like she were a fine lady (one of several in your family). Being that she was alive during the war (the real one, anyway), it got me to thinking about WW2 and London and so I sent you a little pressie from that time period to tack up on a wall. It's suitably Young Conservative LOL

Raks sounds a bit hungry like the wolf when it comes to fit men. I can relate LOL But now wiff Prezza it's a bit less problematic LOL

Kitty says hello. And I swear to God I wanted to enter your windshield crack photo contest but I tried to take a snap of the star crack in my windshield and the glare is always too strong. Bloody Volkswagen. Germans.

Becks is back from 2 weeks of injury. And Man U are doing really well. They WASTED Everton. Mourinho is making noises about the title but they sound desperate and almost like he doesn't believe them. And West Ham fans all have to shop at Iceland now LOL (ask your mum to explain...)

And I must chime in with that office in Leicester and compliment you on your FAR TOO CHIC headphones. I note poor Bobby saw them and immediately logged on to find a cheap "To Let" in the online adverts LOL

Christmas is coming, Little Stuey!!! Prezza and I are going shopping this weekend. I am going to buy your pressies and post them if it kills me. I'll send your mum and sis a wee bit of a bob in the same package and label them clearly.

Wish me luck finding you something fancy so you can continue to get let into Chinawhite LOL

Cheers, mate and btyematebye...


7:39 PM  

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