Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hi everyone,

It's getting late and I'm very tired this evening. I think it must be because of all this miserable rain we have here in Essex today. It's not stopped all weekend actually. Anyway...Hope your all OK and recovered from the New Years eve celebrations and back to work. Working hard in whatever it is that your paid to do.

It's been a quiet week really. I've been settling back into work. Which by Tuesday I was ready to need some more holiday! Although I've only got 2 days of annual leave left so am not sure what I am going to do until April! Never mind. So if anyone here has some leave they don't want can they send it to me LOL. I've not really done much this week. I picked up my new car on Friday which was great. The old banger had to go in the end. It was seriously going to explode, fall apart or something...So I got a lovely little Vauxhall Corsa.

It's only just over 12 months old and is really nice. I've never had a Vauxhall before so wasn't too sure what to make of them but after driving it all weekend I've got on rather well with it. It's probably the quietest small car I've ever been in. It's got one of those automatic and manual gearboxes which like my smart car is ok if your one of these people who likes to do both. I can't see the point in changing gear myself. If you can get something else to do it why bother yourself? It's cheap to tax with a small engine and is so comfortable I really love it. So keep a look out for me in my purple love machine in the near future! If you see me on the streets bib me up.

I managed to injure myself AGAIN this week. I think as I get older I'm getting clumsier (did I spell that right?) This time I managed to shut my hand in the door to the gym and it bled big time. LOL although this is the opposite middle finger from the damaged one the other week. Luckily I carry plasters with me now so I can patch myself up.

Bobby has had a good week. After all the excitement of Christmas he has been resting at home, keeping warm in my bed. I decided to give him a shower the other day which is always a mistake. He likes the bit where I shower him in the warm water and he don't actually mind the shampoo bit either. BUT when we get to the drying off bit he hates it. He goes mad. I ended up running around the house trying to dry him off. LOL He was biting me and growling i think he might be possessed so if anyone know a good exorcist then let me know.

I don't' know if any of you lot are watching Celebrity Big Brother but I thought I should give it a mention. I love CBB and normal BB but this week I haven't had much time to watch it but what I've seen so far has been good. I can't wait to see all them celeb ego's getting just what they deserve, a taste of the real world!

Yesterday night me and a mate went out for dinner which was cool. We went to Nando's in Mile end (East end of London). I love Nando's. I'm not really too keen on the really spicy chicken and have only just progressed to the 'medium' one but I do like it. I had chicken with chips and coleslaw....mmmmmm....could just eat it again now actually.
Thanks to everyone for their comments they left last week. I must say that poor Raks got a bit of a verbal bashing! Last week with his gruff, ruff, rugged voice LOL but it weren't his fault. I think he's been out kissing too many girls that's his problem! I know he's off work now so I guess the office must be a bit on the quiet side in Leicester?

Finally I should just say a little something about poor little Brooke who hasn't been very well this week. Just wanted to say that Uncle Stuart sends his love and hopes she is feeling more herself next week.

I hope you all enjoy your week. Don't work too hard and remember if you got anything you want me to mention on the Blog just send me an e-mail. Thanks again to everyone who left a comment. See you all next week.




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Well let me just start right off by saying that she's done got it all wrong again. HM, that is. Leaving you off the New Year's Honours List. What cheek! Here the WHOLE NATION is clamouring for your knighthood or a dukedom or something and she just leaves your name off. Must have been an error , I reckon, and will all be set straight in the Birthday Honours List.

And second -- a bloody VAUXHALL?!?!? You might as well just paste a picture of David Cameron in the window, old are Young Conservative for real now LOL A Vauxhall, indeed. Now go be a good lad and get yourself an Aston Martin Vanquish. That's a proper motorcar for a Home Counties New Labour lad such as yourself. Pretty soon you'll be telling me you've moved to a semi in the stokebroker belt of Berkshire. What are you like, Stu King?!?!? LOL

Now I must get to the meat of the matter -- a very hearty THANK YOU for the wonderful Chrimbo pressies. I LOVE them. Prezza came over for dinner last night and I opened them in his company and he was so CHUFFED, I mean almost tearful, Stuart, that you'd written his name into the Christmas card. Your kindness has always touched me, but it's also touched someone you've never met.

You are a wonderful lad.

I love the prezzies. The ball is fantastic and I have it displayed in my footy shrine, next to my signed England boot (8 of the England players signed it!) and my Man U ball and my Real Madrid bobbleheads and all that. The practice book is excellent -- I spent all day laying in bed reading it today as our weather is gray and awful as it sounds like it is in Essex. In fact, I like to think of Seattle as Essex without all the white lipstick and hairspray LOL LOL Oh, you will beat me when you see me next, I just know it.

Well Man U sent old Aston up the Villa today -- and rightly so. That Cahill foul on Ronny was criminal. But nevermind...we're gonna win the league this year :-)

I miss you so much. I wish you would come over here and visit. If I bought you tikkies would you come or would you rather slam your hand in a door and work? Hmmm???

Be a good lad and write Kate Middleton a parking ticket next time she's in Romford LOL

We all send our love -- me, Kitty, Prezza and the new guy. The new guy? Yes, the new guy. Name's Alan. I will send you his snap and you can tell me if I have chosen wisely. In fact, post it on your blog and all your mates can tell me if I have chosen wisely LOL

What a scandal.

Take care and don't drive your Vauxhall into any Grade II barns LOL



5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Stu,

Its the 6th day that Raks is away from work and we all miss him loads. It feels like there is something missing in the team. Its really busy at work and Raks is so lucky to get a month off holiday. Yogi was telling me yesterday that he is going to see Kylie in Manchester over this weekend - are you guys going together? Do you have a spare ticket? I WANNA GO TOO!

The team are all wondering when you are coming 2 leicester. And don't wait for raks to give you an invite - just come! Yogi and i will treat u to a Nando's!

Nice choice of car - i have a Corsa as well!

Reena x

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HHHUUURRRRAAHHH! Raks is back at work - we are all saved lol!

Yogi xxx

8:11 AM  

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