Sunday, February 04, 2007

Hey everyone. I hope your all back to work and rested after a lovely weekend of nice bright blue skies and stars at night? My week has been average really. I have been working hard. Spending lots of time all over the place! All over the country. The week has been long though and I'm glad that February is now here! yippeeeee.....

My week started off in London with various meetings. It was such a nice day. London is just perfect to be in when the sun is out. I love it.

There was something big going on this week. As I passed Westminster Abbey the Queen was there and the bells were ringing out.

Bobby has been naughty this week. I couldn't believe it but on Wednesday evening I got home from work and went out into the garden to play ball with him as usual and I saw this thing laying there. I thought what on earth is that? So I approached it and to my horror it was one of my favourite teddy bears. The little git had gone up to my bedroom, onto my bed and picked one of the toys and decided he was going to play with him all day! OMG I went mad! (Not for long) he gave me that little I'm upset face and I had to forgive him but only after I ignored him for a few hours! Naughty Bobby! Luckily the poor bear was savable (is that a word?) so after 40 minutes in the washing machine and a few days drying on a radiator he is back to normal. As you can see both Bobby and the bear have made up and hopefully he won't be making another mistake like that in a hurry.

You'll all be happy to know that the floor has now been layed in my bathroom so you can all expect a bathroom warming party invitation in the post soon. It's only been about 5 months coming but we are on the last leg of this epic decorating journey! LOL As you can see though it's looking good!

I was busy for most of Saturday. During the morning i managed to get my car washed and it was such a nice day I managed to do some weeding in the garden too. After I went to Tesco's and did my shopping.

On Saturday night I met up with Chris. We had a great evening. We went out to dinner in Clapham and decided to eat Japanese which was lovely. I must wish Chris luck with his new job which he starts fully today. His first official duty is a conference and he has to fly to Mexico, he is probably in the air as I speak. So good luck Chris!

Yesterday I finally got to meet up with Tom. I haven't seen him since Christmas so it was really good to catch up and spend the day together. Guy was at work but I'm hoping to see him this week sometime. Tom and I went to Bluewater shopping centre and did some window shopping. We didn't buy much but it was an excuse to go check out the shops and grab a nice meal out too.

That's pretty much it for my week. It's been kinda a boring and non eventful week. The weekend has been good and I've enjoyed having a bit of time with my friends and family. I hope your all OK and that you have a great week whatever it is your doing. Make sure you come back next week. I have lots planned!



Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace:

Oh lord, what a week!

I spent all last week in Las Vegas, a city that is everything awful about America. It's all surface, it defines fun as gambling away your money while girls with big knockers bring you drinks and it's a waste of energy (electricity and water). Yuk, yuk, YUK!

But the meeting itself was fun -- I had to compere the whole thing for 1000 people for all three days. Had to be on stage so much -- you know that just kills me HAHAHAHA Oh no, me, in the spotlight again?!?!? LOL I loved it. I felt like a movie star with all the people coming up to me during and afterward. It was delightful.

And so was Man U's win over troubled Charlton today. And poor West Ham...Stu, I fear we shall have to put Suzy and your mum under suicide watch at the end of the season as West Ham look to be going down. It's just awful...

I still have my stable of lads LOL Preston and Alan are both in the frame and they have even met a couple times now and did not claw each other's eyes out LOL

Poor Daniel is still as deluded as ever. I saw him with one of his drugs friends a couple nights ago and it just knocked me right down into a depression. Thank goodness Alan was there to pull me out of it and he was so chirpy and cheerful during dinner it made me feel better again :-)

Seems amazing that it's only 4 months now till I come back to Blighty!!! You had best have some time off on this visit or I shall be SO CROSS AT YOU!!! I want a full day wiff me lit'l bruv.

Your snaps of London made me so "homesick" -- I can't wait to return. And the bathroom floor looks so lovely one could almost eat off it, don't you think??? LOL

Kitty is all curled up in a tight little ball of fur on my bed. Preston is at school and Alan is working. I am going to clean house now after lunch. I think a spot of beans on toast sounds good...

All the best to you, Sir, and please stay warm. Spring will be here soon :-)

Give my best to your family. And the next time I come visit I expect to meet Tom and Guy at last. I've only met that awful Ralf, so surely you can introduce me to the good people!!! :-)

Cheers and byematebye,

TBR & Kitty

11:18 AM  

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