Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hey everyone. I hope your doing well and that you're weekend was a good one. I just finished watching Big Brother and I have to say that the best person won. Shilpa deserved to win even if she hadn't been treated badly I would have still voted for her. She seems such a genuine, friendly, warm and loving person. Are all you Indians like her? If yes I think I need to get me one? Jade Goodie and her family really did do themselves justice in that house. They are everything that is wrong with a certain section of the UK's population. Intolerant, selfish, ill mannered and bully's. So as of tomorrow my life will be empty. No more Big Brother, no more house mates arguing, no more silly tasks and most of all no more Russell Brand! Doh.......Oh well I guess we will have to wait for BB 8. I wonder what will be in store for us then? Who knows.....

Anyway that's my little bit over and done with. Now back on with the week....OMG it's been so cold this last week! I don't know about other parts of the UK and beyond but I got frozen every morning getting myself down to the train station. A few times I just didn't want to get out of my lovely warm bed! Then to top it all (I think God read my last blog) we were sent some snow!
I have been on an early shift this week. Leaving the house at about 5am in the morning when I think it's got to be at it's coldest! It was pretty cool though walking in the snow because NO one and I mean NOBODY had even stepped in it at that time of the morning. It's weird being up and about walking around my village at that time of the morning. I can literally walk down the middle of the road and not see a single car. Even the birds are tucked up in bed.

It was so cold this week that i couldn't even feel my nose. I had three jumpers on, a fleece and my winter anorak all huddled up on the deserted train.

Bobby had the right idea by not wanting to get out of his bed at all! Lucky little dog!

On Wednesday I went to visit Simon and Tasha and Brooke. It was nice to see them all again. Little Brooke is getting so big now. She is really turning into a little person. I helped Tasha bathe her and clean her up which was great. Don't expect no pictures of her in the bath there are laws against that sort of thing.....LOL We sat and chatted and then got takeaway and I came home. Simon wasn't feeling too well so I hope he feels better now? This is Simon's dog Leo. I don't think I've talked about him before. He is ever so sweet and very well behaved. I'm not really a big dog kinda person but I will make the exception for him...

The week at work has been busy. The bad weather has kept us on our toes. I tell ya the slightest bit of bad weather and people start to drive like maniacs. Here's a little tip for you..Always drive to suit the conditions! Speed limits are in place as a maximum speed but also only a guide so if it's icy it doesn't mean to say you have to do 70mph on the motorway.

After seeing Simon the other night I went and visited Yatin. He has just moved into his own flat in Basildon which ain't far from me. We chatted and he showed me around. He has done well for himself. It's a nice little place and with a bit of decorating it will be great for him. As you can see it was getting late and he was ready for bed....awww bless him in his jim jams lol (I didn't think people wore them anymore?)

I was working on Saturday but then after I had to head off to Liverpool. I had a good journey. It only took me about 3.5 hours on the journey up and 4 hours on the return. I did wave as I passed Leicester. I'm not sure if any of you saw me? I would have come by but I was rushing for time but the next time I'm coming up north I will make arrangements and visit all my lovely bloggers....

Thank goodness I'm not up early in the morning that would kill me after my long drive from Liverpool. Then I have a whole weekend off to look forward too where I'm hoping to see Tom and Guy. I haven't seen them since Christmas! I have been missing them a lot. Also I haven't seen Aaron Kumar! so if anyone knows where he is. TELL HIM to phone me before I file a missing persons report!
Before I go I have to thank Raks and Todd for your comments. It's ok guys I might manage to lose a limb next week...He he. I hope everyone who reads the blog is well and happy. Remember to leave your comments and let me know whats going on in your lives too. I want to hear all about it!
Enjoy the week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Stu, I totally agree with u - i think Shilpa deserved to win. And as some people said its a fixed - WELL ITS NOT. There were alot and i mean alot off people out there who voted for her. Including me. She won because off what sort off women she is. Kind, loyal, and she was herself in the house. not like Jade, Jo or Danielle who thought they were acting a play, and talked about Shilpa behind her back. Now i think that is out off order. Good on Shilpa for not taking this further, because these girls are not worth the time. WELL DONE SHILPA. Chicken Curry rules !!!

Mark - Raks's m8

6:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Stu

Raks is back from his holidays. We are all pleased to see him. We all missed him loads. It was very different when he was not here. If you wanted another example of how Indians are so kind, considerate, so loving and genuine you only have to know Raks - he is treating the whole team for lunch at Zizzi's today!!!!

It looks very cold where you live Stu. I'm glad i'm living in leicester!


7:21 AM  

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