Sunday, February 18, 2007

Hi everybody. Hope your week has been cool? I bet most of you got cards on Wednesday. I didn't have ALL your addresses or I would have sent one to each and everyone of you. I got two bits of post on Valentines day. 1. Sky credit card bill, 2. Capital one credit card junk mail. I was over the moon...... Not even my mother sent me a card! Shame on her! LOL..... I wanna know who out of all of you got cards and how many? I bet their is someone out there who got loads?

I spent Wednesday evening being pampered. I finished work early and hopped on the train into central London where I met Nas. We had an appointment at this very trendy bar, it's not just any old bar though. It's called the 'Ice Bar' and yep you guessed it, it's made totally of ice. It's amazing. You book a place on-line and you get given a specific time to turn up and can only stay for 40 minutes (that's plenty of time!) and you get a free drink whilst your there. Even the glasses were made of ice. It was so cold I came out with a red nose (not through drink) but because it was freezing inside! It's OK though you get to wear a lovely and warm furry cape which is provided and gloves. We had such a laugh I would definitely recommend it to everyone. It don't matter how old you are to go. It's very down to earth and relaxed as you can see from the pictures everyone just has fun.

Then that evening I spent the evening relaxing and being pampered at the St.Martins Lane hotel (sister hotel to the one I showed you all last week). It was lovely inside and such a nice surprise. Nas used to work there so he got an expensive room, cheap! It's an amazing place. Very much designed in the same style as the other hotel. I had only been in there five minutes and already I bumped into one of the girls from Atomic Kitten (Don't ask me which one!) I hung out there for a while and then went out for pizza express but because it was Valentines evening it was packed! I had a quick meal and left and in true rock and roll style I jumped on the bed and fell asleep watching Sky t.v.

The next day I was off work which was cool. Unfortunately my sister had a car accident and managed to duff up her car. Don't worry though she is fine. The car isn't so fine though but as long as she was OK it don't really matter. So we all need to wish her well and hope that her back and neck ache goes away asap! I visited her on Thursday and she seemed alright. She is a bit shaken up as you would expect. Get well soon Suzy! I remember when I had my car crash it was horrible and to this day I am still very reluctant to go down that road. I will always try and avoid it. I must say though that I'm disappointed my sis didn't take me a picture for the blog. That would have been first thing on my mind! LOL......If any of you have your car crash pictures then please send them to me (Especially Raks...I know he likes to hit things!) so I can put them on the Blog and we can judge who did the most damage.
On Friday I went back to the Doctors. My ears are still playing me up so the Doc had a good look inside and told me that I got fluid on my right ear. Which would explain why I keep getting this weird feeling inside like something is moving about. So I am now on the pills to hopefully get rid of it. I also am taking a nasal steroid so I just hope my nose don't get BIG! LOL.....
On Sunday I went to visit Tom and Guy. I haven't seen Guy since Christmas and we had a lot to catch up on. They have been away to the USA since I last saw him and lucky for me they got me this wonderful (I think) present. It's supposed to be lucky. I arrived early and we all had breakfast together and then went for a nice walk with Charlie (Guys Dog) and then they took me to this lovely local pub near their house called the Swallows Return. It's like an old converted barn type theme pub. The food was very nice and I even managed a dessert. Just take a look at this really nice (sarcastic voice) present they got for me from San Francisco....Aren't I lucky! A waving cat! It's supposed to bring me luck or something?

Before I go I have to tell you about poor little Bobby. He was getting very smelly. Due to all the bad weather we have been getting I think he had rolled about in too much mud n snow. So I decided to give him a bath. He likes all the rubbing and massaging and shampoo bit but when it comes to drying off he gets the right hump! LOL...I chased him around the house for about 20 minutes before I managed to get hold of him and towel him down...Cheeky little monkey!

Thats about all for my average week. I hope your all OK and have a great week. Hope to see you next week...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sorry I didn't take a pic for the blog!!! Back at work today, had to drive past where I crashed, would go and take a pic of that for the blog but its a bit of a dangerous corner.

Take care and speak soon
Love Suzy x

12:24 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

I most certainly DID get a Valentine -- from me mum LOL And that was it.

Oh well... It's not like I don't have some nice gentlemen in my life, but they are not too sophisticated so they don't think about sentiment LOL

Well, first of all I want to wish Suzie a speedy recovery from her prang. Ouch! And add to that the result of today's West Ham v Charlton tie. Oh, I fear the worst's relegation.

On the upside, I got my first footy gong!!! I sent you a pic of it. It's ever so smart -- I could imagine HM pinning it to my morning coat herself HAHA

Anyway, it was the Most Valuable Player Award from one of my teams. It was presented me on the pitch and I must say, I had to stay very resolute as my emotions were quite strong.

I don't need to tell you that football is the great passion of my life and to win a gong for it is something very special.

Of course, life takes away what it gives at some point, and I learned at the doctor that my skin cancer had come back on my lovely, male model face for the THIRD time. It's not that bad as it's not the evil kind of skin cancer, but the fact that it's cancer of any kind is a bother and the fact that it keeps coming back is less than perfect news.

So my doctor burned off several spots of it (with a cigar...HAHA Just kidding!). He used frozen liquid nitrogen or something.

The end result is I look a perfect mess -- like some kind of methamphetamine addict. I sent you a picture because as bad as I look, I want your readers to still know I am beautiful LOL

Last bit of news is that Man U won today so that's up 9 points on the Soviet Republic of Chelsea and looking like we need to regroup as our play was not quality. Anyway, that's what champions do, they win against the course of play.

Also, had a practice today at a lovely football facility -- it has an arena, and a 9-field array (some grass, others artificial turf). All very high tech and sophisticated.

When we went on for our drills and scrimmage there were all these young kids and they were gathered by the entry gates and I could just imagine being a footballer and being kind to them and signing my name and giving them a "good luck!" :-) I never understand footballers who do not acknowlege their fans -- Joe Cole was really cool to me when we chatted in the tunnel.

OK, that's it...over and out and please ask ALL OF ENGLAND (or at least Essex, Brighton and Leicester) to pray for these face spots to go away fast!

Best to your mum, Keith, your sis and bruv and Lit'l Bobby.


3:52 PM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

And what's all this stuff about Sanderson and St. Martin's Lane -- haven't you forgotten to mention the bloke who introduced you to all this splendor many years ago??? Huh???? :-)


11:43 AM  

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