Sunday, February 11, 2007

Hello everybody. I have been receiving complaints about my blog for last week. I haven't checked it out but I think half of it got knocked off for some strange reason! I have been having trouble lately with the Blog site and I guess that's what happened. So those of you who weren't enthralled by my week I apologise. The trouble is I still have dial-up. I know what your all thinking. Yes I probably am one of the only people left in the world but I thought that the more people who turned to broadband the less people would be using dial-up and so in the end Dial-up would be quicker than broadband because only I would be using it! You see my logic? any IT genius's out there must know where I'm coming from? LOL.......

Anyway what a week it's been. I think most people reading this week have had a certain amount of snow. I love it but I hate it at the same time. It was typical that on that day I had to go to town for some work. I thought "well I need to leave early in case the trains were bad" OMG were they bad! I left the house at about 5am in the morning. I had to be in Covent Garden for 8am. I managed to get there for 07.55am! I only just made it. Those of you that don't wanna do the maths, it took me over 2.5 hours to get about 20 odd miles. Firstly I had to trek down to the train station which was a total mission. I think we had about 5 inches of snow here in Brentwood. I was slip sliding all over the place. The fast train from Shenfield normally don't take long to get into London but that day it took over an hour. I hate trains anyway and the thought of being trapped in one with nowhere to go makes me distraught so I was climbing the train walls. The underground was just as bad. I think everyone had the same idea about leaving early for work. I got to Stratford and the Que's of people were long. They were 4 person deep waiting at the platform for the tube. OMG I let about 3 trains go past me before I attempted to get on one. It was one of the most traumatic (don't wanna sound too dramatic) events of my life. We were rammed into that tube carriage like sardines. I had to go over 10 stops crammed in with more and more people trying to get on at each station. It was really horrible! I eventually decided to get off at Tottenham Court Road and walk from there. It was weird walking through the West End. It was absolutely dead. No one about at all. I think they were all either in bed or on the tube below my feet.

I do like Covent Garden. It's a great place to go and I think it's quite romantic. Lots of old buildings and a good atmosphere. If you've never been then I recommend you give it a try. Thankfully I was only there for a few hours and was finished by 12 o'clock. Coming out of the big square I noticed a familiar looking man sat in this big glass box. It turned out to be Richard Branson. I think he was launching his new Media enterprise. He is (for his age) a very well groomed looking man in real life. Some woman who was stood next to me at the time said to me "Why is he so orange?" I think it's all those days he spends on his secluded private island.

The next day I got up as normal the next day for work at 4am and was reluctant to get out of bed. I managed to drag myself into the shower and get ready for work. Luckily I had done this because five minutes after I got out the whole of the house was in darkness. The entire village decided to run out of electricity! Thank God I have a torch by my bed. So I had to make my sandwiches in the dark which was an unusual experience I have to tell you. The other bad thing about it all was that it's dark enough as it is as that time of the morning. So you can imagine what it was like walking to the station without any street lamps. I felt a little bit uneasy about it all!

On Thursday evening after work I met up with Nas and his friend Matt. We fancied going out and hitting the town. There was this nice little Thai restaurant that Nas had mentioned to me before which sounded good. So we drove up to town and heading to Thai Metro. It is just off Tottenham Court road near Warren Street Tube. I was a bit pessimistic about it when I saw it from the outside. But believe me the food is really great. The service is good and very friendly. I would definitely recommend it to you guys. I had a lovely Thai Green Curry and the boys had similar dishes. It wasn't too spicy so I was happy. It is quite a small restaurant but I didn't quite realise JUST how small until I went to use the toilets. OMG I have seen bigger aircraft toilets. I know Asian people are generally small (Sorry to stereotype) but they were tiny! LOL as you can see form the picture this is me trying to cram myself into the toilet! It's worth going to this place just to have a laugh getting into the loo!

Afterwards we had a short walk around to a very swanky hotel just around the corner. My mate used to work there so we managed to bluff our way in. It's a very swanky place. Normal hotel rooms there are over £700 a night. The concierge there was a really nice girl who was kind enough to take me up to the penthouse suite. She was telling me that a lot of famous people have stayed there. The likes of Beyonce. We went up in the private elevator and I felt very special. To think all these famous men and women had been staying there, using that very lift. The hotel has 2 penthouse suites each costing about £2,500 a night! LOL...It was very luxurious once we got inside. With a large balcony overlooking London and the London Eye and the Thames and all those beautiful landmarks. I couldn't believe that in one of the penthouse suites an Arab had been staying there for over 2 weeks! OMG he must be mega rich! Afterwards we went to the bar which is called 'the long bar' for a few drinks and then headed off home. It was quite an experience.
I had to work this weekend. It was OK though. The day didn't go to slowly. Tracy has been looking after a friends dog for a few days and she bought her in to see us all. She is a 3 month old bulldog called 'Molly'. she was a really lively little (well, not so little) dog. I couldn't believe how 'in your face' she was. Compared to my Bobby she was mental! I don't think Bobby would have liked here that much.

Today I took myself off to the cinema. I was'nt too sure what I wanted to watch but in the end I chose to see 'Hannibal Rising'. The critic's have been hard on this movie but I really enjoyed it. There was a lot of questions about Hannibal Lectures childhood and how he came to be the character he is today. I enjoyed it. If you don't mind a bit of blood and guts then go see it.

I'm off to the gym now. So I'm gonna sign off here. I hope you all manage to read the whole Blog this week and not a few bits that managed to upload. Don't forget to leave me your comments and idea's. I hope you all have a great week. See you next week.



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