Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hello everybody...I hope your weekend is a bit dryer than the one we are currently having down South of England? I've had a fairly quiet week again. Not much going on. I have been doing a lot of travelling with work lately and seem to be ending up in all manner of strange places. Had a few meetings this week at various Travel Lodges (all glamour!)....

It was my brother in laws birthday on Wednesday. Happy Birthday Matt! My sister arranged for everyone to go out for a meal at this India restaurant called Baburchy (or something like that). I was amazed how many people were there. Most of the restaurant had been put aside for our party and some friends of my Sister and Matt played jazz all night long. We had a really lovely time.

As you can see from the pictures it's quite an intimate venue but with all the balloons and atmosphere and great food it was a good evening. The restaurant is in a little village in Essex called 'Stock'. I sat on a table with my Mum, Keith (her husband), Sian and her husband Dean who also happens to be my stepbrother. I haven't spent much time with my Mum's new family and it was nice to get to know Sian and Dean a little better. I think it was all a bit culturally new to my poor mother. She wasn't too impressed with the spicy food or the fact that they couldn't get her a 'known' brand lager from the bar.....LOL

My sister was a very good host and made sure everyone was having a good time. The food was really good. I was a bit perplexed by the menu and really needed some of you Asians out there to come and tell me what is good and what isn't. In the end I had to go with my instincts and they proved to be right.

So Happy 30th Birthday to Matt.....
One more thing before I move on...Why are toilets in Asian restaurants so small and cramped? Or am I growing taller and taller? Look at the bathroom at this place! I can't even see myself in the blooming mirror!

My feet have been giving me grief this week! As you know by now it has been raining all weekend and for a few days last week. I have these trainers that I have probably only had for about a year and they have really started to fall apart. I didn't really think much of it...until this week! With all this rain my feet have been soaked.... Today was the last straw and whilst I was in the West End I thought I would take advantage of Oxford Street and all the shops. I had to do something as the sole was falling off the left foot of my shoe! But because of all the rain I felt like a right old 'chav' going into shoe shops trying on shoes with soaking wet socks....never mind. I found a lovely pair of black K-Swiss trainers. So I bought them but then ended up having to go and find myself some new socks too....It was all a bit of a drama really over nothing. So I have learnt a new lesson today... Don't neglect your feet!

I managed to meet up with Aaron today too. I know he has recently discovered our little Blog and has been reading up on what we get up to. So we must all welcome Aaron into our little community. Between you and me I think he has even setup a blog of his own but he won't share it with us just yet. I really enjoy spending time with him. He is very down to earth and friendly and I feel very relaxed in his company. I'm not too sure how many years we have known each other now but it's quite a while. We met up at Victoria station and then went off on the tube to grab ourselves a bite to eat. Aaron had to go and pray at some Hindu Krishna thing.....There was some kind of festival going on, something to do with 'Love' or something? Lots of people were there and eating but I'm not sure why? I'm sure some of you know the reason and can maybe fill us all in?so while he was in there I found us a nice restaurant (LOL I make it sound like I did some work) which just so happened to be next door. So we sat and ate Chinese and chatted watching the world go by. Afterwards we went to Starbucks and had drink. It continued to ran and seems to have got worse as I left Aaron (who was heading off to China town for some bread sticks?) but at least this time my feet were very dry....he he.

I was on late shift last week which meant I had the whole weekend off. I so needed a break. I have been working since last Wednesday (9 days) without a break so I've been getting a bit cheesed off with things. I managed to get all my shopping done as per usual at Tesco's on Saturday and also went to see my Grandparents. Who are both fine.
Next week I have quite a busy few days. I am working early most of the week. Visiting Simon,Tasha and Brooke tomorrow (Monday), Nutritionist on Tuesday evening, seeing my sis on Wednesday....not sure about Thursday and then I think I will be recovering Friday from the busy week. What have you guys got planned? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Just before I go I wanted to say Hi to Todd....who seems to be the only person leaving comments!!!!! Grrrrrr.......Thanks Todd and sorry I haven't e-mailed you in a while or spoken with you on the phone.
That's about all for this week. I hope you'll come back next week to see what's been going on.
Take Care,


Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

So glad to hear your feet are being cared for -- in the First World War they caught this awful thing called "trench foot" on account of having wet feet. Please take care of this...You don't want to take your shoes off at some bloke's house and have your foot come off with it, mind you. LOL

I sent you a snap of me and Dame Vivienne Westwood. You never put the snaps I send you in here (except for dishy Alan and Preston LOL) but it's your blog so it's your right. But I think I look ravishing. :-)

My skin cancer marks are all healed up now and it looks like they got most if not all of it -- I can't tell, but the skin no longer feels rough where the bad cells used to be. We shall see...

Daniel has continued to cause me worry and sadness. He wrote some bad checks on an account we had shared but that I had closed. Since my name was on the old account, they came after me for the money -- i found my account overdrawn yesterday by 3000 quid (USD6000). I almost crapped me knickers. But I got it straightened out -- sadly, the bank will come after him for fraud. It just gets sadder and sadder and honestly, some days I am so depressed by it all I want to hide under the bed.

Well, I don't want to jinx anything, but in a few moments I shall be going down the pub to watch Man Utd and Lille play their second Champions League leg...I sure hope we win! We really put it to the Bindippers last weekend!!!! LOL

I hope you are well. Preston is doing well in school, Alan and I had a lovely time in San Francisco with Dame Vivienne and Kitty is practicing the black arts of Satan worship, as usual.

God bless and give my best to your sister, Mum, Keith, James and all the rest!

Your "big bruv",


10:40 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

I am all sad that John Inman died (Mr. Humpries from Are You Being Served?). :-(


4:57 PM  

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