Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hello everyone. Thanks for coming. My week has been really busy. I don't think I've stopped all week really. I was working early all week and dragged myself out of bed most days to try and get into work on time. Thankfully I had a couple of days where I could rest up and not do much which helped!

Monday after work I visited Simon, Tasha and Brooke. I can't believe how big she is getting now. She makes all these funny kind of noises and wriggles about...LOL It was funny actually. Tasha decided that we needed to go to Sainsbury's. I have never been to Braintree before (which is one of the bigger towns near to where they live) but anyway Brooke, Tasha and I went there. I really didn't realise how difficult it is to put up a push chair! It's very very complicated! I had a lot of fun though pushing this awkward pushchair around the store. I was surprised how many people stop and chat to you when you have a kid. I guess it's a bit of an ice breaker? Simon came home later in the evening because he was out working most of the day. Then we all sat together and had some takeaway food and chatted until it was late. Oh and I managed to change Brooke's stinky nappy! Yuk I didn't realise it was so disgusting. I don't know how Tasha does it three or four times a day!

On Tuesday I had an evening appointment with my Nutritionist. We chatted about the usual kind of things for about an hour. It's a pain having to travel all the way to East London to go see her but I think it's still helping and working for me right now so I will continue to go.

Wednesday evening I met up with my sister Suzanna. She came to my place straight from her work and we chatted for a while and then went out for dinner. I don't often get to see much of her these days but we have made a promise to see more of each other. We went to a lovely Pizza Express in my home town of Brentwood. I have eaten there before on many occasions. I'm sure you've all eaten at one of those restaurants sometime or another. I particularly like the garlic bread...Mmmm....yum! We sat and chatted a lot and caught up on all the news and gossip and then went back home for some tea and more chat this time with Bobby too..... I know she reads the Blog so lets all give Suzy a quick 'hello'!

On Thursday I had a weekly rest day. I was very very lazy though. I didn't manage to get out of bed until gone 1pm in the afternoon..I don't think I've slept in this late in such a long time! That only really left time to do some washing and cut the grass......... I think I need to get an uncomfortable bed. It might help me stay out of it!

Friday and by the end of the week I was exhausted. I really didn't feel like going out anymore but I had made plans to meet with Chris and go for a show in the West End. I'm very glad that I did. We went to see 'Little Shop of Horrors'. For those of you that don't know the story it's about Seymour who is an orphan looked after or used as a slave by Mushnik, who owns a failing florist on Skid Row. His lack of friends means he has lots of time to spend with the plants, and one in particular, the ‘strange and interesting’ Audrey II. Of course, Audrey II is no ordinary plant, it needs human blood to survive. When it’s just a sapling this is no problem; it opens its mouth – if that is what it is called – like a baby bird, and a few finger pricks later, everybody’s happy. But as it grows – and grow it most certainly does – it needs more blood to feed its needs. It was a very good musical and I would recommend it to you all.... It's so funny and even the plant (Audrey 2) moves and talks and sings! LOL..... There are a couple of celebs in the production too. Alistair Mc.Gowan plays the dentist and is well worth going to see just for that. He is so funny.

OMG the computer just crashed and I had forgotten to save the BLOG! I thought I had lost everything I had just written...Thank you to that geeky little programmer who put in an auto save function! I could kiss you right now....LOL

Anyway back to Friday night. I couldn't believe just how much weight Chris has lost on his new diet plan. I met him at 'Pret' near Trafalgar Square and I looked through the window to see if I could find him and had to do a double take. He looks so slim! In about 8 weeks he has lost most of his excess weight he needed to lose. So a big well done to Chris. I am very proud of him. I know Todd will be reading this with interest....So Todd when you come over to UK you will be able to see for yourself the new and improved Chris Wood!

And now that leads nicely onto my poor blister! What with my bad foot I have managed to get a blister. I think it's the way I've been walking.... I got me some plasters from Sainsbury's which helped but now I have been letting the air get to it a bit but it still hurts. If any of you have any idea's or old remedies then please post it on the Blog and let me know.

I was working on Saturday which was a bummer but actually had today (Sunday) off. It was such a beautiful day. I am happy the weather has started to improve and that summer is on it's way! Yippeeeee. I put out the Guinea pigs, hung the washing out and spent the day with Nas. We went to Lakeside to do some shopping for Mothers Day and then came back to my place and took Bobby out for an extra long walk.

This next paragraph is just for Aaron who has taken it upon himself to send me e-mails and correct me on any 'typo's' I have missed on the Blog.

" So thank veri mucch mista kno it alll. I bet u were the kind of kid @ skool who knew it all. I expect u 2 leaf a comment this week 4 every 1 2 reed".

There, glad I go that off my chest..... There is'nt much more for me to say this week. I have a couple of pictures I forgot to post on line.

This is my sister's car. She kindly read the comments from a week or so ago and sent me a picture of the Volvo she had her accident in. It's a bit of a mess but after much hard work and £5,000 pound later she should be getting it back next week. I am sure she will be extra careful in the future when the weather is bad....
The last picture I was going to post was for Todd but it's typical Hotmail is'nt working right now. So sorry Toddy.....I will get the pic on next week. Hope your all doing well and are happy. Hope you come back next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol actually. you know. i jus read this weeks installment.

when i got your email i was thinking.... "he's kidding right?"" he cant be
offended that i told him two silly spelling mistakes so that he could
change it for the rest of the people reading IF he likes" -but no i was
and in my thoughts i thought, he seriously cant b p'ssed off. what if he
was, and decided to make a point on his blog...LOW and BEHOLD. there it is.

Well im glad u got it "off your chest" . im sorry, i think its too
sensitive for us to talk nowadays. ill let u carry on and leave the blog
unread from now on. i hope u have a great week.

Aaron Kumar

1:08 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Oooooo, I seem to be sitting directly under some GAY DRAMA!!! I had best get my builder's hat in case any drops on me! LOL

And is that one of those Kumars at #42 or the bloke who went down to White Castle? Just wonderin'...


Your Grace:

First of all, how much prettier can your sister get? She's LOVELY!!! Hello there, Suzi -- you are so pretty :-)

I am glad the two of you were able to go have a nice meal and god you crack me up with your Pizza Express. I swear to god you must be half tomato sauce by now -- you are a pizzaphile, to be certain!

Did you read the news bit about the restaurant that now serves a 500 quid pizza -- it has lobster and caviar on it? Sounds atrocious.

Chris Wood was never fat, Stu. It may have been more a posture thing, really. If he's managed to drop the one or two extra pounds he had then I am really happy for him -- it is hard to lose weight and given that he must now be over 30 years of age (but just barely), even harder. At any rate, I want to thank him for so kindly sending his lost pounds over to me because I am now, officially, a fat American. Hooray for me and hello Lord Wood!

A couple other observations I have made on your blog:

1. More wounds! Good lord, sir, yet another snap of your bodily injuries. Is this turning into some sort of creepy fetish blog? LOL Stu's Banged Up Feet dot com. HOT!!! All you need is a picture of Jade Goody snogging one of your toes and you'll be on the cover of the Sun in no time. Carry on.

2. Sainsbury's. Ooooooo, aren't we grand? LOL You used to be Tesco, Tesco, Tesco, but now that you are famous and nutritionally advised, you go all Sainsbury's on us. Well, don't forget us little people, please....don't forget to wave to us when you walk past Iceland LOL [HUG]

And now I shall sign off by announcing that Manchester United beat Bolton this morning 4 - 1. Damn it that we have yet ANOTHER injury (Captain Neville) but hopefully we shall not stumble and Chelski will not beat us to the finish.

Your blog is a thing of beauty, sir, misspelled or not. It reflects the thoughts and insights of one of my favourite people on the planet -- you! -- so if a word is spelled wrong every now and then who cares?

After all, Wembley is finally open so everything is right with the world! LOL


Preston and I are looking forward to coming to London, sir! See you in late June.



9:18 AM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

HAMMERS WIN!!! Whew...they needed that. It's pins and needles, mate...


1:13 PM  

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