Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hi everybody...Hope your all doing well and that your weekend was a pleasant one? I have had a bit of an odd week. I have learnt a few things this week. Lost a friend and gained an enemy which is a real shame. I don't want to go into it but I was totally shocked by news and rumours I had been hearing and reading and when I tried to confront the person they went a bit mad.... I guess you can't always judge or assume what someone is really like until they are backed into a corner and then their true colours come out.

I have had a bit project in the garden to be getting along with this weekend. I was working yesterday (Saturday) so it only left Sunday to try and get it all done. I had a plan that I would like to modify my garden this year and make it a bit different. There are lots of things I want to do to make it a better place for my friends and family to chill out in. Top of the list was to dig a section of the garden to allow me to grow vegetables. It's something that I've always wanted to do so I thought this year was a good time to start. I have done my research and bought the seeds and the things I needed to get the job done. Today was a lovely day for gardening. Not too hot, slight breeze, soft wet soil and plenty of energy! I decided on the back part of the garden for my veggie patch and purchased some wooden edging from B&Q. The seeds were from my local garden centre.

As you can see I have decided to start with some apparent easy grow veggies such as carrots, onion, lettuce, beans etc...... So the plan was to separate this part of the garden with a wooden border. Firstly I laid out the wooden edging and using the shovel made marks in the grass so I knew where and how much room it would take up. With the help of little bobby I made my measurements and marks and then began to dig. OMG my hands are so blistered! I didn't realise just how soft they have become! That's what happens when you use dove hand cream! LOL......

Once the awful job of digging was over and done with I had the task of raking the soil and then putting down several bags of compost. This was probably the easiest bit of all. I am very pleased with all my hard work though. It is looking good and once I grow some veggies I will be ever so proud of myself. You never know one day some of you might even be sat around my table at home eating them with me. I haven't yet planted the seeds or sown the seeds I think they call it yet...I am waiting a couple of days for the soil to prepare with the new compost and then I will get sowing...Then hopefully harvest in September time. I can't wait!

I love getting outside in the garden when the weather is cheering up. It is so relaxing digging and cutting and being out in the fresh air. I think it's the best thing you can do to de-stress.

I have a busy week next week. I'm working late and have plenty of work to keep me busy. I have a new addition to the family for a while right now. My sister has come to stay with me and Bobby. She has had a real hard time of it lately, she has made the right move and can at least start to rebuild her life. It seems really odd to have another human being living with me again. It's a real change to my routine but a good change. It's nice to sit and chat and watch telly together... She is going away next week to see some old friends so I will have a bit of a rest but it is handy for me having her here. She will be able to look after Bobby whilst I'm away working or out partying? LOL...

Well I think that's it for this week. I've not been up to much apart from today but then I've only really recovered from my bad cold and virus towards the end of the week. Hope to see you all back here next week. Oh and don't forget to clear a space in your kitchens for my home grown organic veggies...he he




Anonymous Anonymous said...

On behalf of Team 4 in Leicester we would like to say we are very disappointed and disgusted in your behaviour towards Raks.

Raks spoke highly of you and trusted you as one of his best friends as you have read in previous comments on your blog. I personally do not know the whole story but if you know Raks the way we do in Leicester he is the most welcoming, tolerant, kindest, and respectable persons that we know. He is a person who always puts other people first - which sometimes can be his weakness as people have walked over him in the past.

I agree with you that its a big shame when you lose friends. I'm not saying friends never argue - they do! but the arguments should not drag on. I have something on my work desk which a close friend of mine gave me a couple of years ago and i want to share with you on what it means to be friends[i just have 2 photocopy it!]


There is that friend
that is so much a part of you, that you feel alone just thinking about the thought of her not being there.

There is that friendship
that has so much that it is based on that nothing could ever dissolve or even threaten it.

There is that friend
with whom you share so much history that one fight or misunderstanding rolls off nearly instantaneously,
because one issue is so insignificant, and could never come close to shattering the bond.

There is that friendship
that cannot always be explained, but only understood and cherished by the two people that share it.

There is that friend
that mean so much to you, that you honestly believe you would stop studying for a final exam, break a date with your crush of five years, or risk being grounded just so you could be there to lend a shoulder to cry on, offer a hug, or spend three hours just sitting with her if that would make it at all better.

There is that friendship
that has lasted through ten years of your life, and is still growing.

There is that friend
who you can talk to about something that happened when you were eight years old, and she can relive that moment so vividly along with you..

There is that friend
that knows you as well as you know yourself, and finds it special that you know her just as well.

There is that friend
who can make you smile through your tears, or cry out of happiness.

There is that friend
who is always there for you, and just realizing that she would be there is more than enough to make it better.

There is that friend
who cares about clearing away your tears no less if you are crying over absolutely nothing or over something she may have done to hurt you.

I have one friend like that, and it is that friend that will always occupy a precious part of my heart.

I hope you agree with the above. I still believe that you and Raks have an opportunity to resolve whatever happened last week. Raks can be sensitive at times but you should count yourself very lucky that you know someone like Raks......

Steve - Rak's manager

2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


We came to Raks's office as usual to read your blog and he told us that u guys are no longer m8's anymore! We are all shocked here. u guys seemed to be really cool m8's. He seems really angry on what you have done. We have never seen him like this ever - he is really pissed off! I have never heard him swear @ all lol

Raks was so happy about 2 weeks ago. He was really excited in introducing his boyfriend Neal to us - he is sooo fit btw lol. Where does Raks get his men from lol? i want one!

Anyway, i hope you guys sort it out. Raks tells us to remove your blog link from our computers!. I would give it a couple of days and i think he will calm down. i don't get involved really in rows or arguments but Raks is a true m8 of mine and he has always helped me in the past. He is like a brother i never had. Give it a couple of days and give him a call or a text please - i know he will appreciate it :)

Yogita x

2:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG u guys r drama queens lol. U guys really do keep us entertained on mondays lol. Keep it up haha!

This other guy who has come between you n Raks sounds like a nutcase and i'm surprised you choose his side of the story. We all c u as a top bloke here in leicester n shocked to hear that you want 2 get involved with someone who is degrading, immoral and dirty! U can do so much better than that.

Everyone @ work including myself wud trust our lives with Raks. He always looks after people and we r so pleased for him that he has found that special person again he has always dreamed about. Neal and raks r so suited 2gether and we all had a laugh last week when he came over. It will be such a BIG shame for u guys 2 fall out as buddies.

U guys seemed to have a good time in London and it feels so strange that after a week u guys r enemies. Its so wrong! I hate 2 c guys fall out.

I've tried 2 persuade Raks to say sorry 2 u as he told me on what he said ova the wkd. It is shocking but u must have really pushed his buttons for him to say stuff like that. Anyway, i know u wanna still b m8's with him but he tells me he has deleted all ur contact numbers so he cannot say sorry to you by phone. Don't worry i gave him a slap by deleting ur numbers! But if i was you - get rid of this other guy n ring Raks!

Reena x

3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to be a common theme in your blog recently i.e losing friends and making enemies. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wonder whether the problem is in front of you.....

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really sad and heartbroken to find you and Raks are no longer friends.

Both of you need to talk each other as gentlemen and solve the misunderstandings that have taken place last week.


7:39 AM  

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