Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hi everyone,
I really hope your weekend has been good. The weather down the South of England has been great! Sun all weekend! Today is was really hot. The animals on Stu's farm have been loving this weather. The Guinea pigs are having a wonderful time out in the garden chewing up the grass and the weeds, running around enjoying themselves.. Bobby too has fully recovered and seems to be back to normal.

I had to take him back to the Vets on Tuesday which was fun.... He really does hate the Vet but again he was a very good boy and didn't show me up at all. She checked him over and told me to slowly re-introduce exercise (thank God he's been driving me up the wall!) and to finish off the course of pills and to keep an eye on him in the future. As you can see I was getting the cold shoulder for the journey there and back and for a few hours after! He's such a diva! I'm not sure where he gets that from? Certainly NOT me!

Bobby and I have been having some lovely walks out in the sunshine. It is so nice to get outside and either go for some scenic walks or be in the garden. I am still caring for my veggies, which I must say are coming through very strong now. I have Beetroot and Carrots coming up. So I will keep you all updated when they get a bit bigger and keep you up to date on the progress.

I had a real drama on Wednesday. It was Tracy from works 40th Birthday...Happy Birthday Tracy! We decided to all go out for dinner and celebrate. We were all sat relaxing after dinner and I thought I would have a chewing gum. Unfortunately I chewed on the wrong side of my mouth and ended up pulling out my temporary tooth! It was so embarrassing! As you can see it fell right out. I think it put everyone off their desserts! I didn't really know what to do...oh apart from take pictures for you guys! LOL....second thing was to get onto the phone to the dentist, luckily Andrew fitted me in that afternoon and managed to file it down a bit and re-fit it back into my mouth. It looked really weird. I had to look in the mirror and it was strange to see this bit of metal hanging out of my gum. Really strange! It was a chance for him to also take out the stitches which I have to say were giving me grief. They hurt more than anything. The tooth's been back in there for over a week now and it's stayed in this time. I have to go back in a couple of weeks for an impression then a few weeks after that I can have the proper veneer put in. Hopefully it will be a bit more secure than this crown! LOL.....

Bobby was being very naughty today. I think he was rebelling because I hadn't taken him out until late this morning because I had to go to Tesco's. He managed to abduct poor Squidworth off my bed and run around the house with him and he wouldn't release him. He's such a little git when he's got something in his mouth. He won't drop it for anything or anyone. He did drop it once I persuaded him with a biscuit. Poor Squidworth is resting up now in my bed. His neck is a bit bent but he will be OK.

Finally I had a drama with the washing machine today. For the past few days it has been tripping the electrics out whenever I used it, which I thought was a bit odd. I didn't do anything about it until it has now become a problem. I come down from upstairs this afternoon to find water underneath it. So I pulled out the pipes and stuck it in the sink (after taking advice from my Mum) and then I went back to cleaning my bedroom. I didn't realise that the force of the water coming out the pipe would pull it from the sink and onto the floor! OMG I came back downstairs 20 minutes later to check on it to find the floor an inch deep with water. I was cursing myself for leaving it unattended. Never mind.....Lesson learned there I think! So after mopping up the mess and getting covered in water a few times. I managed to sort out the washing and leave it for my Bro to come round and check it out. I'm not too bothered about it because I need a new kitchen and want all fitted appliances so it will have to go eventually anyway.

That's about all for this week really. It's been work work work as usual with a little bit of a disaster sandwiched in the middle. Make sure you come back next week.




Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

Don't you just want to KISS Wayne Rooney??? :-) Manchester United 3 - 2 AC Milan. Wow...what a game!

So I have my footy game in about an hour. Half our side has wimped out so I have to play the full 90 mins with no sub -- and I played 4 hours on Sunday (two fixtures). I am too old for this!!! :-)

I mailed your burfdye card yesterday...I will have something sent to you soon by way of a pressie. I wish I could be there!

See you soon, Sir!


5:17 PM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace,

On behalf of the citizens of the United States of America, her territories and possessions, and with the greatest and most sincere of pleasures, I wish you, Sir, a most happy birthday week.

As Her Majesty The Queen so astutely put it at her recent 80th birthday lunch, "Anyone can get old. You just have to live long enough." And here you are: quite old, indeed LOL


Kitty and I do hope your day is a pleasure, spent with well-loved friends and family. I know if it was my birthday in the Rayleigh Road, I would be down that chippy for my birthday dinner pickled onion! But here's hoping you have something more elegant planned, certainly something befitting your high station in society -- remember, an entire country looks to you for guidance. Duty, Sir.

I reckon I'm gerna go see Jarvis Cocker Monday next. And I have tickets to see Hot Chip. We're all mad about Amy Winehouse over here...she's ace. Whom are you listening to these days -- still Vera Lynn? Cliff Richard? Status Quo? Oh, Stu.... LOL

Exactly two months from today, Mr. Pew and I shall be winging our way to you. As of this minute, I reckon we'd be over Greenland, maybe Iceland. Brrr! Cold! I better pack my mink LOL At least I can wave to Bjork out the window...

This weekend is watching and playing footy. God, my comments must be so boring -- all the football yammering. I apologize. GO UNITED! :-)

Well, Sir, it is time for Kitty and me to go to bed. I'm reading an interesting history of Cardiff Castle. Capitol stuff, old man, wot-wot. Castle. Big. Love it.

In closing, Sir, may I again present the heartiest wishes of an erstwhile colony for the happiest of birthdays and the most serene year to come.

With deepest regard,
We remain, Sir,
Your most humble servants,

The Tyrant Kitty

10:02 PM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

Football...fecking hell. Manchester United 4 - 2 over Everton and Chelski held to a draw.

I smell a title, Sir!!!


7:14 AM  

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