Sunday, April 01, 2007

Hey everyone. Although I guess by now it might only be about half dozen of you that read this (If I believe the comments) LOL.....Anyway how has the week been? It's been a kinda boring week after all the excitement of the last few weeks. I've been working very hard and then having been on late shift I haven't felt like doing an awful lot either by the time I get home, it's time for bed.

I had the entire weekend off though which has been great really. I've not a proper weekend off in about a month. So I decided to spend most of it in the garden. I managed to get around to planting all them lovely seeds for my veggie patch. So what did I put in?

So far I have sown the following:-
1. Radish
2. Beetroot
3. Lettuce
4. Onion
5. Spring Onion
6. Carrot

These are mostly veggies that will grow unaided which are the sort I thought I should start off with. Easy grow! It's hard work watering them everyday twice a day especially when your working too but I'm managing it right now. I have been so busy in the garden this weekend. I have been digging and chopping and just preparing for the lovely weather to arrive and give me a chance to have people round for a BBQ or a little party in the garden.

I don't think I'm going to need much help growing potatoes in my garden though...I pulled the fridge out this morning and look what I found! Yuk! It was gross....this poor little potato must have been there a long long time for him to grow a sprout that long!

Saturday I was up early and down the hairdressers by 9 o'clock. A quick trim and then back home to head off to Tesco's for my weekly shop. Then it was back home to do some digging and make the ground nice for concreting. I have decided to put a little shed in the back garden. I need more space to keep my garden stuff and all the tools I use and also more importantly I need somewhere to start off my little seeds. It's not really a good thing to just put them straight into the ground so a little home for them will be just the ticket.

Saturday afternoon me Nas came round and me and him went off to find a bite to eat. We ended up in TGI's not too far from my place. I had a lovely chicken meal. I think he had vegetarian fajitas (Did I spell that right?). Today being Sunday I did a lot more of the gardening and went to the Garden nursery and got some more wood chip and separated out all of the bed in the back garden. I have a lot of plants to put in there but it's a bit too early yet to put them in. When the whole thing is complete I will take a nice picture for you all to see.

This afternoon I managed to get round to see my Nan and Grandad. I haven't seen them in a while because I have been ill. They are fine and seem to be back to normal. It's weird how they have gone from worrying me to being normal again...I guess all the worry of my Grandad's health problems were too much for them to cope with...? Strange but hey, I'm not complaining it's good to have them back to there old selves...

Work has been good this week too. Although I was on lates. The boss has been away on his holidays so it was party time lol....... A couple of us managed to escape one lunchtime to the local Harvester restaurant for a 'morale' boosting lunch...he he. Here are Steve and Tracy after we had eaten all the salad cart and our main meals waiting for the big ice creams to

My sister came back on Monday after her little trip away to see her girlie friends....She is OK and seems a bit happier...As you can see her and Mum have been pestering me at home he he ( I will get into trouble for saying that). At least all my ironing has been done and some cleaning up too.

Well that's about it for this week. Next week I'm back in the office up at Victoria for a boring week of commuting! Yuk! I just hope it ain't gonna be too hot! I hope I might get to see Aaron at some point. Then it's the Easter weekend and I'm off to Paris! yippeeeee...... So make sure you come back and see what I've been getting up to in France!

Have a great week.

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Blogger Becks4Me said...

Your Grace:

OK, that potato was DISGUSTING!!! Like something off Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, it was! LOL

Just a quick word to say hello. I have been hella busy here...travelling for work, having dinner parties for mates, and I joined yet another footy team so now I play three games a week! Oi!!!

HOORAY FOR HAMMERS -- they beat the bloody Arsenal. If your mum and Suzy read this then I give my very best regards to them -- Congrats, to all Hammers fans!

Sadly, my boys lost today to lowly Pompey. Argh. Well nevermind. We'll hopefully win some silverware this year. Somehow.

Anyway, I think you must be in GAY Paris this weekend? I hope you enjoy yourself, mate!

I will see you soon. Everyone here is well -- Preston is coming over for dinner tonight, Kitty will be lurking, and Alan and I will be having a date on Monday. Oh, it's all just too much for me old bones to take! LOL

Enjoy Paris, sir!

Floreat Etona,


6:49 PM  

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