Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hi everybody, Well another week has passed and already we are about to get into the hopefully sunnier month of May? Maybe? Maybe not? It's gonna be my birthday next Thursday so I expect lots of comments from you all wishing me a great day. I will be 28....!!!!! Not too sure what to make of it yet. I'm well on my way to 30! Anyway...
I had a lovely day on Saturday. I spent the day with Nas. It was his Birthday treat. He turned 27 last week but we never got to celebrate until Saturday. I had a fun packed day planned for him with lots of surprises! Some of which I am keeping between him and me. We started off at Westminster in London. The aquarium was the first stop. The Aquarium is tucked away on the Embankment at the foot of the old GLC building. It is quite pricey at £13 quid a ticket and I'm not convinced it was totally worth that.... But it was something Nas and I had talked about doing ages ago. It is split onto 3 levels. All the levels revolve around the main tank that holds several big tiger sharks and lots of little fish. It was very busy as you can imagine with loads of little kids running around all over the place which was a bit unpleasant! The highlight was when they started to feed the fish and the sharks got a bit excited but I think overall I wouldn't recommend this place. It was very boring with very few species on display and it was very dark and smelly down there....
Then it was off to the British Museum. Now this is a brilliant place to go. I've never been before so it was pretty exciting. The main entrance looks like your typical average museum and I was expecting it to be your typical London museum but boy was I wrong. Inside is this amazing courtyard area. I couldn't believe it. Architecturally it is fantastic. It goes on and on up and up into the sky and reflects the light. Wow! I would recommend this museum to start with it's free! I really wanted to see the Egyptian stuff they have inside. I was amazed they even have mummies on display. I would really like to go back sometime and explore the place fully as we didn't get to see much stuff. It's Nas's favourite museum and I think if I spent some more time there it might be mine as well.
From there it was off for dinner. We ate at Nas's favourite restaurant which is called Thai Metro in central London down Charlotte Street W1. The food here is very nice but it is a very basic restaurant. I'm sure you remember me talking about it in previous blogs. The food is great though just quite spicy!
Next stop was another surprise I had in store for him. I got tickets to see the Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre. It was a typical old theatre with very cramped seats but the production made up for it. It was brilliant. Very colourful and the animals were wicked coming out into the audience, lions, elephants etc....

I think Nas had a lovely day anyway he seemed a bit speechless in the car home. I think he hadn't had some many surprises in one day before.

Here is a pic of Guys Mum and me just to cheer everybody up before I dash off to bed as I'm really tired.....Keep working hard and make sure you come back next week.....



Blogger Becks4Me said...




2:19 PM  
Blogger Becks4Me said...

How do you expect me to survive if you don't update this thing, hmmm? ;-)


All's well here, sir. I hope things are good for you. Kitty is evil -- I came home and caught her leading other cats and dogs in a Satan worship. No kibble for that moggy for the entire weekend!!!

How was your birthday? I want a full report! Model what you bought with your gift vouchers!!!

Miss you,

Alan (Who has been mysteriously hard to find lately)

11:04 AM  

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