Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi everyone...Well I can't believe what a hornets nest this has stirred up. I think it should be called the StuRaks debate....maybe should get news night to do a special programme and we could have the whole audience there and a panel with the culprits sat there? hmmmm...maybe not...Seriously I'm drawing a line in it now. This matter is over. No more comments please. I have one more thing to say about it all and that is I think it's unfair poor Mannesh has become involved in this too. Afterall he only made the comment in passing when we were chatting. So if you want to pick on anyone then please aim your abuse at me.

My blog? Take it or leave it. Everyone has got it off their chests now so lets forget it. If you choose not to come back then thats fine. Thanks for reading it this far.


P.S. Thanks to my mates for all the support.....
P.P.S Reena I don't think Bobby is very happy his hair needs cutting and it keeps getting in his eyes!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Hi everyone this is a bit of an unusual thing for me, coming on here in the week and adding something to the blog but I felt I should regarding the whole issue of falling out with a mate. I have been thinking a lot about it and have received many interesting comments and feedback from you all. Actually it's probably the first time I have realise just how many of you out there are reading and seeing what I have got to say. I didn't really want to go into this but I think I should and put my side of the situation across so I don't get under-represented in the matter.

I want to start by telling you a little bit of history. When Raks and I first started to chat on-line a couple of years ago we were getting on like a house on fire. It was going great, we exchanged pictures and he told me all these great things about himself. As we got to know each other more and more I wanted to meet up. Nearer to the time we were due to meet up. He told me he had lied about who he was and that the pictures he had sent me were 'NOT' of him and that he was sorry. I forgave him and said to him at the time I didn't tolerate lies but I was happy to give him a second chance and that I was happy to be friends and that's all. Which I thought was fine and the matter was settled...

Then this whole situation arose a couple of weeks back and involves me and my friend Raks. When him and some of his mates from Leicester came to London we all had a really great time as you could see from the blog that week. Since then I had been speaking with Raks' friend Mannesh. Who told me that Raks had told him prior to us all meeting that Raks and I had been an item and had been dating for over 5 years and that he dumped me because I was having an affair with a girl from Tesco's! As you can understand I had already given him a chance and my mind was racing away with me....What else has he said? What do people think? Why has he done this? I thought the best thing to do was to just not speak to him and leave it at that. I was angry and cross about it all. Then Raks kept on calling me and calling me until I could take no more....So I told him to go check out Mannesh's blog because he was the one who told me the info and I really have more reason to believe him than Rak's seeings Rak's has a history of lying to me...

The next few days I received awful messages from Raks....I suppose he was angry but that was no excuse....I will post ALL of the comments I have received and you can make up your own minds about it. I even got text messages supposedly arranging for a couple of guys to come round my place and 'sort me out'... I mean I am not happy about all of this but I cannot excuse being told that I am a 'prostitute' and that I have 'aids'. I am a very tolerant person as I'm sure you can all tell. Those of you that have been reading this for some time will know the type of sensitive, caring person I am.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post ": I WANT U 2 REMOVE ALL MY PICS, MY NAME AND ALL THE PICS OF MY M8'S N NAMES AS WELL ON THIS FUCKING BLOG UR A FUCKING PROSTITUTE WITH AIDS. NO WONDER UR FUCKING SKINNY (I have published this is you go back and check)

Or Text's like this:
"I want u 2 remove my contact details on ur phone. Also I want u 2 delete my name, my pics, my wrk m8's names n pics from ur boring blog. Dont u eva ring me again. Ur 1 messed up skinny uneducated smelly trash".

"Steve, it's raks. I need u 2 'sort' out 2 ppl 4 me. 1 is in essex n 1 in london. Inform josh. will ring u 2mrow bout the details...."

Anyway, here is a small chunk of thing I mean I have'nt put on the really bad comments as they are too rude and I don't want to offend anyone reading the blog. The comments don't lie...I'm sure some things have been said in the heat of the moment but I cannot excuse this behaviour and so will not be making any efforts to re-build bridges as I have not done anything wrong and I certainly don't want to have anything to do with someone who says things about me like that.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Hi everybody...Hope your all doing well and that your weekend was a pleasant one? I have had a bit of an odd week. I have learnt a few things this week. Lost a friend and gained an enemy which is a real shame. I don't want to go into it but I was totally shocked by news and rumours I had been hearing and reading and when I tried to confront the person they went a bit mad.... I guess you can't always judge or assume what someone is really like until they are backed into a corner and then their true colours come out.

I have had a bit project in the garden to be getting along with this weekend. I was working yesterday (Saturday) so it only left Sunday to try and get it all done. I had a plan that I would like to modify my garden this year and make it a bit different. There are lots of things I want to do to make it a better place for my friends and family to chill out in. Top of the list was to dig a section of the garden to allow me to grow vegetables. It's something that I've always wanted to do so I thought this year was a good time to start. I have done my research and bought the seeds and the things I needed to get the job done. Today was a lovely day for gardening. Not too hot, slight breeze, soft wet soil and plenty of energy! I decided on the back part of the garden for my veggie patch and purchased some wooden edging from B&Q. The seeds were from my local garden centre.

As you can see I have decided to start with some apparent easy grow veggies such as carrots, onion, lettuce, beans etc...... So the plan was to separate this part of the garden with a wooden border. Firstly I laid out the wooden edging and using the shovel made marks in the grass so I knew where and how much room it would take up. With the help of little bobby I made my measurements and marks and then began to dig. OMG my hands are so blistered! I didn't realise just how soft they have become! That's what happens when you use dove hand cream! LOL......

Once the awful job of digging was over and done with I had the task of raking the soil and then putting down several bags of compost. This was probably the easiest bit of all. I am very pleased with all my hard work though. It is looking good and once I grow some veggies I will be ever so proud of myself. You never know one day some of you might even be sat around my table at home eating them with me. I haven't yet planted the seeds or sown the seeds I think they call it yet...I am waiting a couple of days for the soil to prepare with the new compost and then I will get sowing...Then hopefully harvest in September time. I can't wait!

I love getting outside in the garden when the weather is cheering up. It is so relaxing digging and cutting and being out in the fresh air. I think it's the best thing you can do to de-stress.

I have a busy week next week. I'm working late and have plenty of work to keep me busy. I have a new addition to the family for a while right now. My sister has come to stay with me and Bobby. She has had a real hard time of it lately, she has made the right move and can at least start to rebuild her life. It seems really odd to have another human being living with me again. It's a real change to my routine but a good change. It's nice to sit and chat and watch telly together... She is going away next week to see some old friends so I will have a bit of a rest but it is handy for me having her here. She will be able to look after Bobby whilst I'm away working or out partying? LOL...

Well I think that's it for this week. I've not been up to much apart from today but then I've only really recovered from my bad cold and virus towards the end of the week. Hope to see you all back here next week. Oh and don't forget to clear a space in your kitchens for my home grown organic veggies...he he



Monday, March 19, 2007

Hey. Firstly let me apologise for the late posting of my Blog. I have been feeling really rough over the last couple of days and have had a bit of exhaustion mixed up with a very bad chest infection and cold. So I'm sorry if you came on-line this morning as usual to expect to read the blog and it wasn't there. But after a days rest and a lovely lay in bed this morning I am feelin slightly better. Here I am....about 65% on the way to recovery.
The beginning of the week has been really pleasant outside. The weather has been really beautiful. Very early spring like. A sunny day with a little breeze to cool you down. Me and Bobby have been having some lovely walks in the mornings.

The last few days have been absolutely awful if you've been outside! I have got so so so cold, I think I need to start wearing more clothes.

Raks and some of his Leicester posse came down to London over the weekends and I managed to drag my sick self out to town to meet up with them and show them around. The whole purpose of their trip was to go and see 'Cabaret' the musical which I think they enjoyed very much. On the Friday I finished work late and dashed into town to meet them. They were going clubbing at the Astoria which is known as 'G-A-Y'. for those of you that don't know it's a bit of a dive. They also use it as a rock venue so you can imagine the sort of things that go on in there. It's a bit dark and dingy and old and in need of a lick of paint and new carpet....Actually I don't even think it has any carpet, maybe a carpet made up of old chewing gum? Anyway it was a cheap night in the club and it was busy. I didn't stop for long. Only just for a couple of hours because I was a bit worn out after working and getting a belly full of smoke and fire! But that's just another average day for a superhero.
It made a change to see Raks and his mates in my own yard. It seemed strange to see them in person rather than on the phone. We had a real laugh though. I think it's been about 3 years since I was last in that club. It hasn't changed at all.

Saturday was a good day for me. I was due to see Tom and Guy but it didn't happen in the end. Tom has not been too well and I spoke with Guy and we decided it was better Tom rested. So lets all send our get better love to Tom. I am sure he will be back on his feet again soon.
So what did I do instead? Well I still wanted to go out. It's pointless having a day off (rare) and sit around at home and not do anything with it. I went to Bluewater on my own which seemed a bit weird but as you can see I soon found a couple of foxy little friends to hang out with. I did some shopping and had planned to go to the movies but there wasn't anything on that I really fancied seeing. So I had a lovely Chinese at my favourite restaurant and came home. After shopping for a new lawnmower. Which I must say is fabulous! Wow....It's a lovely new shiny hovermower. I got home and unpacked it and after farting about with it for a few hours trying to assemble it! (I thought most things come ready to go nowadays?) Anyway I cut the grass and it looks great now.
That evening I met up with Raks and his crew in town after they had been to see the musical. The weather started to turn a bit nasty and I was feelin very sick by then but I managed to soldier through. We went to a few bars like the Yard and then the G-A-Y bar (This is branding gone mad!). I thought I might have seen Aaron K but he wasn't about. Which was a shame because as I'm sure you saw from the comments last week, things between him and me got a bit stressed. We are both friends again now so all is well at the Kumars again.

I got into a panic that evening. After trying to find Raks' hotel (which believe it or not) he forgot where it was! "It's in Covent Garden somewhere" hmmmmmm........somewhere...........LOL anyway we managed to find it and I made my way back to where I parked the car. It was gone 1 o'clock in the morning and I took a wrong turning...oooops. I got lost! I kept walking and walking until I started to think "I'm lost" but I can't be....... How can you get lost like that? I just didn't recognise anything. I went from bus stop to bus stop. Everything looks totally different that time in the morning. Perhaps it was because I am normally in bed by that time of night? Maybe it was the fear of all them St.Patricks day lads out smashing London to pieces after drinking too much Guinness? I managed to spot a well known landmark an got home by about 2.30am but had to get up for work by the early hours of Sunday so didn't get much kip...Lol that'll teach me to try and be clever and fit in work and social life! Maybe I was going mad that morning? Check out these two pictures and tell me if you can really tell the difference.
Seriously though if any of you fellow bloggers are ever coming to London let me know and I would love to come out and meet you.

I tell you that naughty Sponge Bob had some travels too last week. He sneaked his way out of the house and tricked me and had a day in the life of Stu...Very naughty..But I have told him off and I don't think he will repeat it!

Thanks to Todd for the comments last week. We seem to be missing each other quite a lot on the phone lately but I am chuffed to bit to think I will be seeing you guys really soon. It will be very exciting! I am always thinking of you and wishing you well, I hope you know that..... xxx

Sunday was Mother days. I hope you all managed to grab your Mum's something nice. I saw my Mummy in the morning just before I headed off to work. She seems very happy with life and stuff. I am happy she is happy. She deserves it. She is 58 and doesn't have many more years at work left so she can enjoy her retirement with Keith and is probably looking forward to it. My Bro, Sister and me got her a nice fragrance, CD, some body lotions and Ipod. So she is going to be 'uber modern' now...Very trendy. So she can wear it when she's down the gym and impress all them 'old gals'.

I think that's about all for me for last week. The new week is here and I'm off today so at least I have a chance to recover and recoup myself. I might go garden nursery and then go back to bed. Hmmmmmm what a day.... thanks for reading the blog. See you next week.


Sunday, March 11, 2007

Hello everyone. Thanks for coming. My week has been really busy. I don't think I've stopped all week really. I was working early all week and dragged myself out of bed most days to try and get into work on time. Thankfully I had a couple of days where I could rest up and not do much which helped!

Monday after work I visited Simon, Tasha and Brooke. I can't believe how big she is getting now. She makes all these funny kind of noises and wriggles about...LOL It was funny actually. Tasha decided that we needed to go to Sainsbury's. I have never been to Braintree before (which is one of the bigger towns near to where they live) but anyway Brooke, Tasha and I went there. I really didn't realise how difficult it is to put up a push chair! It's very very complicated! I had a lot of fun though pushing this awkward pushchair around the store. I was surprised how many people stop and chat to you when you have a kid. I guess it's a bit of an ice breaker? Simon came home later in the evening because he was out working most of the day. Then we all sat together and had some takeaway food and chatted until it was late. Oh and I managed to change Brooke's stinky nappy! Yuk I didn't realise it was so disgusting. I don't know how Tasha does it three or four times a day!

On Tuesday I had an evening appointment with my Nutritionist. We chatted about the usual kind of things for about an hour. It's a pain having to travel all the way to East London to go see her but I think it's still helping and working for me right now so I will continue to go.

Wednesday evening I met up with my sister Suzanna. She came to my place straight from her work and we chatted for a while and then went out for dinner. I don't often get to see much of her these days but we have made a promise to see more of each other. We went to a lovely Pizza Express in my home town of Brentwood. I have eaten there before on many occasions. I'm sure you've all eaten at one of those restaurants sometime or another. I particularly like the garlic bread...Mmmm....yum! We sat and chatted a lot and caught up on all the news and gossip and then went back home for some tea and more chat this time with Bobby too..... I know she reads the Blog so lets all give Suzy a quick 'hello'!

On Thursday I had a weekly rest day. I was very very lazy though. I didn't manage to get out of bed until gone 1pm in the afternoon..I don't think I've slept in this late in such a long time! That only really left time to do some washing and cut the grass......... I think I need to get an uncomfortable bed. It might help me stay out of it!

Friday and by the end of the week I was exhausted. I really didn't feel like going out anymore but I had made plans to meet with Chris and go for a show in the West End. I'm very glad that I did. We went to see 'Little Shop of Horrors'. For those of you that don't know the story it's about Seymour who is an orphan looked after or used as a slave by Mushnik, who owns a failing florist on Skid Row. His lack of friends means he has lots of time to spend with the plants, and one in particular, the ‘strange and interesting’ Audrey II. Of course, Audrey II is no ordinary plant, it needs human blood to survive. When it’s just a sapling this is no problem; it opens its mouth – if that is what it is called – like a baby bird, and a few finger pricks later, everybody’s happy. But as it grows – and grow it most certainly does – it needs more blood to feed its needs. It was a very good musical and I would recommend it to you all.... It's so funny and even the plant (Audrey 2) moves and talks and sings! LOL..... There are a couple of celebs in the production too. Alistair Mc.Gowan plays the dentist and is well worth going to see just for that. He is so funny.

OMG the computer just crashed and I had forgotten to save the BLOG! I thought I had lost everything I had just written...Thank you to that geeky little programmer who put in an auto save function! I could kiss you right now....LOL

Anyway back to Friday night. I couldn't believe just how much weight Chris has lost on his new diet plan. I met him at 'Pret' near Trafalgar Square and I looked through the window to see if I could find him and had to do a double take. He looks so slim! In about 8 weeks he has lost most of his excess weight he needed to lose. So a big well done to Chris. I am very proud of him. I know Todd will be reading this with interest....So Todd when you come over to UK you will be able to see for yourself the new and improved Chris Wood!

And now that leads nicely onto my poor blister! What with my bad foot I have managed to get a blister. I think it's the way I've been walking.... I got me some plasters from Sainsbury's which helped but now I have been letting the air get to it a bit but it still hurts. If any of you have any idea's or old remedies then please post it on the Blog and let me know.

I was working on Saturday which was a bummer but actually had today (Sunday) off. It was such a beautiful day. I am happy the weather has started to improve and that summer is on it's way! Yippeeeee. I put out the Guinea pigs, hung the washing out and spent the day with Nas. We went to Lakeside to do some shopping for Mothers Day and then came back to my place and took Bobby out for an extra long walk.

This next paragraph is just for Aaron who has taken it upon himself to send me e-mails and correct me on any 'typo's' I have missed on the Blog.

" So thank veri mucch mista kno it alll. I bet u were the kind of kid @ skool who knew it all. I expect u 2 leaf a comment this week 4 every 1 2 reed".

There, glad I go that off my chest..... There is'nt much more for me to say this week. I have a couple of pictures I forgot to post on line.

This is my sister's car. She kindly read the comments from a week or so ago and sent me a picture of the Volvo she had her accident in. It's a bit of a mess but after much hard work and £5,000 pound later she should be getting it back next week. I am sure she will be extra careful in the future when the weather is bad....
The last picture I was going to post was for Todd but it's typical Hotmail is'nt working right now. So sorry Toddy.....I will get the pic on next week. Hope your all doing well and are happy. Hope you come back next week.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hello everybody...I hope your weekend is a bit dryer than the one we are currently having down South of England? I've had a fairly quiet week again. Not much going on. I have been doing a lot of travelling with work lately and seem to be ending up in all manner of strange places. Had a few meetings this week at various Travel Lodges (all glamour!)....

It was my brother in laws birthday on Wednesday. Happy Birthday Matt! My sister arranged for everyone to go out for a meal at this India restaurant called Baburchy (or something like that). I was amazed how many people were there. Most of the restaurant had been put aside for our party and some friends of my Sister and Matt played jazz all night long. We had a really lovely time.

As you can see from the pictures it's quite an intimate venue but with all the balloons and atmosphere and great food it was a good evening. The restaurant is in a little village in Essex called 'Stock'. I sat on a table with my Mum, Keith (her husband), Sian and her husband Dean who also happens to be my stepbrother. I haven't spent much time with my Mum's new family and it was nice to get to know Sian and Dean a little better. I think it was all a bit culturally new to my poor mother. She wasn't too impressed with the spicy food or the fact that they couldn't get her a 'known' brand lager from the bar.....LOL

My sister was a very good host and made sure everyone was having a good time. The food was really good. I was a bit perplexed by the menu and really needed some of you Asians out there to come and tell me what is good and what isn't. In the end I had to go with my instincts and they proved to be right.

So Happy 30th Birthday to Matt.....
One more thing before I move on...Why are toilets in Asian restaurants so small and cramped? Or am I growing taller and taller? Look at the bathroom at this place! I can't even see myself in the blooming mirror!

My feet have been giving me grief this week! As you know by now it has been raining all weekend and for a few days last week. I have these trainers that I have probably only had for about a year and they have really started to fall apart. I didn't really think much of it...until this week! With all this rain my feet have been soaked.... Today was the last straw and whilst I was in the West End I thought I would take advantage of Oxford Street and all the shops. I had to do something as the sole was falling off the left foot of my shoe! But because of all the rain I felt like a right old 'chav' going into shoe shops trying on shoes with soaking wet socks....never mind. I found a lovely pair of black K-Swiss trainers. So I bought them but then ended up having to go and find myself some new socks too....It was all a bit of a drama really over nothing. So I have learnt a new lesson today... Don't neglect your feet!

I managed to meet up with Aaron today too. I know he has recently discovered our little Blog and has been reading up on what we get up to. So we must all welcome Aaron into our little community. Between you and me I think he has even setup a blog of his own but he won't share it with us just yet. I really enjoy spending time with him. He is very down to earth and friendly and I feel very relaxed in his company. I'm not too sure how many years we have known each other now but it's quite a while. We met up at Victoria station and then went off on the tube to grab ourselves a bite to eat. Aaron had to go and pray at some Hindu Krishna thing.....There was some kind of festival going on, something to do with 'Love' or something? Lots of people were there and eating but I'm not sure why? I'm sure some of you know the reason and can maybe fill us all in?so while he was in there I found us a nice restaurant (LOL I make it sound like I did some work) which just so happened to be next door. So we sat and ate Chinese and chatted watching the world go by. Afterwards we went to Starbucks and had drink. It continued to ran and seems to have got worse as I left Aaron (who was heading off to China town for some bread sticks?) but at least this time my feet were very dry....he he.

I was on late shift last week which meant I had the whole weekend off. I so needed a break. I have been working since last Wednesday (9 days) without a break so I've been getting a bit cheesed off with things. I managed to get all my shopping done as per usual at Tesco's on Saturday and also went to see my Grandparents. Who are both fine.
Next week I have quite a busy few days. I am working early most of the week. Visiting Simon,Tasha and Brooke tomorrow (Monday), Nutritionist on Tuesday evening, seeing my sis on Wednesday....not sure about Thursday and then I think I will be recovering Friday from the busy week. What have you guys got planned? Leave me a comment and let me know.
Just before I go I wanted to say Hi to Todd....who seems to be the only person leaving comments!!!!! Grrrrrr.......Thanks Todd and sorry I haven't e-mailed you in a while or spoken with you on the phone.
That's about all for this week. I hope you'll come back next week to see what's been going on.
Take Care,