Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hey everyone. I hope your doing well and that you're weekend was a good one. I just finished watching Big Brother and I have to say that the best person won. Shilpa deserved to win even if she hadn't been treated badly I would have still voted for her. She seems such a genuine, friendly, warm and loving person. Are all you Indians like her? If yes I think I need to get me one? Jade Goodie and her family really did do themselves justice in that house. They are everything that is wrong with a certain section of the UK's population. Intolerant, selfish, ill mannered and bully's. So as of tomorrow my life will be empty. No more Big Brother, no more house mates arguing, no more silly tasks and most of all no more Russell Brand! Doh.......Oh well I guess we will have to wait for BB 8. I wonder what will be in store for us then? Who knows.....

Anyway that's my little bit over and done with. Now back on with the week....OMG it's been so cold this last week! I don't know about other parts of the UK and beyond but I got frozen every morning getting myself down to the train station. A few times I just didn't want to get out of my lovely warm bed! Then to top it all (I think God read my last blog) we were sent some snow!
I have been on an early shift this week. Leaving the house at about 5am in the morning when I think it's got to be at it's coldest! It was pretty cool though walking in the snow because NO one and I mean NOBODY had even stepped in it at that time of the morning. It's weird being up and about walking around my village at that time of the morning. I can literally walk down the middle of the road and not see a single car. Even the birds are tucked up in bed.

It was so cold this week that i couldn't even feel my nose. I had three jumpers on, a fleece and my winter anorak all huddled up on the deserted train.

Bobby had the right idea by not wanting to get out of his bed at all! Lucky little dog!

On Wednesday I went to visit Simon and Tasha and Brooke. It was nice to see them all again. Little Brooke is getting so big now. She is really turning into a little person. I helped Tasha bathe her and clean her up which was great. Don't expect no pictures of her in the bath there are laws against that sort of thing.....LOL We sat and chatted and then got takeaway and I came home. Simon wasn't feeling too well so I hope he feels better now? This is Simon's dog Leo. I don't think I've talked about him before. He is ever so sweet and very well behaved. I'm not really a big dog kinda person but I will make the exception for him...

The week at work has been busy. The bad weather has kept us on our toes. I tell ya the slightest bit of bad weather and people start to drive like maniacs. Here's a little tip for you..Always drive to suit the conditions! Speed limits are in place as a maximum speed but also only a guide so if it's icy it doesn't mean to say you have to do 70mph on the motorway.

After seeing Simon the other night I went and visited Yatin. He has just moved into his own flat in Basildon which ain't far from me. We chatted and he showed me around. He has done well for himself. It's a nice little place and with a bit of decorating it will be great for him. As you can see it was getting late and he was ready for bed....awww bless him in his jim jams lol (I didn't think people wore them anymore?)

I was working on Saturday but then after I had to head off to Liverpool. I had a good journey. It only took me about 3.5 hours on the journey up and 4 hours on the return. I did wave as I passed Leicester. I'm not sure if any of you saw me? I would have come by but I was rushing for time but the next time I'm coming up north I will make arrangements and visit all my lovely bloggers....

Thank goodness I'm not up early in the morning that would kill me after my long drive from Liverpool. Then I have a whole weekend off to look forward too where I'm hoping to see Tom and Guy. I haven't seen them since Christmas! I have been missing them a lot. Also I haven't seen Aaron Kumar! so if anyone knows where he is. TELL HIM to phone me before I file a missing persons report!
Before I go I have to thank Raks and Todd for your comments. It's ok guys I might manage to lose a limb next week...He he. I hope everyone who reads the blog is well and happy. Remember to leave your comments and let me know whats going on in your lives too. I want to hear all about it!
Enjoy the week.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Morning everybody, I hope the week has been good for you all? I've been OK this week. AM still feeling a bit ruff from this horrible stomach bug that seems to be about. I think we've all had it at work now.

Before I start going on and on I think it's probably time all you readers in Leicester gathered in the office and rang Raks and got him out of bed? I can't believe he is still off work.....He's just being lazy now! Steve I think you should just take his annual leave days off him and make him work all year.

OK well I hope everyone is sitting comfortably? It's been a kinda odd week. The weather has really been getting me down! I think if I get rained upon or blown down the road one more time I will shout out. It was like the end of the world. This has meant that I was really busy at work! We had trees falling down all over the place. To demonstrate how bad it got in London Take a look at one of the unlucky cars below!
I was stood by the police car having just come out of lunch and all of a sudden about 10 yards from my head flew this satellite dish that was ripped off the wall by the wind! It was really bad. I'm surprised more people weren't injured! I've never seen it that bad.

Tom and Guy came back from Las Vegas a few days ago. I have spoken to Guy and I heard that they had a great time. They travelled all over, visiting San Francisco and Chicago too. It was funny yesterday I got a letter through the door addressed to me.

I opened it to find a post card from Tom and Guy. On this was a little post it note that read "No idea how this got delivered to Priory Gardens N6 but I hope it gets through this time" I couldn't believe it. Well actually I could, my postman is a bit rubbish! It's crazy that the post card managed to travel all this way from San Francisco and then then get lost in the UK and the ONLY reason it found it's way to me is because of a good Samaritan! LOL......

Oh my god..Bobby has just farted and it stinks! I aint sleeping with him if he's gonna do that all night long! YUK!

I managed to embarrass myself this week whilst at the train station after getting bored waiting for a delayed train I spotted a bin full of newspapers and thought I would be clever as the station was deserted and help myself to a paper. I took a quick glance to check no one was about and delved in and as I grabbed a paper out the stupid train pulled in and I must have looked like a right tramp. Those trains are like gold fish bowls and it was packed with commuters. I then had to get on the train and felt very embarrassed.

The weekend has been a quiet one for me. I was invited to go out to dinner with Tom and Guy and both their families to celebrate Guys 30th Birthday that was back in the beginning of January but I didn't feel too good. Sorry to you both I would have really enjoyed coming. Instead I spent it close to the bathroom although as you can see some of the floor tiles are down now so hopefully it won't be too much longer and I will be able to show you all the completed room.
Now someone tell me what the deal is with this microwave I saw in Tesco's (yeah I know you all think I spend my life there!) what does it mean?

Do you have to manually heat it? Like put fire wood inside it? I don't get it?

I think I should mention a bit about Big Brother. I'm so glad that Jade got booted out. My faith has been restored in the British public! She was such an awful person to poor Shilpa. What a bully! I find it hard though to accept that she is just 'stupid' and that she doesn't know what comes out of her mouth. How on earth can a 'stupid' person earn herself £8 million pound in only four years? Answer me that one! I don't know how you all feel about it? All I hope is that she is punished and that people think twice before buying or watching anything that she is related too.

Before I go for another week I promised Raks I would put on one of his pictures from the Kylie concert. Poor Kylie I hear she wasn't very well at the Manchester gig but at least she tried to carry on and not let her fans down.
I hope you all have a great week and I hope you'll come back next week! Remember to leave me some comments or send me some pictures because without you and your input my blog is just a useless diary.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Evening everybody. I hope you've all had a really good weekend? Mine was OK. Nothing special going on. I didn't get to go to any Kylie concerts unlike some people! But never mind. The rest of us will just have to get by with the highlight of the weekend being a visit to Tesco's...LOL.

It's been just so cold and rainy this week. I've had the hump! So I was getting my skinny ass out of bed at about 4am but to make it worse walking down to the train station it has been so cold and wet and windy. My poor little face has been battered this week by the elements. I'm surprised i haven't got a cold yet.

My phone has been playing me up big time as I think some of you know and after getting really frustrated with the call centre I decided to take it back to the shop and have them send it off for repair. So this week not only have I been feeling the January blues I have had to contend with NOT being in touch with the world! It's weird just how attached to having a phone you get. I managed to get the phone back on Friday so it was only for a few days but it was strange! You should all try it sometime. I kept thinking like I had lost something? Or left something behind whenever I left the house. That's the reason why I need to apologise for the lack of pictures on the blog this week.

SO those of you that only come here for the pictures will have to READ instead this week! Ha!

I promise to make up for the lack of pics next week.

Thanks to everyone for putting their comments down last week. Those two lovely gals in Leicester. You would make me the most envied man in Leicester if you took me out to Nando's. Two sexy girls on my arm both willing to pay for my meal too, what more could I ask for? He He

Thanks to Todd too. I said I would upload this picture of Todd's new friend called Alan. I gather he is a new reader to our little Blog society here. So lets all welcome Alan to our gang.
Now that's all the thanks and creeping out the way what have I been up to? Well the beginning of the week I had to go see the hygienist. She scraped and polished my teeth until they hurt. My gums were bleeding like mad! Sounds attractive I know. she said she was very pleased with my brushing though and that I only had soft plaque (did I spell that right?) which I guess is good? For those of you that don't like the dentist, I can sympathise with you all. It's a bit of a horrible experience but at least I only have to go through it once every six months or so.
Tuesday was my day off and apart from having to waste the entire morning sorting out my broken phone I also had an appointment with my Nutritionist Marisa. Or some of you know her as Gillian LOL...She took all my money and told me to go eat more food which is about right. I don't have to see here for another 2 months which will give my wallet a rest. It's always open and never full! Funny that....
I had to work on Saturday this week but managed to get to Tesco's afterwards and fight my way around the aisle's. I think I do hate food shopping more than anything. It's such a pain. Do you guys get home delivery? I might try it. I know my Mum uses it but it just seems lazy to me.
Bobby has been a good boy this week. After his bath last week he's been going out on the pull and coming home late some nights. If you see him when your out and about then let me know exactly what club he is going too.
Sunday has flown by. I managed to wash the car and hoover the house but that's about it. My bed is calling me right now. I need to get some sleep particularly as I have a long day at work tomorrow!
I hope your all keeping OK and not working too hard. I hope to see you all next week by which time I will have a lot more pictures and interesting chat for you all to read and see.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hi everyone,

It's getting late and I'm very tired this evening. I think it must be because of all this miserable rain we have here in Essex today. It's not stopped all weekend actually. Anyway...Hope your all OK and recovered from the New Years eve celebrations and back to work. Working hard in whatever it is that your paid to do.

It's been a quiet week really. I've been settling back into work. Which by Tuesday I was ready to need some more holiday! Although I've only got 2 days of annual leave left so am not sure what I am going to do until April! Never mind. So if anyone here has some leave they don't want can they send it to me LOL. I've not really done much this week. I picked up my new car on Friday which was great. The old banger had to go in the end. It was seriously going to explode, fall apart or something...So I got a lovely little Vauxhall Corsa.

It's only just over 12 months old and is really nice. I've never had a Vauxhall before so wasn't too sure what to make of them but after driving it all weekend I've got on rather well with it. It's probably the quietest small car I've ever been in. It's got one of those automatic and manual gearboxes which like my smart car is ok if your one of these people who likes to do both. I can't see the point in changing gear myself. If you can get something else to do it why bother yourself? It's cheap to tax with a small engine and is so comfortable I really love it. So keep a look out for me in my purple love machine in the near future! If you see me on the streets bib me up.

I managed to injure myself AGAIN this week. I think as I get older I'm getting clumsier (did I spell that right?) This time I managed to shut my hand in the door to the gym and it bled big time. LOL although this is the opposite middle finger from the damaged one the other week. Luckily I carry plasters with me now so I can patch myself up.

Bobby has had a good week. After all the excitement of Christmas he has been resting at home, keeping warm in my bed. I decided to give him a shower the other day which is always a mistake. He likes the bit where I shower him in the warm water and he don't actually mind the shampoo bit either. BUT when we get to the drying off bit he hates it. He goes mad. I ended up running around the house trying to dry him off. LOL He was biting me and growling i think he might be possessed so if anyone know a good exorcist then let me know.

I don't' know if any of you lot are watching Celebrity Big Brother but I thought I should give it a mention. I love CBB and normal BB but this week I haven't had much time to watch it but what I've seen so far has been good. I can't wait to see all them celeb ego's getting just what they deserve, a taste of the real world!

Yesterday night me and a mate went out for dinner which was cool. We went to Nando's in Mile end (East end of London). I love Nando's. I'm not really too keen on the really spicy chicken and have only just progressed to the 'medium' one but I do like it. I had chicken with chips and coleslaw....mmmmmm....could just eat it again now actually.
Thanks to everyone for their comments they left last week. I must say that poor Raks got a bit of a verbal bashing! Last week with his gruff, ruff, rugged voice LOL but it weren't his fault. I think he's been out kissing too many girls that's his problem! I know he's off work now so I guess the office must be a bit on the quiet side in Leicester?

Finally I should just say a little something about poor little Brooke who hasn't been very well this week. Just wanted to say that Uncle Stuart sends his love and hopes she is feeling more herself next week.

I hope you all enjoy your week. Don't work too hard and remember if you got anything you want me to mention on the Blog just send me an e-mail. Thanks again to everyone who left a comment. See you all next week.

