Sunday, October 29, 2006

Evening everyone. Hope your all happy to be back at work or whatever it is your doing on this Monday morning. It's been a bit of a strange week for me (stranger than ususal). I'm sure I mentioned in previous Blogs about me having to have an operation at the Dentists to fill a gap in the back of my mouth. It's purely cosmetic and I guess some people might think i'm mad but I wanted to get the best treatment and after much thought decided to go for an implant. Dental Implants are commonly, small titanium screws that are fixed into the jawbone, which in effect, acts like the root of a natural tooth. An even smaller titanium extension is then secured to the implant and a new Dental Crown (or tooth cap) is secured over the dental implant. This Dental Crown can be made of robust porcelain or ceramic and will be professionally matched to the colour of your natural teeth. Dental Implants can be used to replace either a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. It is a pretty amazing procedure.

As you can see from these pics the titanium post is inserted into my jaw. Which I must say was the most unpleasant part of the operation. My Dentist had to drill 11mm into my upper left Sinus cavity and through jaw and gum and then insert it. The diagram on the right actually shows the tooth but it takes over 6 months for the whole area to heal up properly before I can go back and have the tooth put on it. As you can see the gap in my mouth was right at the back and not really noticeble but I knew it was there and it was bugging me.

I'm interested to know what you all think about these kind of treatments? Would you have gone as far as me to have it done? Would you have been happy leaving it?

I had to op at my local Dentists in Harold Wood. Andrew is my Dentist and he is really great. Very friendly and very professional. He has been running his private practise for a long time and specialises in cosmetic dentistry and has all these new gadgets.

I'm not scared of the Dentist at all. I used to be but not anymore. I think it's the fear of the unknown that put the fear in me but once I been back a few times I am totally over it now.

I think the worst part of the whole thing was the tablets I had to take which were called Tomazapan. They really made me go out of my head. I was so spaced out it was unbelievable. I don't remember much about whole thing. The few hours leading upto the op and the couple of days after it. Thank goodness my Mum was there to look after me. As you can see from these pictures below it was a real strange experience. I did'nt know where I was or what I was doing. I don't know how people that are on those pills all the time are able to lead a normal life because I found it very difficult. They made me happy, sleepy,upset, high, low and all those feeling you could feel but it was like a changing mood every few minutes.
Would I have the operation again? I've thought a lot about this and i'm not too sure really. I certainly would think about it as it's a very natural thing for your body because the body grows around the Titanium meaning that it is much more than just a false tooth.
My mouth is still very sore and as you can see from this picture it's a bit of a mess inside still but time will heal it. I still have a couple of stitches in there which are due to come out on Tuesday and then we can see if it was really worth it.

All I know right now is that I could'nt have done any of it without my Mum's help. She was great and I appreciated her staying with me. I don't think she knew what to do with me really anyway. I was so happy and out of my head I think she was a bit scared to leave me. It's her Birthday today (Monday) so I want everyone to wish her an extra special day. We are all going out tonight to celebrate which will be nice, I will take plenty of piccies for you all.

I've been quite busy this weekend with trying to get on with finishing off the bathroom tiling. My Dad has been in and out helping me but it's seems to be going on forever. I shall be glad once it's all done.

On Sunday my Dad invited me around his place for Sunday lunch which was lovely. We had roast duck with all the trimmings with home made Rubharb Crumble for dessert yum yum. As you can see my Grandad was there.

Then in the evening I popped into the west end of London to see Aaron. He looked very tired so I took him out for a Starbucks coffee and that seemed to sort him out.

Then it was back home for some dinner and get ready for bed. Thats about all for this week. I know it's been pretty boring and quiet but I've not felt like doing much. I have a few plans for next week. Thankfully I've been paid by then so I have some money to do stuff. Before I go I want to thank Todd for the little pressie he sent me. I wont say too much but it will help me get to sleep at work. although some people might say i don't need any help in that department. Thanks anyway Todd I will put it to good use.

Enjoy your week at work and I hope you'll come back next week.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ello everyone. Thanks for coming to visit. It's been a busy week. I was on early shift at work and think I've only probably got about 10 hours sleep in the last three - four days. I feel shattered right now but it's been a cool week, I just think I overdid the going out.

On Monday I had to go on a training course at work. Every six months we have to go on officer safety courses. These are compulsory and basically we run through a refresher of all the defence and of course attack methods we have and how to handle certain situations. I tend to switch my brain off I've done this for so long now I just go with the flow and try not to get too into it. For the first time though we had to go and use a private gym that the met rented out. I'm not too sure why they would pay out all this money when most police stations have gymnasiums. They couldn't have chosen a more gay gym. It was quite entertaining as I don't think anybody was working out really they were all just stood around staring at each other LOL.... I had to get there for 8am which was well early. Also the fact that it was in Covent Garden meant that I had to get my ass out of bed really early to get the first train.
It was a nice little gynasium actually that I reckon must got well over £100 quid a month to be a member.

Itwasn'tt such a bad day though thinking about it now. We were finished by 12 so I had a chance to get back home early and cut the grass.

On Tuesday I had my weekly rest day as I had to work on Saturday. I'm sure you all remember I had my appointment with the Nutrionist. It was quite a strange experience. If Gillian Mackiefmodeledd herself on anybody then it was this lady! She didn't stop telling me off for a whole hour n half. I didn't mind too much as it was for my own good. Basically she took out everything from my current eating habit and replaced it with good stuff. Ididn'tt realise just how much junk and bad food I actually eat. So from now on I am on a new healthier, high in Carbs food regime. As you can see from the picture below my trolley looks suprisingly green and healthy although it was a bit traumatic going round Tesco's trying to find things I have never bought before.

I will keep going to see her until I think it's no longer useful. For now it is doing me some good so I will stick to the diet and the appointments, although at £65 quid an hour the cost is quite high, never mind, yoshouldn'tnt put a price on health.

On Wednesday evening I went to meet up with Aaron. He was running a bit late so I was hovering around the West End killing some time. I was walking through Soho and saw a huge crowd of people and camera's so I went to take a look. It was the premier of the new Monty Python stage play called 'Spamalot' it's kinda based on the original comedy movie 'The Holy Grail'. It was weird I was waiting around watching all the cameras and that when I turned round and there was Cliff Richard, Cilla Black , Eddie Izzard, Stephen Fry, Cristopher Biggins all getting out of their cars. LOL I was quite star struck. It's strange to see people off the telly in real life, quite surreal.

On Thursday Guy and I went to seRussellel Brand at Brighton Dome. It was a kinda stand up show. For those of you who don't know Russell (Why?) he is a very funny comedian who presents the Big Brother spin off show called Big Brother's Big Mouth. He is kinda a cross between Rod Stewart and something out of the Rocky Horror show. LOL but very very funny. The venue was really nice. Apparently it was the same place that Abba won the eurovision song contest back before they became really famous! Anyway Guy and I had a wicked time and I can't wait to do something like this again. Tom came along and we all had a meal before hand in an Indian Buffet (as we all know I like a good Indian)

On Sunday Guy, Tom and me went to Bluewater to do some Christmas shopping. It was well busy as you can see I had a blind date that day too, he was very fit but a bit furry and too forward for my liking LOL....

I wanna wish all the Hindus's who read my Blog a very happy Diwali or Saal Mubarak. Especially to Raks in Leicester who is my Indian advisor on these topics LOL.......

Well I'm gonna leave you with this pic. I got my eyes tested he he and this is what I went for! What you reckon? Sexy or what? LOL Very NHS?

Enjoy our week everyone and I hope you can join me next week to sewhat'sts been going on.




Sunday, October 15, 2006

Evening everyone,

I will keep this short n brief because I'm well tired. I was at work all day today and haven't been home long after a long long 12 hour shift I feel that all I want right now is my bed! He he....I hope your all ok and that you've had a good weekend most of you I hope away from work.

My week has been good. To start with I went to see Jamie in his play in Islington at the Pleasence theatre. It is not what I expected from a theatre. It was quite small and we all sat in the roof with the wooden rafters just above our heads. Quite bizarre! It was so hot in there too and cramped which didn't help. Nas came with me and we had a real laugh actually. The play was called Ashes to Ashes. It was all about this old lady that dies and the main story is set around the wake, the family don't get on and it focus' on that throughout the play. One side of the family are very straight laced and proper whilst the other side, the mother has a toy boy and the kids are quite unruly. I seemed strange to see Jaime acting away on stage, to me it was hard to not see him as just being himself. We all met up after to celebrate and congratulate him in the bar which was good, he deserved some well done drinks...

After the performance me and Nas went off to get something to eat and we chatted for hours about stuff. I had a really different evening. It wasn't something I would normally do so it made a real change. Nas enjoyed himself too.

On Friday I went to see my new God Daughter who is just the sweetest little thing I've ever seen. Simon and Tasha look really happy and proud of her and it's as if they were all meant to be one happy little family. As I told you all last week she was a week old on Friday and God only knows how Tasha managed to get her out, she must have been pushing 'ard'!

I had never held a baby before and to be honest I didn't know what I was supposed to do or how to do it. But after a little while I think I got the hang of it and I even helped Mummy Tasha change a nappy too, which I've always wanted to do. Brooke really is a very sweet little baby and I can't wait to see her grow up.

Yesterday I was invited to Guy's place to a dinner party. It was his Dad's 66'th birthday and we had a little get together. Alan who was born on the same day as Sir Cliff Richard got loads of cards. Guys parents are called Alan and Margaret. They are a very sweet couple who always make me feel really welcome whenever I am in their house.

Guy was cooking for us all. He made a lovely lasagne whilst his Mum made a beautiful cake for dessert. I was totally stuffed afterwards and we all needed a walk to try and aid our digestion. I had a a fun day and it was great to see Tom and Guy again.

As you can see from the perfect picture above Guy is the perfect hostess with the mostess...he he.

Finally today I was working. I will be glad of a rest over the next few days. I am working but back onto Early shift. I have another busy week planned so make sure you come back next Monday to find out whats been going on.

Hope your all ok.

Lots of love,



Sunday, October 08, 2006

Good Evening to you all. I hope your all fine. I have had an OK week really. I was on an early shift and have been getting up out of my bed by 4am and it's been really quite cold! I was walking down the train station every morning cursing the weather and the dark and the smelly train. YUK! It was quite an uneventful week. My rest day for the week was on Friday and I decided to get my hair cut. It really rained that day and I managed to get soaked through before I got to the hairdressers. Kelly, my usual hairdresser is on her honeymoon in Kenya on some safari so I had to make do with Olly. OMG all he did for the whole time was talk about himself. I don't think I have ever met anyone as self centered as he is. I was glad to leave. I mean I don't mind people talking about themselves but with him it's not a two way conversation. I think he's discovered a way of speaking without breathing so he just keeps going on and on without ever stopping. He did do a good job with cutting my hair though. A few people have commented on how nice it looks so it was maybe worth the torture.

Well, that's my moan out of the way. The rest of the week has been pretty average. It was Simons birthday on Tuesday. So Happy Birthday to you Simon!

On Friday 6th Simon and Tasha had a beautiful baby girl called Brooke. She weighed 7 pound 7 ounces. I haven't been to see them yet but as you can see from the picture, she is adorable. I'm sure you all remember me saying that they asked me to be the godfather which I am very proud to be. So congratulations to Simon and Tasha. I know they will make great parents. I'm hoping to go and see them next Friday so make sure you check the blog next week as I will have some better pictures by then.
Also on Friday I managed to find time to go and visit my Nan and grandad. They were in good form. They are called May and Wally and for those of you that don't know are my Mum's parents. I managed to catch a sneaky picture of my Gran in the kitchen.

On Saturday I had to work and to be honest I don't think there was much point in me going in really. There wasn't much to do apart from sleep in the back of the van and drive about. I went to Tesco's in the afternoon and then spent the evening in front of the t.v. watching X Factor.

Sunday (today) has been quite a different day for me. I spent the day with Yatin, his brother Jenus, cousin Leena and friend Nav. We had all decided to go to the Ideal Home show in Earls Court. Before we went I got invited to attend prayers or Bhajan which in Hindu means devotional songs at there place of worship. I was a bit apprehensive about going but I'm glad now that I went along. It was quite an amazing experience. People of all ages were there singing and praying. It was something I have never experienced before.

From what I could make of what was going on was that each person takes it in turns to sing. The congregation split into two halves. One side Male the other Female. The stage has pictures of all the religions and a picture of the Guru or Spiritual Teacher. Everyone made me feel really at home. I was the only white person there but after a while I was getting into things. The songs were really pretty and uplifting with people playing the drums and other instruments which I guess are traditional Indian.

Hinduism' is a Western term which refers to the diverse religious and cultural traditions that come from the Vedas, which is the ancient Sanskrit writings of India. It has no clearly definable beginning, though scholars date it back more than five thousand years. At the end this little boy came around with some powder stuff and you put it on your forehead and wipe it around your neck and it apparently protects you from bad things in this world. They believe we all have a third eye in our foreheads for spiritual reasons.

Yatin and his family are heavily into the community and helping people that are less well off than them and it seemed that ALL those people in that room were exactly the same. It made me think about just how much I give back to society? Thinking long and hard about it probably not very much.

After we all got into the car and drove off to Earls Court to the Ideal Home exhibition. It was a bit disappointing really. The stands didn't have much in the way of displays and most of it was silly gadgets and the market place.

Some of the showers they had on display were pretty cool. There was one that was like a space capsule that had a t.v., music, massage jets and seats for two people. LOL really funny, the Sofa's were wicked. There was one that was electric and extended outwards so you could lay down without even moving. Bobby would love it !

On the left is Jenus and on the right is Yatin after we locked him in the shower but unfortunately he got out!

So it's back to work tomorrow unfortunately. I am on late shift but have got a few nights out planned. On Thursday I am going to see Jamie performing in his new play which I am quite excited about. It's my Grandads Birthday on Friday although it's the 13th so I think if your superstitious then stay indoors that day. He He.... Whilst I'm on the subject of Birthdays. Today was the birthday of my Dad. He has got company over right now from America so I didn't get to see him but I hope when he's free of all that he will make some time for us to celebrate.

I hope you all have a great week whatever it is you do. Make sure you come back next week and please please please leave me some comments. I think poor Todd is getting lonely being the only one leaving them.....



Sunday, October 01, 2006

Hi everybody. It's been a busy week for me really. Since I got back from my hols I've been working all hours and because I worked the whole of last weekend haven'tnt had much of a rest which was starting to get me down. The thought of having to work 11 whole days on the trot were not that appealing for me! Thankfully Guy got some free tickets to Thorpe Park so Tom,Guy and myself took ourselves off for a fun day. It was fairly quiet as you would expect but we had some real fun. To be honest I don't really like the roller coasters and it takes me courage just to go on the smallest of rides but Guy can sometimes persuade me to go on them. Tom and Guy are much braver than me and they go on all of the rides.

The ride you see in the picture above is the new one called 'Stealth' it was only being tried out and no one actually went on it (NOT that I would have gone on it) but it's a really beautiful looking piece of metal. The whole ride only lasts about 5 seconds but it gets to 0-60 in about 2 seconds! When it's flying around the track it sounds like an airplane. Not a ride for the faint hearted! We went on about all of the rides in the morning as it was so quiet and then went for a bite to eat. The food was lovely it was like a BBQ grill place where they were cooking chicken and stuff like that. Yum Yum but wasn'tnt going on any rides with a full stomach! In the afternoon the weather turned a bit breezy and overcast but Guy just had to go on a few more rides. As you can see from the picture below they both got a bit wet!

We stayed at the park until about 4pm and then went ouseparatete ways. I had to get back for little Bobby. Later that night I ended up going back into town to the West End and meeting up with my friend Jamie. We went to the G.A.Y bar in Soho which was good fun. They tend to play a lot of pop music so I like it there and the mood is very laid back and most of the people there don't have chips on there shoulders. It was funny actually I finished seeing Jamie and got a txt from Aaron to say he was there too but on a different floor of the pub so I managed to catch up with him before he flew off to the USA.

I think Aaron and I have sorted out all our differences. It was getting me really down, I hate falling out with any of my friends. It made me realise just how much he means to me. I always thought that he relied on me for things but actually without him around I started to realise that maybe he does more for me than I thought.

So, Lesson no.1 don't take people for granted or on face value!

Jamie is an actor and has landed himself a part in a new play being held at the Pleasance Theatre in Islington N7 so I am planning to go and give him some morale support. It will be funny to watch him acting on stage I'm not sure what it's going to be like but I'm sure he will give it his best.

On Friday it was 9 years to the day that my Gran past away so that was a sad day for me. I can't believe how long it has been since she left us. She was such a lovely lady who always had time for her family and put them first and never expected anything in return for her kindness. I'm sure one day I will see her again. It is strange, I don'knowow if any of you readers have lost anybody? I have been very lucky in my family we are all very healthy. As I was working lates this week didn'tnt get a chance to go visit my Gran at the church so I had to wait until Saturday. The church is local and my Grandad wanted half her ashes scattered there and he kept the other half so they can be together once again when it's his time. I found some lovely bright and colourful orange and yellow chrysanthemum's as you can see below.

After I visited the church I went to see my Grandad to check he was ok and he was fine. It is always a difficult time for all of us but it is especially hard for him. He has my Dad to keep him occupied and as I've said before my Dad is very good to him finding him little jobs to do and keeping him busy.

I have a few Birthdays to shout out about this week. It was Tasha's birthday on the 23rd and it's Simon's birthday on the 3rd. Their baby is due in a couple of weeks and we are all very excited about it. Simon, Tasha and myself all went out Saturday night to an all you can eat Chinese restaurant.

As you can see from the picture above Simon likes to mix his food up. I think he has curry, noodles, rice, chips, duck, ketchup and god knows what else. We had a nice evening and after the meal we went over the road for a drink and a chat in the pub. I can't wait for their baby to be born. I wanna try changing nappies.....he he

Today (Sunday) Tom and I met up and went to Bluewater shopping centre to do some shopping. It's my Mum's birthday this month and she would like a new Digital Camera and we wanted to go see what we could get. It was so busy there. We had a nice lunch together and ended up spending far too much as per usual. Guy was flying today so hcouldn'tnt come but I will be seeing him real soon when we go to see Russell Brand in Brighton for his stand up show.

Well thats about all for this week. I'm sure i've gone and forgotten something that I wanted to write about but never mind I can always put it in mid-week if I remember. It's been another strange week. Plenty of downs and very few up's but hey never mind tomorrow is the start of another week. I am sure you'll be back next week. I appreciate you listening to me.

